Airmen assist one another in donning their personal protective equipment, while on-board an Air Force C-17 Globemaster III during transportation isolation system training at Joint Base Charleston, South Carolina. Engineered and implemented after the Ebola virus outbreak in 2014, the TIS is an enclosure the Department of Defense can use to safely transport patients with diseases like novel coronavirus. (U.S. Air Force photo)
Tucker Carlson: "Poisonous Moron" Acosta & Media Protecting China At All Costs, Priority Is "Wokeness"
In a monologue Thursday night, Tucker Carlson said the media is using Chinese talking points not to point to China as the originator of the COVID-19 virus. Carlson denounced reporters like "poisonous moron" Jim Acosta, who called it xenophobic for President Trump to state that COVID-19 came from China, for using Chinese Communist Party talking points.
"Even when China blaming us for a plague they unleashed, even with the Chinese government threatened to murder our citizens by cutting off drugs, our media continued to take their side," Carlson said.
"Amazingly though it was just two months, and we keep track, that Acosta was sending tweets himself about the 'Wuhan coronavirus.' He hadn't yet received his orders from Jeff Zucker which receives his from China, so that was okay. But now, the word is out, must protect China at all costs," Carlson argued.
"Just to be clear, describing a virus from Wuhan as the Wuhan virus is not xenophobia, it's accuracy and anyone who says otherwise is lying and probably for a reason," he said. "In any crisis, our government’s chief obligation is to the lives of our country’s citizens. It’s not to other countries, it's not to the GDP, it's certainly not to the Communist Party of China. But for our ruling class, the highest priority of all is now and always wokeness. That, and approval from Beijing."
TUCKER CARLSON, FOX NEWS: The global death toll of the Chinese coronavirus currently sits at almost five thousand people. That’s just the official number. In Iran, officials haven’t even confirmed 500 deaths, that's what they're claiming, and yet satellite images suggest authorities are excavating massive trenches to hold the bodies of victims. So the lesson there, and you knew this, the government's lie.
But they are not the only people who lie. As the death toll rises, it’s important to never forget how we got here: This pandemic came out of China. It came out of China for a reason. It is a country with poor health practices, it is a country where government officials deliberately covered up the early stages of the virus when it could have been stopped before it spread out of control.
In fact, the outbreak may have begun not in a public meat market but in a poorly run Chinese laboratory. That is not our theory. Anyone who raises that theory is attacked as if they are a conspiracy monger. But this is a theory from a now-censored Chinese paper. A draft paper posted in mid-February: Scientists at the South China University of Technology suggested that the virus outbreak began at the Wuhan Center for Disease Control where an animal may have infected a researcher who then spread the disease outside the facility. The paper is explicit about this, we're going to quote it: "The killer coronavirus probably originated in a laboratory in Wuhan."
Now we have no idea if that is actually true, but again those were Chinese researchers making an evidence-based argument about the origin of this virus. That paper has since been taken down, no explanation has been offered for that you can guess. Instead, China, the same country that controls 96% of anti-biotics in this nation, the same nation that has been wanting to cut off drug exports to the U.S. to kill Americans is now trying to hide the reality of where the coronavirus came from. In fact, they are doing worse than that.
The Communist Party of China is trying to blame the virus on America.
Lijian Zhao is a spokesman for China’s foreign ministry. A week ago, Zhao attacked anybody who dared to link the virus to China:
Certain media say this coronavirus is a “China Virus”. This is extremely irresponsible and we firmly oppose that. We are still tracing the origin of the virus and there is no conclusion yet.
That was last week. Zhao was evolved since then. Today, on Twitter, Zhao accused America of c the virreatingus. Quote, “When did patient zero begin in the U.S.? How many people are infected? What are the names of the hospitals? It might be the U.S. army that brought the epidemic to Wuhan. Be transparent! Make public your data! The U.S. owes us an explanation!”
Keep in mind, these are the people, the Chinese leadership that our media class has allied with, sucked up to for years, has made every excuse for, endlessly. Even when China blaming us for a plague they unleashed, even with the Chinese government threatened to murder our citizens by cutting off drugs, our media continued to take their side. Watch this.
CNN'S JIM ACOSTA: The President referred to the Coronavirus as a "foreign virus." ... And I think it's going to smack - it's going to come across to a lot of Americans as smacking of xenophobia.
That was CNN’s Jim Acosta, a poisonous moron. Amazingly though it was just two months, and we keep track, that Acosta was sending tweets himself about the "Wuhan coronavirus." He hadn't yet received his orders from Jeff Zucker which receives his from China, so that was okay. But now, the word is out, must protect China at all costs. Even presidential candidates are playing along. Watch this:
BIDEN: Downplaying it, being overly dismissive or spreading misinformation is only going to hurt us and further advance the spread of the disease, but neither should we panic or fall back on xenophobia. Labeling COVID-19 a "foreign virus" does not displace accountability for the misjudgments that have taken thus far by the Trump administration.
