Wednesday, February 5, 2020

RAZIN' CAIN ~ 2/05/20 ~ REVISED - 2/7/20 ~ Clintons: An Association That's Simply To Die For?

Razin' Cain


I realize this is an old topic, but since Hillary has been toying with Americans about entering the 2020 presidential race, I thought I had better post a memory refresher.  

Do you remember when the FBI's top agent from the southern district of New York, a former Wall Street broker, Salvatore “Sal” Cincinelli, 41, shot and killed himself on a public dance floor sometime during his financial investigation of the Clinton Foundation (Cartel)? 

The FBI asked patrons and employees at the bar to delete any videos, photographs of the tragedy and not to mention the topic online or in public. The police department was also told to remain quiet.  FBI also did not comment on Cincinelli’s death. 

Prior to Cincinelli's death, Sessions was involved in previous dealings with Dennis Nathan Cain, a whistleblower who had information on the Clintons.  He was unaware that Sessions asked for an investigation.  Cain had given information to an Intel person from DOJ while sitting in a church.  He heard nothing about the transfer of information until he received a letter from Horowitz stating he had protection.  After months had gone by, suddenly the FBI, using an illegally obtained search warrant, raided Cain’s home.

Though Cain informed the FBI agents he had a letter of protection from the DOJ, the continued to raid his home for 6 hours and took all of his electronic equipment. Cain also surrendered a thumb drive that contained Clinton Foundation information.  He was never arrested nor did he ever hear back from the FBI.  Because the raid made national news, Cain lost his job and he was forced to find new employment. 

Bill Still picks up the story that the chief investigator for the FBI regarding Clinton Foundation was Cincinelli.  In 2012, Cincinelli was among several FBI agents interviewed by Reuters for a report on Wall Streeters who quit high-paying jobs to investigate financial crimes.

Cincinelli:  “Some of my friends said, ‘Are you crazy?
Have you lost your mind?”

A profile on LinkedIn shows he has held positions at Bank of America and Global FX.  Cincinelli declined to discuss his prior work and said his wife initially was furious with his decision to join the FBI. She was worried for her husband’s safety and unhappy about the lengthy FBI training programs. Did she fear the body bag count of the Clintons? 
For the moment, let’s just reflect upon Clinton’s Body Bag Count to see if it would justify any fear.  To do so, one would have to click the link below this photo  , then once on site, scroll downward, stopping  

"when you begin to see red"

After reviewing the list, one could say that it is comparable to the Mafia's Greatest Hits Parade. However, there is a difference between circumstances of death;  Mafia crime bosses are known to whack their enemies in plain view or whenever they can get the jump on their target(s) whether it’s in broad daylight or at night.  Deaths surrounding someone who had an association with the Clintons appears to be a preferred suicide.  But, then there's the failing gym equipment or a mechanical malfunction while flying in a plane or riding in a vehicle.  Yet, here's something that never seems to fail relating to the deaths that follow the Clintons: nearly all seem to be connected during a time when an incriminating investigation is about to unfold. 😱  Coincidence? 

Let's consider a couple of events which involved Hillary...

Benghazi.  CIA agents on the ground during the deadly attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi twice asked for permission to help Ambassador Chris Stevens and twice were told to stand down. It is not known who denied the request for help for the operatives on the ground in Benghazi, but Hillary was Secretary of State at this time and was fully aware an attack was occurring while Obama was not in the Situation Room during the attack.  He was at the White House getting his rest for the next day's flight for a re-election campaign event; he supposedly was being advised.  One member of the CIA team who was on the roof of the annex was in possession of a laser to guide aerial targets including drones and repeatedly asked for backup from a Specter gunship to take out an attacker firing mortars... even though there were 2 military surveillance drones flying above the skies during the Benghazi attack. Woods and Doherty were killed by a mortar shell 6 hours after the attack began.  Meanwhile, a platoon of Marines assigned to the Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team at Rota, Spain was held on the tarmac for 6 hours as administration officials debated whether to send them in military uniforms or civilian clothes.  At 10:08pm on the night of the attack, Clinton issued a public statement on Benghazi referring to the YouTube video that mocked Islam had initiated the attack. She repeated the point the next day at the State Department.  However, in private, she called the president of Libya at 6:49 pm on the night of the attack to say that the attack was planned and that an Islamic group had claimed responsibility, to have also mentioned this to Chelsea.

