The British Crown and the C.I.A. teamed up treasonously via QinetiQ Group Plc controlled by the Monarch
Lord Pirbright (Rothschild) and his banker cousins at N.M. Rothschild & Co. were godfathers of the 2nd Boer War concentration camps (1899-1902) to drive the French, Dutch and Germans out of South Africa
New Evidence: Leading London Jews were running the first modern war concentration camps where over 60,000 whites and blacks died, including more than 14,000 mostly white children who were subjected to Burroughs Wellcome & Co. (now Wellcome Trust–Coronavirus funder and GlaxoSmithKline) vaccine experiments
These Privy Council and Parliamentary records have been discovered after much difficulty and missing documents

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
The Patriot is a non-partisan, non-profit organization with the mission to Educate, protect and defend individual freedoms and individual rights.
Knowledge Is Power - Information Is Liberating: The Patriot Welcome is a non-profit blog dedicated to bringing as much truth as possible to the readers.
Big Tech has greatly reduced the distribution of our stories in our readers' newsfeeds and is instead promoting mainstream media sources. When you share with your friends, however, you greatly help distribute our content. Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your friends and family. Thank you
Lord Pirbright (Rothschild) and his banker cousins at N.M. Rothschild & Co. were godfathers of the 2nd Boer War concentration camps (1899-1902) to drive the French, Dutch and Germans out of South Africa
New Evidence: Leading London Jews were running the first modern war concentration camps where over 60,000 whites and blacks died, including more than 14,000 mostly white children who were subjected to Burroughs Wellcome & Co. (now Wellcome Trust–Coronavirus funder and GlaxoSmithKline) vaccine experiments
These Privy Council and Parliamentary records have been discovered after much difficulty and missing documents

Fig. 1—Henry (Rothschild) de Worms 1st Baron Pilbright (b. Oct. 26, 1840-d. Jan. 09, 1903), also called Lord Pirbright. Baron Pilbright's grandmother was Schönche Jeannette Rothschild (1771–1859). Her father was Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744–1812), the founder of the Rothschild colonial banking business in Ceylon where Lord Pirbright's father Solomon de Worms established the "Rothschild" coffee and tea plantation with slave, and nearly slave labor.
Pirbright grew up in Ceylon on "The Rothschild Plantation" where they grew coffee and tea sold through their Rothschild-financed British East India Company. At age 45, Baron Pirbright became the British minister of trade and colonies (1885-1892). During those years just prior to the founding of the Pilgrims Society in 1902, Lord Pirbright promoted Cecil Rhodes, N.M. Rothschild, Alfred Milner and John Buchan in the Boer Wars. He also oversaw the British patent office when Nikola Tesla began filing his wireless telegraphy patents. Regarding Tesla, Pirbright secretly allowed the British Admiralty and Post Office to steal from Tesla using Guglielmo Marconi as their fake inventor and make monopolistic deals with Marconi Wireless.
Pirbright also coached Henry S. Wellcome and Sir Henry M. Stanley in their rapacious acquisition of valuable African poisons and cures used in extensive vaccine experimentation on human beings—including black and Boer (German, Dutch and French) prisoners they had put in concentration camps and performed fatal Wellcome Trust drug experiments. Pirbright gave Cecil Rhodes an almost free hand in the British South Africa Company to write laws, collect taxes and run his own police force in their new British Imperial-Fascist Corporatism model for reorganizing the British Empire while continuing to control the resources of their colonies, even after Home Rule was implemented (like Rio Tinto - global mining company [including uranium] that is also a Rothschild creation for the British Crown that the Monarch controls to this day), Viscount Alfred Milner, co-founder of the Pilgrims Society, was Rio Tinto chairman from 1923-1925, and earlier a director for many years.
Photo: Henry De Worms, 1st Baron Pirbright. (ca. 1894). Photo by James Russell & Sons, NPA Ax15879, mw156709/Henry-De-Worms-1st-Baron-Pirbright. National Portrait Gallery (UK).