So it's our fault. Just to be clear, describing a virus from Wuhan as the Wuhan virus is not xenophobia, it's accuracy and anyone who says otherwise is lying and probably for a reason.
In any crisis, our government’s chief obligation is to the lives of our country’s citizens. It’s not to other countries, it's not to the GDP, it's certainly not to the Communist Party of China. But for our ruling class, the highest priority of all is now and always wokeness. That, and approval from Beijing.
But they are not the only people who lie. As the death toll rises, it’s important to never forget how we got here: This pandemic came out of China. It came out of China for a reason. It is a country with poor health practices, it is a country where government officials deliberately covered up the early stages of the virus when it could have been stopped before it spread out of control.
In fact, the outbreak may have begun not in a public meat market but in a poorly run Chinese laboratory. That is not our theory. Anyone who raises that theory is attacked as if they are a conspiracy monger. But this is a theory from a now-censored Chinese paper. A draft paper posted in mid-February: Scientists at the South China University of Technology suggested that the virus outbreak began at the Wuhan Center for Disease Control where an animal may have infected a researcher who then spread the disease outside the facility. The paper is explicit about this, we're going to quote it: "The killer coronavirus probably originated in a laboratory in Wuhan."
Now we have no idea if that is actually true, but again those were Chinese researchers making an evidence-based argument about the origin of this virus. That paper has since been taken down, no explanation has been offered for that you can guess. Instead, China, the same country that controls 96% of anti-biotics in this nation, the same nation that has been wanting to cut off drug exports to the U.S. to kill Americans is now trying to hide the reality of where the coronavirus came from. In fact, they are doing worse than that.
The Communist Party of China is trying to blame the virus on America.
Lijian Zhao is a spokesman for China’s foreign ministry. A week ago, Zhao attacked anybody who dared to link the virus to China:
Certain media say this coronavirus is a “China Virus”. This is extremely irresponsible and we firmly oppose that. We are still tracing the origin of the virus and there is no conclusion yet.
That was last week. Zhao was evolved since then. Today, on Twitter, Zhao accused America of c the virreatingus. Quote, “When did patient zero begin in the U.S.? How many people are infected? What are the names of the hospitals? It might be the U.S. army that brought the epidemic to Wuhan. Be transparent! Make public your data! The U.S. owes us an explanation!”
Keep in mind, these are the people, the Chinese leadership that our media class has allied with, sucked up to for years, has made every excuse for, endlessly. Even when China blaming us for a plague they unleashed, even with the Chinese government threatened to murder our citizens by cutting off drugs, our media continued to take their side. Watch this.
CNN'S JIM ACOSTA: The President referred to the Coronavirus as a "foreign virus." ... And I think it's going to smack - it's going to come across to a lot of Americans as smacking of xenophobia.
That was CNN’s Jim Acosta, a poisonous moron. Amazingly though it was just two months, and we keep track, that Acosta was sending tweets himself about the "Wuhan coronavirus." He hadn't yet received his orders from Jeff Zucker which receives his from China, so that was okay. But now, the word is out, must protect China at all costs. Even presidential candidates are playing along. Watch this:
BIDEN: Downplaying it, being overly dismissive or spreading misinformation is only going to hurt us and further advance the spread of the disease, but neither should we panic or fall back on xenophobia. Labeling COVID-19 a "foreign virus" does not displace accountability for the misjudgments that have taken thus far by the Trump administration.
So it's our fault. Just to be clear, describing a virus from Wuhan as the Wuhan virus is not xenophobia, it's accuracy and anyone who says otherwise is lying and probably for a reason.
In any crisis, our government’s chief obligation is to the lives of our country’s citizens. It’s not to other countries, it's not to the GDP, it's certainly not to the Communist Party of China. But for our ruling class, the highest priority of all is now and always wokeness. That, and approval from Beijing.
Time to Hold China Accountable for Unleashing Hell on the World
Communist regime engaged in a massive cover-up — exposing the world to a global pandemic and economic meltdown.
Despite criticism from elements within the elitist establishment media and some radical progressives, President Donald Trump was correct to refer to the COVID-19 virus as a “foreign virus” or “Chinese virus.” Leading the charge of the president’s critics was none other than CNN’s Jim Acosta, who stated that reference to the virus as “foreign” may strike people as “xenophobic.”
In response, Fox’s Tucker Carlson accurately referred to Acosta as a “poisonous moron.” In fact, Carlson was being kind to Acosta, who works for an organization that has long abandoned actual journalism in favor of propaganda.
