Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Real Motivations Behind The Deep State’s Witch Hunt To Impeach Trump

New Report Reveals The Real Motivations Behind The Deep State’s Witch Hunt To Impeach Trump
It’s no secret that the radical left has been on the warpath against President Trump since the very first day on the job, but what a lot of folks don’t realize is that it’s not just outspoken Democrats in Congress that have been working against the commander-in-chief. In fact, the biggest threat to this administration, the worst of the attacks he’s endured, have come from folks who work deep within the government, the entity of resistance known now as the “Deep State.” These individuals have dedicated themselves to doing whatever is necessary, legal or otherwise, to take down Trump and make sure he pays for his 2016 victory.

Not only that, the Deep State has been working overtime to ensure that Democrats seize the White House in 2020, which is one of many reasons why they are spearheading this whole impeachment craze against the president.

A new report from DC Clothesline explores the other motives behind the Deep States efforts to impeach Trump:
The Deep State has gone all-in against one of the most popular and effective presidents in recent history. The curtain has been thrown back exposing the unholy alliances between Washington politicians (across party lines), our intelligence apparatus, agents of foreign governments (including our enemies), a globalist media consortium, and international big donors.

Carefully hidden from public view for almost a century, the question is why the Deep State is coming out in the open to impeaching a president who only has one year remaining in his term? Is it fear he will be reelected—if so, why is that worth the risk? He has been more or less effectively blocked from pursuing a large portion of his (and America’s) agenda by the Pelosi gang in the House, and Mitch “Shanghai” McConnell in the Senate. Surely this UNIPARTY has mastered the art of Kabuki Theater well enough to suffer through five more years.

In 2016 the unexplained happened, the nation bypassed the opportunity to elect the first female president and chose instead a real outsider, a crass poster-boy for everything anti-PC and non-presidential. The national conscience was so alarmed by what it had witnessed over the previous sixteen years, no matter how many bimbos pointed their fingers, no matter how many negative press stories were broadcast, and no matter how many rude comments were uttered by candidate Donald Trump, he was the one chosen to lead the country.

How could a person like Trump win? During the Republican primary, he shared the stage with a veritable cornucopia of stars. We saw a political family-dynasty, two minorities, a Canadian, a governor, a well-known Christian commentator, and a libertarian, just to name a few. Even conservatives seemed to be split after the field was winnowed down—yet the loud-mouth New Yorker won our hearts and minds, and our votes.

As right as we were in selecting this untested political asset, Donald Trump didn’t actually win the election—the establishment LOST! Congress had hovered around a twenty-percent approval rating for years, yet they managed a 97 percent reelection rate. Post 9-11, the republican congress refused to do anything to stop either Bush or Obama from putting us under the heavy thumb of government agencies. The media had historically been rated lower than used car salesmen, and our national debt had skyrocketed a Trillion dollars under Bush and Congress. Obama and the Republican-Democrat consortium added another 400 Billion dollars to the debt. In sixteen years our debt increased from 18 billion dollars to 1.4 trillion. That’s nearly 800 percent.

By 2016 most Americans had lost faith in a system that was corrupt and unaccountable to the electorate. Many pundits believe Clinton lost the election because she was so unpopular, but the truth is she had become the face of the establishment. She lost because of the backlash against everything that was perceived as wrong in government. The hated media couldn’t help her, and mega-donors couldn’t throw enough money at the election to make a difference.

Since the election of President Trump, the SWAMP has been churning as its denizens thrash around trying to regain their political footing. The bigger the spectacle, the more assured Trump supporters are that we made the right decision—and we’ll make it again in 2020. Polling shows that the more the Deep State attempts to reverse the 2016 outcome, the more determined we are to hold our ground.

The leadership of the UNIPARTY, the complicit media, traitors in government, and politicians on the dole all know the jig is up, temporarily. The 2020 presidential election result is a foregone conclusion—what comes next is what frightens them most. How much more of their gravy train will Trump overturn?

President Trump demonstrated that America-first trade negotiations are possible, thereby cutting off foreign sources of payola enjoyed by corrupt politicians, their family members, and career government employees.

In response to our President’s attempts to secure our borders, cities and states have created safe zones to harbor the very people who prey on us and our families.

By stopping immigration from certain nations, President Trump attempted to limit terrorist access to our shores. In response, federal courts ruled against him, proving to us that even our judiciary is part of the cesspool. The recent SCOTUS ruling allowing gun manufacturers, Remington to be sued for the actions of criminals is the most recent example.

