Razin' Cain
felt a need to encompass related topics to provide a better picture of what has happened in our country and the influences we are receiving from other leaders of nations, adding, this is not all-inclusive. During
Trump's presidency, Americans became aware of long-lasting corruption which has formed criminal career politicians who have been raping taxpayers of millions as they live expensive lifestyles, residing in mansions, while many of their constituents are seriously struggling - an escalating homeless problem. It's clear these same politicians cover for each other; keep telling us lies until the truth becomes evident...
to then say, sorry... expecting public leniency. No doubt, as we witness all that has been hidden for years, it stirs emotions, to find ourselves questioning, why would President Trump, who donates his pay toward admirable causes, not keeping it for himself, basically working for free, why hasn't he thrown up his hands to say, I've had enough? He certainly doesn't need the endless aggravations as he was enjoying a pampered, luxurious lifestyle before becoming president. He's surrounded by a loyal, well-mannered, beautiful family. And his wife
Melania, for me, is a perfect symbol of what an immigrant American is... a legal citizen who shows her pride and love of country by her elegant projection of self to the public, and her caring interactions with all races of people, domestically and abroad. President Trump continues to sit in that oval office, handling issue after issue,
fending off Rhinos to the right and Democrats to the left, and yet is still running for re-election in November! This tells me President Trump can handle pressure, he most definitely loves a challenge and he must love this country to put up with all this 💩 going on 4 years! I, for one,
am deeply grateful for President Trump, for his family's involvement and their combined continued support for our nation. People can say all the mean things they want about Trump, his crazy tweets, his abrasive manner, but I would not vote for a different president to run this country in 2020; he's a blessing. As Trump himself has stated, whether you love him or hate him, you still have to vote for him. The other alternative is socialism, government slavery, no capitalism, no guns, and no Constitutional rights.
The Iranian economy is grinding to a halt under the pressure of our determined President Trump's US economic sanctions imposed when there was a withdrawal from Obama’s 2015 Iran Nuclear Deal. His $200B sanctions are working so well, they have wiped out the $150B Iranian Nuclear Deal gift was given by Obama and Kerry. Trump has called for an overhaul of Iranian regional policies, such as an end to its military support for the Syrian government and regional militant groups like Lebanon's Hezbollah and to curb their nuclear program. Further, transnational criminal activity has orchestrated the theft of U.S and Western software programs” which were sold to Iran’s government. The 2015 pact did not curb these actions, reasons why Trump has terminated the agreement calling it “the worst deal ever.” As a result, open rifts are appearing in the Iranian ruling syndicate as well as citizen uprisings.
a defense contractor was killed and several U.S service members and Iraqi
personnel were wounded during multiple rocket attacks of a military compound in
Kirkuk, Iraq led by an Iranian backed militia identified by US intelligence as Kataib Hezbollah (KH). KH is a wholly controlled entity of
the Quds Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC). It has been
fighting US troops since about 2007, but, given the strategic imperative that
ISIS be wiped out, this terror group has been operating with our ally, the
Iraqi Army while also actively fighting Syrian forces opposed to Syria's president, Bashar Assad.
of what happened in Kirkuk, for the first time, U.S had launched a significant
retaliatory attack against Iranian assets.
Three of the militia’s sites in western Iraq and two in eastern
including weapon depots and the militia’s command and control, bases were
hit. However, not all Americans were sympathetic toward those who died
at the hands of terrorists...
It’s not the first time Leftist media has attempted
to “humanize” terrorists. . .
Excerpt from New York Times' Obituary
for Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi:
And the recent airstrike which killed one of the worse terrorists responsible for taking many American lives, no doubt backed by money Obama and Kerry funneled to Iran...
Both the New York Times and Washington
Post received a lot of flak by American Patriots for
their indiscretion, and it's obvious the Leftist owned media doesn't
give a damn about what conservatives think because... they repeat their
Many protesters who attempted to storm the U.S embassy in Baghdad on New Year's eve was prompted by pro-Iranian militias, some of whom were in uniform while waving Hezbollah flags had stated Qassem Soleimani is their leader. Trump blamed Iran for orchestrating the attack and called on Iraqi officials to defend U.S personnel and property until American forces could arrive.
Both Fox
News and the Washington Times noted
that during a visit to the White House in 2011, then-Iraqi Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki brought his transportation
minister, now known as militia leader, Hadi al-Amiri to meet with Obama. Amiri was one of several identified as leading the recent
attack on the U.S embassy in Baghdad.