The Coronavirus, which has thus far killed at least 9,386 and infected 229,960 others, emerged from the city of Wuhan, which is the capital of Hubei province in the People’s Republic of China. Chinese authorities were well aware that they had a pandemic on their hands way back in December but maliciously suppressed information about it. Significantly, The Times of UK, citing a respected and independent Chinese publication, reports that in December Chinese labs identified the pathogen that caused viral pneumonia in patients infected with the coronavirus disease and described the pathogen as highly infectious. A regional health official in Wuhan ordered the compiled samples and related research destroyed. Chinese authorities belatedly acknowledged the highly infectious nature of the disease in late January.When news of the Wuhan virus began to surface through desperate and often disquieting social media posts, the communist regime of the People’s Republic did what it does best and silenced those responsible for the posts by making them disappear. Needless to say, the regime deactivated their social media accounts as well.
China’s leader Xi Jinping does not handle criticism well. The latest victim of China’s crackdown on information is Ren Zhiqiang, an outspoken property tycoon and government critic. After publishing an essay critical of the government’s handling of the outbreak, Ren Zhiqiang disappeared and has not been heard or seen since.
Trump’s national security advisor, Robert O’Brien noted that the calculated Chinese cover-up cost the world for two months. Early intervention by virology experts of the CDC could have thwarted an outbreak or at least minimized it. Affected nations could have stopped flights to and from China earlier, limiting exposure.
In addition to lives lost and disrupted, the Chinese virus has already taken an incalculable toll on the world’s economies. The Stock Market is down by 25 percent. Retirees have watched helplessly as their retirement portfolios dwindle. The unemployment rate in the United States is expected to rise to 6 percent by mid-2021, up from its current 3.5 percent. Businesses are shuttering and bustling metropolitan cities like New York look like ghost towns. It’s almost apocalyptic in scope and scale.
All of this could have been avoided had China been more forthcoming about its Wuhan flu. But there’s more to this story than a mere Chinese cover-up.
There are two theories as to the origin of the Wuhan flu. The first is that it originated at a Chinese wet market, where live animals like dogs, cats, snakes and Kuala bears are slaughtered in the most filthy and unsanitary conditions. These wet markets are breeding grounds for animal to human virus transmission, and Chinese authorities were well aware of the risks associated with such wet markets.
The second theory is that the virus emerged from a hazardous level 4 bio-weapons facility in Wuhan, located adjacent to the wet market. The virus managed to migrate from the lab, perhaps from an infected bat, to the wet market.
Chinese wet markets are controversial not only because animals in such markets are badly mistreated, but also because they represent a known biohazard to humans. The deadly H7N9 strain, which surfaced in 2013, was believed to have come from one of these Chinese wet markets. The Chinese SARS virus, which surfaced in 2002 also originated from one of these markets.
Yet despite the known hazards posed by these wet markets, Chinese authorities did little, if anything, to shut them down. The Chinese government did eventually shut down the Wuhan wet market but others throughout China, and parts of Asia still operate without regulation or safeguards.
Instead of accepting blame for unleashing hell on the world, the regime has opted to change the narrative, insinuating that the United States was responsible. On March 12, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian wrote on twitter, “When did patient zero begin in the US? How many people are infected? What are the names of the hospitals? It might be the US army [sic] who brought the epidemic to Wuhan. Be transparent! Make public your data! The US owes [sic] us an explanation!” In this regard, the communist government of China is no different than the mullahs of the Islamic Republic, who blamed the coronavirus on America, the Zionists, and the Jews.
A government-run Chinese paper also advocated that China halt export of needed medicines to the U.S. to combat COVID-19 in the hope of plunging the U.S. into “the mighty sea of coronavirus.”. Over the years, pharmaceutical companies have opted to have their drugs manufactured in China because it’s cheaper. China now maintains a dominant position in the global supply chain for pharmaceuticals.
The West must make China pay dearly for its maleficence. As of December 2019, U.S. debt to China was $1.07 trillion. We can begin the process of just retribution and compensation there. We also have the option of imposing tariffs on China and earmark funds collected from those special tariffs to a selected account aimed at assisting those adversely affected by the Chinese coronavirus. Lastly, the United States must come to the realization that manufacturing jobs must be brought back to America’s shores and America must be restored to the manufacturing giant it once was.
For far too long, Democrats and even some Republicans took a soft approach on China, disregarding its abysmal human rights record, its theft of trade secrets and intellectual property, its unrestricted hacking activities, its illegal encroachment on the South and East China Seas and its attempts to undermine its democratic neighbors like Taiwan. Former Democratic candidate for president, Mike Bloomberg, even went so far as to deny that China was ruled by dictatorship. But the Wuhan virus has brought clarity to China’s malign activities. This is one thing that all Americans, Democrats and Republicans, should agree upon without equivocation.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust
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