In 2010, four years after the inception of WikiLeaks, the Democrats began to loathe Julian Assange even though he had revealed information about Bush and was very helpful for the Democratic party. But now, Assange became a global household name and a regular topic of conversation within Capitol Hill. 

The State Dept was abuzz with how Hillary, then-Secretary of State, and her inner circle were going to squash Assange and WikiLeaks’ next planned document dump relating to those who were employed by the United States government… and those document dumps were deemed, ‘CableGate’

When Americans became more and more aware of the contents of those leaked documents, Obama and his White House inner staff began putting pressure on Hillary to do something to stop the revelations.

That is when during a meeting with top brass on how to stop the onslaught against the Democratic Party, Hillary blurted out…

“Can’t we just drone this guy?”

The statement drew laughter from the room which quickly died off when Hillary kept talking in a terse manner, sources said.   Hillary certainly seems to know how drones operate... uh ... except on the night of the Benghazi attack.  

Life hasn't been easy for Assange since he leaked emails obtained from Hillary and her minions’ from the DNC server... and the death of his source for those emails, Seth Rich.

Sad, but typical... there's been no arrest(s). 😖

Secret service agents who were assigned to protect
the Clintons have also died.

  Did their deaths have anything to do with finding out 
illegal activity done by the Clintons?

What a HUGE mistake made when Secret Service agent, Todd Madison had been photographed holding a Diazepam pen in his hand at the 9/11 Memorial event when he assisted Hillary into a large van during a near collapsed.


Yet keep in mind, neither Hillary nor Bill Clinton were ever prosecuted for any crime associated with the death of any of those people listed within the body bag count link above. Nor has Bill Clinton ever been jailed for allegedly raping several women or forced to register as a sex offender.  

Nothing to see here folks, so let's move on...

Getting back to the FBI agent who committed suicide...

Cincinelli was out partying with some of his FBI co-workers at the Container Bar, Austin, Texas.  It was reported that he took out his gun and pointed it at himself while in the middle of a dance floor.  Whoever heard of such a thing?!  Was Cincinelli a victim of Project MKUltra? Or was it because he saw no way out?  It was reported that weeks earlier, Cincinelli’s younger sister, NYPD cop Valerie Cincinelli, 35, was busted by the FBI in May for allegedly scheming to have her estranged husband killed amid a bitter divorce. Valerie Cincinelli's trial supposedly began July 15th and Cincinelli committed suicide July 17thWas there a connection between Cincinelli's investigation into the finances of the Clinton Foundation and his sister's arrest?  Did he kill himself because of something he knew or did?

The suicide of Cincinelli appeared one day in the news, and just as suddenly, it disappeared with no updated news of what was involved.

PAINE:  “This is like American Greed level stuff with the Hillary Clinton and the Clinton cartel and her whole Posse of criminals, and it doesn’t reflect very well on the Department of Justice, but I’m talking American … this makes some of the stuff on American Greed look like someone stole a cupcake from a f*cking Church picnic.”  

Paine also speaks about the tweet on Twitter the FBI made about Martin Luther King, Jr.  

Paine reflects on Budd Dwyer’s suicide in 1985 as he feels it parallels Cincinelli’s suicide.  He states that Hillary was taking money from the State Dept and circulating it into the Clinton Foundation and her cronies and shell companies, shell corporations, dummy companies and then they would, in turn, kickback money to the Clinton Foundation and they may have even kicked money back into offshore accounts belonging to Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Basically, Paine states Hillary was illegally taking money from the U.S Treasury, taxpayers’ money, parlaying it and making a huge windfall through money laundering.  Kind of reminds one of the Biden/Ukraine saga where some of the money given by Obama’s administration to Ukraine allegedly funneled its way back to Joe Biden via Hunter Biden. Paine also claims Hillary used her own server to prevent others in the State Dept or Intel agency from copying incriminating evidence of her wrongdoing. Also, this investigation was going on when Sessions was in the DOJ when he appointed Huber to look into this after Cain submitted documents — they all knew this was going on. 