KH and IRGC,
have been designated as terrorist organizations by the U.S government. Saudi Arabia described KH as one of several terrorist militias supported by the Iranian establishment and one of a
number of pro-Iran militias that make up the PMF/PMU, which legally became a wing of the Iraqi military after fighting the
Sunni Islamic State terrorist group.
Hadi al-Amiri, having close ties to Iran, leads the Badr Corps which is another PMF militia that is tied to IRGC. The FBI stated they played a role in a 1996 terrorist bomb attack on Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia that killed 19 U.S servicemen who were using the building for housing.
Hadi al-Amiri, having close ties to Iran, leads the Badr Corps which is another PMF militia that is tied to IRGC. The FBI stated they played a role in a 1996 terrorist bomb attack on Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia that killed 19 U.S servicemen who were using the building for housing.
A uniformed militia fighter at the scene of the embassy attack said more attacks were planned against U.S consulates in Erbil and Basra with the goal of destroying the consulates and killing everyone inside.
The White House never confirmed Hadi al-Amiri’s attendance,
but the official was on Iraq’s listed members of its delegation. [How sly of
Obama’s Administration]. President Trump designated the IRGC a foreign
terrorist organization, the first time an official arm of a foreign state
received such a designation.
Why didn't Obama designate IRGC a
terrorist group?
Iran, Russia, and China allegedly began
joint naval maneuvers in the Persian Gulf.
Was this calculated attack
upon the US
Embassy in Iraq done to see how the U.S would respond?
least 100 crisis response Marines assigned to Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground
Task Force-Crisis Response-Central Command arrived at the U.S Embassy in
Baghdad, to stop the terrorist attack carried out by pro-Iranian militiamen.
Tents and meal stations were set up outside the embassy by militant protesters
while a Shiite cleric recited verses from the Koran through a loudspeaker
but... after it was stated U.S military forces would arrive, the crowd
Fadhil al-Gezzi, a militia supporter: After achieving
the intended aim, we pulled out from this place triumphantly... "We rubbed
America's nose in the dirt.”
Muhammad Muhi, Official Spokesman for Iraqi Hezbollah
Spoke to the protesters who rushed U.S embassy, praising their efforts and
called the embassy "the embassy of evil".
Trump: This will never, ever be a Benghazi. Benghazi never
should have happened. … As soon as
we saw there was a potential for a problem, they got in.
later, a US airstrike targeted Baghdad International Airport, killing one of
America’s worse terrorists who was responsible for the deaths of many
Americans, Iranian’s General Qassem Soleimani and Abu
Mahdi al-Muhandis, deputy commander of Iran-backed militias PMF.
Sen Ted Cruz (R-TX) pointed
out that under Obama's Iran Nuclear Deal, international sanctions on
Soleimani would have expired after 8 years even though Soleimani had more American blood on his hands than any other living terrorist.
not for President Trump walking away from the Iranian Deal, Soleimani would have literally been excused from his crimes.
Did you know about this stipulation for Soleimani? It's just like
Americans never knew former First Lady of The United States and former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton,
sold 20% of our nation's uranium to
Russia. Makes one wonder, what other little sidebar goodies were in
Iran Nuclear Deal Americans are not aware of? Must still be something
else since the Globalists and Democrats keep pushing to bring it back
when Trump
has already stated, it's one of the worse deals ever made!
administration stymied a sprawling investigation into
the terror group Hezbollah and it’s very prosperous, money-making drug-trafficking networks. According to his administrative staff, it was done to protect the Iran nuclear
deal… OR, did Obama put a stop to it because it was a part of the Iranian Deal too... just like the Soleimani deal? Any
sidebar notes?
Obama's administration admitted the entire $1.7B tribute paid to Iran was tendered all
in cash — not just the initial $400M shipped by cargo plane mentioned in the
news that the public was made aware of. They claimed cash payments were necessary because of the ‘effectiveness of U.S and international
sanctions,’ which isolated Iran from the international finance system.
So, let’s get this straight… the sanctions worked so well, we now had to
compensate Iran for the financial burden we placed upon them. But wasn't that
supposed to have been the lesson? Like we Americans should regret placing
sanctions on a nation that held 52 American diplomats, hostage, at the U.S
embassy in Tehran from Nov 4, 1979, until Jan
20, 1981. That’s a long time not to know if you’ll be alive to
ever see your family and friends again; living every day in fear. Iran should be compensating these people. And,
not to mention money now being used to support Hezbollah’s many killing sprees. Yeah, let's just
give them $1.7B as compensation... human lives and human suffering means
absolutely nothing to a Democrat.