Pirbright grew up in Ceylon on "The Rothschild Plantation" where they grew coffee and tea sold through their Rothschild-financed British East India Company. At age 45, Baron Pirbright became the British minister of trade and colonies (1885-1892). During those years just prior to the founding of the Pilgrims Society in 1902, Lord Pirbright promoted Cecil Rhodes, N.M. Rothschild, Alfred Milner and John Buchan in the Boer Wars. He also oversaw the British patent office when Nikola Tesla began filing his wireless telegraphy patents. Regarding Tesla, Pirbright secretly allowed the British Admiralty and Post Office to steal from Tesla using Guglielmo Marconi as their fake inventor and make monopolistic deals with Marconi Wireless.
Pirbright also coached Henry S. Wellcome and Sir Henry M. Stanley in their rapacious acquisition of valuable African poisons and cures used in extensive vaccine experimentation on human beings—including black and Boer (German, Dutch and French) prisoners they had put in concentration camps and performed fatal Wellcome Trust drug experiments. Pirbright gave Cecil Rhodes an almost free hand in the British South Africa Company to write laws, collect taxes and run his own police force in their new British Imperial-Fascist Corporatism model for reorganizing the British Empire while continuing to control the resources of their colonies, even after Home Rule was implemented (like Rio Tinto - global mining company [including uranium] that is also a Rothschild creation for the British Crown that the Monarch controls to this day), Viscount Alfred Milner, co-founder of the Pilgrims Society, was Rio Tinto chairman from 1923-1925, and earlier a director for many years.
Photo: Henry De Worms, 1st Baron Pirbright. (ca. 1894). Photo by James Russell & Sons, NPA Ax15879, mw156709/Henry-De-Worms-1st-Baron-Pirbright. National Portrait Gallery (UK).
Base Photo: National Portrait Gallery; Fair Use; Educational purposes only.
Reader Notice: This is a long post that is chock full of evidence, some emerging on the world for the first time in over 100 years. Sorry, the emerging evidence demanded it!
One thing is now certain, history has hidden the Pilgrims Society's demonic activity since before 1902 when it was founded in London during the funeral of Queen Victoria, and then 1903 when it was started in New York.
One teaser is the first chairman of the Pilgrims Society in New York on Jul. 11, 1903, attorney Lindsay Russell, became the first chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in 1918. Indeed, the Pilgrims created and direct the CFR, to this day.
The discovery, announced last week by Francis A. Boyle, the author of the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 (BWATA), international law professor, indicates that the University of North Carolina was involved in prohibited biowarfare activity that helped cause the Coronavirus outbreak in China. This information adds further validity to the ultimate British origins of the Coronavirus. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation—substantial Pirbright Institute funders—also heavily finance research at the University of North Carolina. Please return several times over the next days to pick up the new evidence.
One thing is now certain, history has hidden the Pilgrims Society's demonic activity since before 1902 when it was founded in London during the funeral of Queen Victoria, and then 1903 when it was started in New York.
One teaser is the first chairman of the Pilgrims Society in New York on Jul. 11, 1903, attorney Lindsay Russell, became the first chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in 1918. Indeed, the Pilgrims created and direct the CFR, to this day.
The discovery, announced last week by Francis A. Boyle, the author of the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 (BWATA), international law professor, indicates that the University of North Carolina was involved in prohibited biowarfare activity that helped cause the Coronavirus outbreak in China. This information adds further validity to the ultimate British origins of the Coronavirus. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation—substantial Pirbright Institute funders—also heavily finance research at the University of North Carolina. Please return several times over the next days to pick up the new evidence.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust
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Knowledge Is Power And Information is Liberating: The FRIENDS OF LIBERTY BLOG GROUPS are non-profit blogs dedicated to bringing as much truth as possible to the readers.
Knowledge Is Power And Information is Liberating: The FRIENDS OF LIBERTY BLOG GROUPS are non-profit blogs dedicated to bringing as much truth as possible to the readers.
Note: We at The Patriot cannot make any warranties about the completeness, reliability, and accuracy of this information.
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Knowledge Is Power - Information Is Liberating: The Patriot Welcome is a non-profit blog dedicated to bringing as much truth as possible to the readers.
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