PAINE:  “You think Huber didn’t know about this? Give me a f*cking break. He found out about it. He went into a turtle shell. He’s probably shitting his pants… They probably threatened him [Sessions] just like they’re threatening Trump.”

PAINE:  “What about our friend Sal Cincinelli and the FBI: A guy who came to the FBI not because he really wanted to — he was trading options on Wall Street. He was a licensed Series 7 trader making a lot of money when he joined the FBI. His wife and family were like what specifically is a matter with you? Why do you want to join the FBI? ... The problem is, when you get a good guy, a good investigator on the inside and they start to find out too much and start to ask too many questions, especially if they believe in the system that you know, it’s not corrupt or they really haven’t been in politics or Intel for a long time. They don’t really understand that you can be tossed off the board like a Pawn on a chessboard. You’re nothing. You’re a piece of meat when it comes to these people if you get in the way of their power and money structure.  To be fair. I don’t know if Cincinelli was just in the wrong place at the wrong time type of a situation and he ended up taking his own life because of personal problems or whether he ate a bullet from somebody else, but you have to think, given the players here folks, that this is just not a coincidence and the fact that he was up on this intelligence. I don’t know whether his sister has something to do with it. Maybe she got locked up because of this, maybe he was going to go public. These are all important questions, of course, nobody wants to answer because they don’t really want to talk about the guy’s death, the FBI.”

Certainly makes you think about the $6B that went missing from the State Dept when Hillary was Secretary of State, money that has never been accounted for. Hey! What the heck! It's only taxpayers' money.  Who cares, right?  Easy come, easy go! 💸  <sarcasm>

Let’s just sweep this dirt under the carpet 
with the rest of the dirt we've discovered so far… 

What Paine states certainly ties in with the smug, indifference expressed by the Clintons' public attitude.  Has anyone else noticed how confident they are as they go about their travels and tours ... as though they haven't a care in the world?  It’s now going on 4 years since the great reveal yet they have not been arrested for any crimes.

So how could either of them be guilty?  😕

At least that's what the liberals are thinking.  😞

Within Paine's public discontent, I will state that I am not in agreement with his thought the DOJ, AG Barr, and in particular Durham are ignoring the Clintons and here's why... 

When I began creating this blog, it gave me a deeper understanding of what John Durham and AG Barr must be up against because while researching the Clintons' association and behavior surrounding one topic, it lead me to a wealth of information and other topics.  This would explain why there may be a delay in any sort of prosecution.  So the next time you complain that there's been no arrests, I challenge you to take up a topic to research, relating to the Clintons to see just how convoluted it becomes.  Personally, I got lost in the shuffle!  

Definitely an intricate web of intrigue! 

Further, being a Follower of Q, I can see that there should be no concern over Durham's forthcoming investigation as I feel confident he will make recommendations for prosecutions.  Q has provided plenty of posted material on Jan 28th in support of Durham.  Since Q is closely connected to our elected, great president, I will trust his judgment.  We just have to be patient even though we are frustrated at seeing no arrests of those we believe are as guilty as sin.

In closing, I’ll leave you with this trailer of a great black and white classic film, The Devil and Daniel Webster. It seemed to me that these people who were associated with the Clintons had big money in mind and didn't realize consequences could happen.  To me, it was like making a pact with the Devil.  This video is about a struggling farmer who makes a deal with the Devil by selling his soul for a 7-year pact of prosperity.  When the 7 years comes to an end, he has second thoughts. He seeks out and hires Daniel Webster who will represent him in a Court of the Damned.  You just might want to obtain a copy to see the entire movie, it's that good!  And by the way, Daniel Webster was a real politician and lawyer of great acclaim during 1827 – 52. 



One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


and is protected speech pursuant to 
the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the 
First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution 
of the United States of America, In God we trust

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