Before the Boston
Marathon bombings, the Obama administration argued for years that there is a
big difference between terrorists and the tenets of Islam. A senior White
House aide in 2009 publicly urged Washington to cease using the term “jihadist”
— asserting that terrorists are simply extremists. Two years later, the
White House ordered a cleansing of training materials that Islamic groups
deemed offensive. Muslims objected to several training guides, such as a
2009 report produced at the Army Command and General Staff at the Fort
Leavenworth School of Advanced Military Studies.
The report contained
this offensive quote: Moderate Muslims are not exercising moderation;
they are simply applying other means to accomplish the same goal of
establishing global Islamic dominance. At this time, at least 2 of the 57
groups were listed by the Justice Department as unindicted co-conspirators and
as being connected to the Muslim Brotherhood in the prosecution
of a Texas
charity for funding Hamas, a U.S-designated terrorist organization; the
Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the Islamic Society of
North America. Thus, the White House issued an edict to scrub all
law enforcement, intelligence and military teachings on Islam. The FBI even
discarded pages of information that warned about the threat from the Muslim
In early November
2009, Philip Haney was ordered by his superiors at the DHS to delete or modify
several hundred records of individuals tied to designated Islamist terror
groups like Hamas from the important federal database, the Treasury Enforcement
Communications System (TECS). These types of records are the basis for any
ability to “connect dots.” Every day, DHS Customs and Border Protection
officers watch the entering and exiting of many individuals associated with
known terrorist affiliations, then look for patterns. However, enforcing a
political scrubbing of records of Muslims, prevented an ability to do just that.
The type of information
that the Obama administration ordered removed from travel and national security
databases were the kind of information that, if properly assessed, could have
prevented subsequent domestic Islamist attacks like the ones committed by
Faisal Shahzad (May 2010), Detroit “honor killing” perpetrator Rahim A
Alfetlawi (2011); Amine el Khalifi, who plotted to blow up the U.S Capitol
(2012); Dzhokhar or Tamerlan Tsarnaev who conducted the Boston Marathon bombing
(2013); Oklahoma beheading suspect Alton Nolen (2014); or Muhammed Yusuf Abdulazeez,
who opened fire on two military installations in Chattanooga, Tennessee
(2015). Even worse, Philip Haney and his colleagues were prohibited from
entering any new pertinent information into the database.
Steven Emerson who runs
a non-profit organization, The Investigative Project on Terrorism, monitors a network of Islamic groups with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood: “Numerous
experts on Islamic terrorism like myself and I had given 143 lectures at the
FBI, CIA were banned from speaking to any U.S government counter-terrorism
Obama felt it necessary to change the rules of engagement when confronting an enemy.
Doing so cost more American lives than it did enemies. Did Obama's administrative staff block airstrikes to prevent civilian casualties or was it more like ISIS casualties? Military morale was at a low.
Seen in the video above, during an interview, Obama tells viewers, Iran will be and should be a regional power. To me, this video explains it all.
So much has happened since the killing of Soleimani. Iran claims to be walking away from the Iran Nuclear Deal because of Soleimani's death, but they never had any intention of abiding by any type of nuclear agreement. For them to say they are walking away, is literally a joke! There are many articles found on the internet describing actions taken by Iran which were contrary to what the public believed to be were stipulations of the Iran Nuclear Deal. Even the UN believed so as well. And we can now see, we also didn't know everything that was contained in the Iran Nuclear Deal. Personally, the deal was just another liberal ruse used to make people believe, Iran would be complicit while all the time, clouding the reality that Iran would be doing things behind the scenes... and it was a way to provide Iran with lots of American money to play with. If it were not for the Iranian Nuclear Deal by Obama and Kerry, we and the entire world, would not be in this current situation today...
Seen in the video above, during an interview, Obama tells viewers, Iran will be and should be a regional power. To me, this video explains it all.
So much has happened since the killing of Soleimani. Iran claims to be walking away from the Iran Nuclear Deal because of Soleimani's death, but they never had any intention of abiding by any type of nuclear agreement. For them to say they are walking away, is literally a joke! There are many articles found on the internet describing actions taken by Iran which were contrary to what the public believed to be were stipulations of the Iran Nuclear Deal. Even the UN believed so as well. And we can now see, we also didn't know everything that was contained in the Iran Nuclear Deal. Personally, the deal was just another liberal ruse used to make people believe, Iran would be complicit while all the time, clouding the reality that Iran would be doing things behind the scenes... and it was a way to provide Iran with lots of American money to play with. If it were not for the Iranian Nuclear Deal by Obama and Kerry, we and the entire world, would not be in this current situation today...
