Wednesday, January 1, 2020

FROM THE DESK OF PEARL STURGIS : Daily Bites of “Removing Satan’s Mask” 12/31/2019


Removing satan’s mask:


Daily Bites of “Removing Satan’s Mask” by Matthew Staver: Liberty Counsel Action: Submitted by PL Sturgis: Bite#1) Shout it From the Mountain Top: Bite#2) Exposing the Born-Alive Abortion Act: Bite#3) Born-Alive Survivors Protection Act: Bite#4) The Dangerous (so-called) “Equality Act” Bite#5) If 2020 Election goes wrong Way: Bite#6)Educating and Motivating Biblical Values: Bite#7) On the Verge of Spiritual and Cultural Defeat: Bite#8) My Client: Sandra Merritt: Bite#9) Persecution Will Flood the Land: Bite#10) Stand Strong:

 Pearl’s Poem: Majority Versus Morality: Liberty Counsel Action: ATTN: Matthew Staver: PO Box 540629, Orlando, FL 328540629

Daily Bites of Removing Satan’s Mask: Bite#1) Shout it From the Mountain Top: by Matthew Staver, Liberty Counsel Action -------- The next 12 months are absolutely critical. There are two very different universes we can choose in 2020. The choice is between life and death, faith and ruin. ---good and evil. I feel like shouting from the mountain top to warn people about the doom and disaster we will face if we make the wrong decision in 2020. ---- To plan for 2020 I, Matthew Staver, recently met with the top conservative leaders in Congress and a group of select national conservative leaders in Washington DC. The meeting opened with a member of Congress encouraging the group to stand for Biblical truths followed by a powerful prayer. I was encouraged by the commitment of these members to Religious Liberty and the sanctity of human life, despite the negative news that dominates the media. There are many people in congress who love the Lord.  

The Born-Alive Abortion Act: Daily Bites of Removing Satan’s Mask: Bite #2) Exposing the Born-Alive Abortion Act: by Matthew Staver: Liberty Counsel Action: ------- At the beginning of every session in the House of Representatives the Republican members call for a vote to ban the Born-Alive Abortion Act with the counter solution of the Born Alive Survivors Protection Act. They vow never to give up. We have 203 co-sponsors and are getting very close to overriding Speaker Nancy Pelosi to get the bill passed. I, Matt Staver, shared with the group the account that our legal team entered into evidence at the Sandra Merritt trial in which Planned Parenthood Medical Director described how she aborts babies alive to harvest their organs. She grabs the baby by the feet and pulls it out breech to begin dilation. Then she crushed above and below the thorax and harvests the heart, lungs, and liver. Finally, the abortionist removes the intact brain. The members of the group grimaced with each gruesome detail.

  The Born-Alive Survivor’s Protection Act:
Daily Bites of Removing Satan’s Mask: Bite#3) The Born-Alive Survivor’s Protection Act: by Matthew Staver: Liberty Counsel Action: ------- We agreed that passing the “Born Alive Survivor’s Protection Act” is one of our top priorities. We are so close. This is a defining moment. How can anyone support infanticide? Shocking as it is....there are many members of Congress who do. We will totally expose them in 2020. We had a productive discussion on a range of pro-life and religious liberty issues, including bills that we must stop in congress as well as stopping certain resolutions at the United Nations. Unlike 2016 when the “old guard” leadership failed to lead, the new conservative leadership is prepared to lead with a strong agenda to advance our Judeo Christian values. Yet encouraging as it was at that strategy meeting, I remain very concerned about the year ahead of 2020...The year that Satan’s mask has been removed. We have witnessed New York legislators cheering after they passed laws permitting abortion up to birth and even beyond. 

 The dangerous (so-called) “Equality Act”
Daily Bites of Removing Satan’s Mask: Bite#4) The Dangerous (so-called) “Equality Act” by Matt Staver Liberty Counsel Action: ------- The current US House majority passed the most dangerous bill I have yet seen. “The (misnamed) Equality Act. Thankfully the Senate leadership is preventing the bill from coming up for a vote. There are at least 46 co-sponsors in the Senate (republican majority) The razor-thin margin in the Senate is the only reason we have conservatives leading up the senate and chairing the committees. If 2020 changes the Senate by a few seats disaster will fall upon every American, especially Christians and people who share our Judeo Christian values. 

