Dems POLITICIZE Coronavirus, Push “Partisan Christmas List” in New Legislation
On Sunday and Monday, Senate Democrats squarely defeated a bipartisan bill that would inject trillions into the American economy and give workers the certainty they need as the coronavirus pandemic continues. Just one Democrat voted in favor of the legislation, squashing hopes that American people will be offered a cash stimulus by the government to ensure bills can be paid.
PJ Media reports that House Democrats spent days compiling their own “partisan Christmas list” legislation to replace the bipartisan bill in an attempt to take advantage of the urgency of the coronavirus.
The new bill, pushed by some of the most extreme Democrats in Congress, pushes for a $15/hour minimum wage across the board, emissions restrictions for airlines that are already struggling, and much more.
Republicans in the House and Senate have firmly rejected attempts by the Democrats to politicize the crisis, condemning these attacks on the American people and making it clear that they will not kowtow to their bullying. Republican legislators have repeatedly called on Democrats to stop taking advantage and to instead take part in good-faith negotiations to help working Americans.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has been one of the most vocal critics of the Democrats’ latest egregious attacks on the American people, describing the “eleventh-hour demands that Democrats have decided are more important than Americans’ paychecks and the personal safety of doctors and nurses.”
This isn’t the first time the Democrats have attempted to get their own way and stand in the way of the American people. Remember their refusal to fund the construction of the border wall?
Taking to Twitter, Leader McConnell informed the American people of how Democrats were attempting to squeeze in “tax credits for solar and wind energy,” “special treatment for Big Labor,” and “Airlines’ emissions standards” as part of the legislation.
These are just some of the unrelated demands Senate Democrats have used to slow relief for workers and families:
✖️ Tax credits for solar and wind energy
✖️ Special treatment for Big Labor
✖️ Airlines’ emissions standards
This is a crisis. Why is only one side acting like it? pic.twitter.com/MRfnXT1HJ2
— Leader McConnell (@senatemajldr) March 23, 2020
“This is a crisis. Why is only one side acting like it?” he asked.
President Donald Trump isn’t backing down, either. During a press conference, the president called on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer to focus “solely and squarely on the needs of the American people.”
A message for Schumer & Pelosi:
“This should not be a time for political agendas, but rather one for focusing solely and squarely on the needs of the American people.” – @realDonaldTrumppic.twitter.com/4bSKmcyekk
— Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) March 23, 2020
Are they that full of hatred for President Trump that they are willing to destroy the country in the process?
A note to these cretins….All of this is on video which can be replayed during the November elections…good luck losers!
As a Veteran, I will be helping you get unelected in any way possible – capeesh!

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust
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