TWITTER LINK ~ New York Times 1:07AM . 31 DEC 19
TWITTER LINK ~ Yashar Ali 8:12 AM. OCT 27, 2019
TWITTER LINK ~ The Washington Post 5:24 PM. JAN 2,
TWITTER LINK ~ New York Times 1:07AM . 31 DEC 19
TWITTER LINK ~ Yashar Ali 8:12 AM. OCT 27, 2019
2020TWITTER LINK ~ Charlie Kirk 12:32 PM. DEC 31, 2019
TWITTER LINK ~ DJT 4:02 AM . 31 DEC 19
TWITTER LINK ~ Lindsey Graham 9:25 AM DEC 31, 2019
TWITTER LINK ~ Lindsey Graham 5:42 AM. Dec 31, 2019
RED STATE ~ 12/30/19 ~ Trump Administration Pummels Iranian Proxy Militia in Retaliation for the Death of a US Defense Contractor
BREITBART ~ 1 Jan 2020 ~ Iran: Trump’s $200bn Sanctions Have Wiped Out Obama’s $150bn Nuclear Deal
NEW YORK TIMES ~ Updated: 10/31/19 ~ Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, ISIS Leader Known for His Brutality, Is Dead at 48
REUTERS ~ 7/18/17 ~ U.S. puts new sanctions on Iran over ballistic missile program
THE HILL ~ 10/27/19 ~ Washington Post changes al-Baghdadi obituary headline after calling ISIS leader 'austere religious scholar'
NEW YORK TIMES ~ 12/31/19 ~ Protesters Attack U.S. Embassy in Iraq, Chanting ‘Death to America’
RED STATE ~ 12/31/19 ~ NY Times and AP Call Iranian-backed Militia Attacking U.S. Embassy ‘Iraqi Mourners’
WASHINGTON EXAMINER ~ 12/31/19 ~ New York Times slammed for labeling embassy-storming mob as 'mourners'
RED STATE ~ 12/31/19 ~ NY Times and AP Call Iranian-backed Militia Attacking U.S. Embassy ‘Iraqi Mourners’
AMERICAN MILITARY NEWS ~ 12/31/19 ~ Photos & Videos: Ospreys carrying 100 Marines land at US Embassy in Iraq
RUPTLY ~ 1/1/20 ~ Iraq: Protesters begin to withdraw from US 'embassy of evil' in Baghdad
NEW AMERICAN ~ 12/19/11 ~ President Welcomes Suspected Terrorist to White House
FOX NEWS ~ 8/26/15 ~ Saudi arrested in 1996 Khobar Towers truck bombing that killed 19 US servicemen
BREITBART ~ 12/31/19 ~ Iranian Militia Leader Leading Iraq U.S. Embassy Raid Listed as Obama White House Guest
BREITBART ~ 9/7/16 ~ Confirmed: Obama’s $1.7B Tribute to Iran Was Paid in Cash to Circumvent Sanctions
THE WASHINGTON FREE BEACON ~ 8/23/16 ~ Obama Admin Won’t Tell Congress How It Paid Iran $1.3 Billion in Taxpayer Funds
NEW YORK POST ~ 12/18/17 ~ Obama protected Hezbollah drug ring to save Iran nukes deal
THE HILL ~ 2/5/16 ~ DHS ordered me to scrub records of Muslims with terror ties
THE WASHINGTON TIMES ~ 4/25/13 ~ Obama's scrub of Muslim terms under question; common links in attacks
THE INVESTIGATIVE PROJECT ON TERRORISM ~ Steven Emerson, a leading authority on Islamic extremist networks, financing and operations as well national security and intelligence
BREITBART ~ 12/21/19 ~ Lindsey Graham: Trump Has World on Notice, ‘There Will Be No Benghazis on His Watch’
FOX NEWS ~ 1/2/20 ~ Trump orders attack that kills Iranian Gen. Qassim Soleimani, other military officials in Baghdad, Pentagon says
BREITBART ~ 1/2/20 ~ Fact Check: Iran’s Qassem Soleimani Responsible for Hundreds of American Deaths
TUMBLETIMES.COM ~ 1/2/20 ~ SHOCK Video: President Obama welcomed Hadi al Amiri, leader of attack at US embassy to the White House – WATCH
GLENN BECK ~ U.S. pilots: Obama admin blocks 75 percent of ISIS airstrikes
TWITTER LINK ~ DJT 4:02 AM . 31 DEC 19
TWITTER LINK ~ Lindsey Graham 9:25 AM DEC 31, 2019
TWITTER LINK ~ Lindsey Graham 5:42 AM. Dec 31, 2019