 If 2020 Election Goes Wrong Way:
Daily Bites of Removing Satan’s Mask: Bite#5) If 2020 Election Goes wrong Way: by Matt Staver: Liberty Counsel Action: ------- If the election goes the wrong way then “The Equality Act” among many other disastrous laws will pass. The blood of infants will flow freely. We will pay for their slaughter with our tax dollars and we will pay as a nation. Children will be taught that they can choose to be male or female. this will cause unspeakable damage. Also, it will be protected by the forces of law. Churches will be forced to celebrate the LGBT Agenda. They will face crippling lawsuits for non-compliance and will lose their exemptions. Christian Colleges will lose their accreditations which will force them to compromise or close their doors. Parents could lose their children if they refuse to lose their preferred pronouns or withhold surgery to remove healthy breasts or genitalia. This is not hyperbole! It is already happening but wrong decisions in 2020 will cause an explosion of evil that will impact every household. I am not exaggerating. I wish this was hyperbole but it is not! That is why I want to shout a warning from the Mountain Top! 

 Educating and Motivating Biblical Values:
Daily Bites of removing Satan’s Mask: Bite#6) Educating and Motivating Biblical Values: by Matthew Staver: Liberty Counsel Action: --------- To make sure that evil does not prevail in 2020 we are preparing an aggressive legislating and grassroots mobilization to educate and motivate people to vote Biblical values. In addition to a large email list of supporters, we have one of the largest lists of Bible-believing churches in the country. Our silence is not an option. DVD and booklet package will be sent to thousands of churches. We will mobilize thousands of pastors and millions of people to vote Biblical values. We will also continue to urge the passage of good laws and stop bad laws. We have been very successful in 2019. We need to continue our efforts as we enter the upcoming year 

 On the verge of Spiritual and Cultural Defeat:
Daily Bites of Removing Satan’s Mask: Bite#7) On the Verge of Spiritual and Cultural Defeat: by Matthew Staver: Liberty Counsel Action: ------- We are on the verge of spiritual and cultural defeat. If we don’t take a stand and rally Christian citizens and people with moral values we will be defeated because the enemies of freedom and faith are well funded and fully engaged in the battle. They intend to damage and destroy anyone who dares to stand for truth! 

 My Client: Sandra Merritt:
Daily Bites of Removing Satan’s Mask: Bite#8) My Client: Sandra Merritt: by Matthew Staver: Liberty Counsel Action: --------- Sandra, a 66-year-old grandmother, whose only income is Social Security, provides a good example of what could come to each of us. This brave woman could not remain silent when she learned that infants were being aborted alive to harvest their organs. She stood up for these helpless infants against Planned Parenthood. Now she is standing trial. She could lose everything including her freedom. I wish I could adequately convey my concern about what may come if we do not rally and make the right decisions as we vote in 2020. 

 Persecution will Flood the Land:
Daily Bites of Removing Satan’s Mask: Bite#9) Persecution will Flood the Land: by Matthew Staver: Liberty Counsel Action: ------- If the Faith, Freedom Family, America and Israel agenda is defeated in 2020 it would be impossible to stop the persecution that will flood the Land. I am very concerned about the election of 2020, yet I know without a doubt that GOD birthed us for such a time as this. I remain optimistic because I know with GOD all things are possible. 

 Stand Strong:
Daily Bites of removing Satan’s Mask: Bite#10) Stand Strong: by Matthew Staver: Liberty Counsel Action: -------- Never get discouraged. stay Strong! Liberty Counsel Action is gearing up to reach millions of citizens, thousands of churches, and mobilize millions of people to pray and vote Biblical values. I invite you to partner with Liberty Counsel Action now to continue our work on Capitol Hill and advance and mobilize millions of citizens during these critical 2020 election seasons. So much is at stake in 2020. We have a strong plan of action but we need your prayers and your support: from Matt Staver:

Pearl’s Poem: Majority versus Morality: Majority versus morality. Don’t just go along with the crowd. They can not define true equality. They’re arrogant, hateful and proud. they think it is right to be wrong now...But only because numbers talk. The Christian's been silent so long now...Because they don’t like being mocked. But GOD said to walk in the old paths and ask of your fathers who knew. Go back generations and then ask. Please don’t let this happen to you. Let’s vote only Biblical values, stand strong for the Flag of the Free. For GOD and for the country, we must choose...For justice and true Liberty:

End Of The Series.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust

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