The only hope for the Deep State is for the newly-awakened electorate to go back to sleep and forget everything they saw—or at least give up on being able to make a lasting difference, returning our nation to its constitutional foundation. If they can convince us “We the people” are out-gunned politically, things will go back to “normal.” The constant barrage of anti-Trump rhetoric being played out in Democrat impeachment hearings and on every television and radio network is designed to wear us down and energize the other side.

So far their strategy doesn’t seem to be accomplishing anything but taking the spotlight off the weak field of Democrat candidates vying for a chance to run against President Trump. The Democrats have accomplished nothing noteworthy in this session that would get their base fired up–certainly nothing to compete with President Trump. Their only hope is to score big on impeaching the Orange Man, hoping that momentum will carry over to next November.

The report goes on to suggest conservatives and Trump supporters watch for Republican senators to start resigning from office, especially those who have not done much in the way of supporting Trump and defending him against the multitude of attacks and assaults he’s had to endure since being elected to office.

If Trump is re-elected, those who didn’t openly support him and defend him are likely going to either step down from office or end up being tossed to the curb by their constituents.

Guess we’ll have to wait and see just how deeply this all runs in the administration. Until then, pray for Trump and his success against these strategies of revolution so that our system of government, one run by the people and for the people, will endure.


just read an article in “The Epoch Times” by Trevor Loudon that there was some collusion between the Chinese Government and the Democrat Party apparatus that was responsible for the results of Virginia losing to the Democrats this month. Just to try and summarize the article, one of the key individuals was responsible for identifying areas to target for a democratic door to door campaigning. He was someone very familiar with Geographic Information Systems (GIS), a Steve McClure who in the 1970s was active in the Pro Mao Revolutionary Student Brigade, has worked with the Geography Department of Wuhan University in China and is a key research associate at that university. He used his knowledge of GIS to supply highly targeted voter identification information (lower-income / high rental) areas that would be positively responsive to the democrats messaging. This was all done under the direction of a group called the “New Virginia Majority”. They targeted minority communities since they lean left anyway. My first question is if this group is associated with Communist China, why the hell hasn’t the mainstream media reported on this? My second question is where have the Republicans been in all of this? China would like nothing better to have Donald Trump lose the election. This would pave the way for them to succeed in replacing us as the superpower. What most people don’t seem to realize is that this would drastically reduce the living standards in this country since our leadership in technology would be curtailed, our military superiority would be gone and China would have control over our actions, trading, and manufacturing. I cannot understand why democrats are so blinded by their hatred for Trump that they cannot see that the current crop of Democrat candidates for president does not have the experience, toughness or savy to negotiate with the Chinese for our benefit. No one Democrat or Republican has been able or willing to do this in my memory and I remember Kennedy being president. A third question for the young liberal “progressives” (?). Twenty or Thirty years from now when your children are grown, what are you going to tell them what you’ve done to fight this when they have to face this new reality.

Good article. It dates the Deep State back about a century, no doubt with the Wilson administration in mind. Fair enough, but to my mind the banksters behind Jekyll Island, etc. actually comprise one of the Deep State’s antecedents. I think it more useful to understand the Deep State as the bipartisan cabal behind the assassination of Pres. Kennedy.

The new evidence and scholarship makes it clear that Lyndon B. Johnson and CIA elements, working with the Mob, LBJ’s Suite 8-F Clique and certain senior members of the military and Secret Service were behind the JFK assassination. Johnson, J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI, and CIA media assets then managed the coverup.

The Deep State is the treasonous coup government secretly set up behind the scenes in 1963 and operating with impunity ever since, much like Iran’s Guardian Council, as an unelected, unaccountable fourth branch of government. Its operational arms are the corrupted FBI and CIA. And it serves the same reactionary interests as ever before: banksters, industrialists, the defense and security sectors, etc.

Whatever one thinks of DJT or his policies, he is the first overtly anti-Deep State president since Kennedy. The Deep State fears him. It was desperate to prevent his presidency and now is desperate to end it.

Its secrets nearly surfaced during Watergate and perhaps again in October 2017 when the last JFK assassination files were due for release. CIA dissuaded the president from releasing all of them then. But they come up again for review during what could be Trump’s second term in office.

By then, may it please God, the Deep State’s present machinations will have been exposed, failed, and repudiated at the ballot box. This will be the time when the president should unseal the files, expose the true nature of the Deep State, and carry out a rapid, decisive operation to destroy it.

It’s already too late to save the republic, our having already lost it in 1963. Our task and duty now is to restore the Second Republic.

Talk about TREASON! . . . Convict them ALL and sent them to LEAVENWORTH (military prison). Make sure to strip ALL these individuals of their “golden Parachute” retirements since they are guilty of TREASON and SEDITION. Team Trump and his allies 2020 – KAGA (Keep America Great Again).

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust

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