RED STATE ~ 12/30/19 ~ Trump Administration Pummels Iranian Proxy Militia in Retaliation for the Death of a US Defense Contractor
BREITBART ~ 1 Jan 2020 ~ Iran: Trump’s $200bn Sanctions Have Wiped Out Obama’s $150bn Nuclear Deal
NEW YORK TIMES ~ Updated: 10/31/19 ~ Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, ISIS Leader Known for His Brutality, Is Dead at 48
REUTERS ~ 7/18/17 ~ U.S. puts new sanctions on Iran over ballistic missile program
THE HILL ~ 10/27/19 ~ Washington Post changes al-Baghdadi obituary headline after calling ISIS leader 'austere religious scholar'
NEW YORK TIMES ~ 12/31/19 ~ Protesters Attack U.S. Embassy in Iraq, Chanting ‘Death to America’
RED STATE ~ 12/31/19 ~ NY Times and AP Call Iranian-backed Militia Attacking U.S. Embassy ‘Iraqi Mourners’
WASHINGTON EXAMINER ~ 12/31/19 ~ New York Times slammed for labeling embassy-storming mob as 'mourners'
RED STATE ~ 12/31/19 ~ NY Times and AP Call Iranian-backed Militia Attacking U.S. Embassy ‘Iraqi Mourners’
AMERICAN MILITARY NEWS ~ 12/31/19 ~ Photos & Videos: Ospreys carrying 100 Marines land at US Embassy in Iraq
RUPTLY ~ 1/1/20 ~ Iraq: Protesters begin to withdraw from US 'embassy of evil' in Baghdad
NEW AMERICAN ~ 12/19/11 ~ President Welcomes Suspected Terrorist to White House
FOX NEWS ~ 8/26/15 ~ Saudi arrested in 1996 Khobar Towers truck bombing that killed 19 US servicemen
BREITBART ~ 12/31/19 ~ Iranian Militia Leader Leading Iraq U.S. Embassy Raid Listed as Obama White House Guest
BREITBART ~ 9/7/16 ~ Confirmed: Obama’s $1.7B Tribute to Iran Was Paid in Cash to Circumvent Sanctions
THE WASHINGTON FREE BEACON ~ 8/23/16 ~ Obama Admin Won’t Tell Congress How It Paid Iran $1.3 Billion in Taxpayer Funds
NEW YORK POST ~ 12/18/17 ~ Obama protected Hezbollah drug ring to save Iran nukes deal
THE HILL ~ 2/5/16 ~ DHS ordered me to scrub records of Muslims with terror ties
THE WASHINGTON TIMES ~ 4/25/13 ~ Obama's scrub of Muslim terms under question; common links in attacks
THE INVESTIGATIVE PROJECT ON TERRORISM ~ Steven Emerson, a leading authority on Islamic extremist networks, financing and operations as well national security and intelligence
BREITBART ~ 12/21/19 ~ Lindsey Graham: Trump Has World on Notice, ‘There Will Be No Benghazis on His Watch’
FOX NEWS ~ 1/2/20 ~ Trump orders attack that kills Iranian Gen. Qassim Soleimani, other military officials in Baghdad, Pentagon says
BREITBART ~ 1/2/20 ~ Fact Check: Iran’s Qassem Soleimani Responsible for Hundreds of American Deaths
TUMBLETIMES.COM ~ 1/2/20 ~ SHOCK Video: President Obama welcomed Hadi al Amiri, leader of attack at US embassy to the White House – WATCH
GLENN BECK ~ U.S. pilots: Obama admin blocks 75 percent of ISIS airstrikes
👉 God Bless the USA ~ Lee Greenwood

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
Knowledge Is Power - Information Is Liberating: The Patriot Welcome is a non-profit blog dedicated to bringing as much truth as possible to the readers.
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One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust
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Knowledge Is Power And Information is Liberating: The FRIENDS OF LIBERTY BLOG GROUPS are non-profit blogs dedicated to bringing as much truth as possible to the readers.
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