“We want to know what Dr. Fauci was being told about the coronavirus by the WHO and China,” Fitton stated in last week’s Weekly Update.
Suing the NIH for the release of Dr. Fauci’s communications with the World Health Organization, Judicial Watch “wants answers”on what Dr. Fauci and his deputy, Dr. Lane were being told by the WHO and potentially, by China. Dr. Fauci claims to have been “misled” by the WHO, one of his early mistakes being his analysis “of how transmittable the virus was. In part, I’m sure that came from the Chinese,” Fitton states. These admissions have prompted Judicial Watch to represent the Daily Caller News Foundation in their seeking discovery of their full communications.
“In a crisis, transparency and the rule of law should not fall on the wayside,” Fitton states. In its fight to uphold transparency in government, Judicial Watch has already filed over 30 FOIA requests to receive complete records on the government’s response to the pandemic as well as information related to the “outrageous lockdowns” which Governors have imposed across the United States, who in Fitton’s words “have no lawful authority to shut down entire states.”
Judicial Watch believes it is imperative to investigate senior leadership in the National Institute of Health (NIH), from Dr. Fauci to Mr. Lane as it is “important to know what the WHO was telling our top medical officials,” Fitton concludes.

Judicial Watch Sets Sights On Dr. Anthony Fauci, WHO; Here’s What Documents They Want To SeeThere’s been a lot of speculation about Dr. Anthony Fauci in the news over the last several months, particularly as more data becomes available about the coronavirus that seems to contradict pretty much every single prediction the man has made as a part of Trump’s coronavirus task force.
Much news coverage has been dedicated to his seeming to say the opposite of the president during press conferences, leading to charges of trouble in their relationship. Both individuals have denied this vehemently.
However, Fauci’s statements this week to the Senate as a warning against reopening state economies too soon has made many individuals across the country incredibly uneasy and distrustful of him, including the good people over at Judicial Watch. Judicial Watch is now suing the NIH to get access to communications that have taken place between Fauci and the World Health Organization.
Here’s Judicial Watch with more information:
Suing the NIH for the release of Dr. Fauci’s communications with the World Health Organization, Judicial Watch “wants answers”on what Dr. Fauci and his deputy, Dr. Lane were being told by the WHO and potentially, by China. Dr. Fauci claims to have been “misled” by the WHO, one of his early mistakes being his analysis “of how transmittable the virus was. In part, I’m sure that came from the Chinese,” Fitton states. These admissions have prompted Judicial Watch to represent the Daily Caller News Foundation in their seeking discovery of their full communications.
“In a crisis, transparency and the rule of law should not fall on the wayside,” Fitton states. In its fight to uphold transparency in government, Judicial Watch has already filed over 30 FOIA requests to receive complete records on the government’s response to the pandemic as well as information related to the “outrageous lockdowns” which Governors have imposed across the United States, who in Fitton’s words “have no lawful authority to shut down entire states.”
Judicial Watch believes it is imperative to investigate senior leadership in the National Institute of Health (NIH), from Dr. Fauci to Mr. Lane as it is “important to know what the WHO was telling our top medical officials,” Fitton concludes.
The reason Judicial Watch is doing this is because Fauci and other high ranking medical officials have played a huge role in advocating the proper courses of action that our president and state governors need to take in order to control the spread of this virus, and thus if there are missteps being taken by these individuals, we need to know about it. Especially since the current strategy of locking everyone down with stay-at-home orders is ravaging the economy.
We need to know if China is really responsible for this mess and if so, they must be held accountable for their actions. So should the World Health Organization and anyone else who has misled our country in handling COVID-19.
There’s so much going on here that we do not understand because we lack the information these individuals have exchanged with one another. It’s time for transparency and for personal responsibility to step to the forefront of this outbreak.

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