The Frightened Old Woman with Her Trump 2020 FlagScouting a location to shoot a promotional video for my Trump Train 2020 song, my wife Mary and I spotted a lovely home with a huge Trump 2020 flag waving in the breeze on a flagpole. After knocking on the front door and introducing myself, I assured the elderly white homeowner that we would not show her address in our video.
Still, she declined our request to allow Mary to shoot a video of me with her Trump 2020 flag in the background. She was terrified of being persecuted by Trump haters. It is outrageous that citizens are afraid to publicly express support for the president of the United States. The atrocious reality is Democrats and fake news media continue to instigate hate and violence against Trump voters.
Folks, we are in the process of losing our country right now, not somewhere down the road. Democrats are aggressively repealing your constitutional right to free speech. New York City will fine you $250,000 for saying “illegal alien.”
The only thing standing between Democrats and fake news media implementing their insane job-killing, anti-American, socialistic, and anti-Christian agenda nationwide is Donald J. Trump in the White House.
Fake News Media and Democrats’ hate-driven obsession with removing Trump from office is so over-the-top that it has literally become an episode of the “Twilight Zone.” Irrefutable proof that Trump did not pressure the Ukraine president to interfere in our election is being ignored. Democrats are moving forward with impeaching Trump based solely on Adam Schiff’s easily proven lies about what Trump said to the president of Ukraine.
Democrats have put all their eggs to win the presidency in 2020 into their Impeach-Trump basket. Their game plan is to sell voters their absurd lie that Trump is so corrupt that they had to impeach him.

This is why my Trump Train 2020 song is so important. It is not just an ordinary nice song. I sincerely believe it was divinely inspired for such a crucial time as this. My Trump Train 2020 song will inspire, encourage, and embolden you. The song lets people know the great things Trump has done and is doing to save and restore our beloved country. Keeping his promises, Trump truly is making America great again.

Here is a bit of insider info about the recording session of the Trump Train 2020 song. My music producer and I had trouble finding Maryland singers and a recording studio willing to record a song supportive of Trump. We eventually found a recording studio. Singers from various states responded to my clarion call. We had singers black and white, old and young. Fourteen-year-old Justice, whose mom brought her all the way to Maryland from Florida, did a great job belting out her solo line, “Can you hear the whistle sound!” I love this kid.
After our awesome recording session which felt like a family reunion, the owner of the recording studio emailed me. He raved about how much fun he had and how it was a pleasure working with such a great group of nice people. Clearly, we Trump supporters were not the deplorable racist haters characterized by fake news media and Democrats.

Patriots, I cannot express upon you how important it is that we counter fake news media and Democrats’ relentless 24/7 flooding the airwaves with lies designed to deceive, intimidate, and dispirit Trump and his supporters. To win in 2020, Democrats and fake news media hope to destroy Trump’s character in the minds of a majority of voters.
It is infuriating that Democrats’ resistance to Trump has become so deranged that the elderly white woman with the Trump 2020 flag was afraid to risk her home being seen in my video.
I shot my one-minute promotional video for the Trump Train 2020 song at the beautiful Potomac River in West Virginia.
To be reelected, president Trump desperately needs and truly appreciates the support of everyone who loves America.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust
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