Poll Shows A Crippling Amount Of Conservatives Are Planning To Leave Deep Blue State, All Fed Up

Oh, the beautiful state of California. Leading the US in poverty, feces, plagues and the unchained insanity of Democrats. Somewhere between the extreme cost of living and the degrading infrastructure can you blame anyone for wanting to leave?
According to The Federalist, more than half of California voters have thought about moving out of state, according to a new poll from the Institute of Governmental Studies at U.C. Berkeley. A full 74 percent of the state’s very conservative voters say they’re looking into moving, and 84 percent of those cite California’s political culture as their rationale for leaving.
Unsurprisingly, the high cost of housing is mentioned by 71 percent of California voters who have considered moving out-of-state. More than half of voters ages 18 to 39 have thought about moving out of state, with more than 80 percent of that group citing high housing costs as the reason.
So, lots of Californians want to move. Who can blame them?
While wages in the state are generally higher than in the rest of the nation (especially close to the Pacific Coast), so too are housing costs, which more than eat up the higher earnings. For instance, workers moving from the tech industry in the San Francisco Bay Area to Austin, Texas, would, all things being equal, see an immediate 46 percent increase in their standard of living. Rent in San Francisco is about three times higher than in Austin.
While the main focus of the poll was Californians’ frustration with high housing costs—much of which is due to the state’s overbearing regulations—the poll’s other big takeaway was the degree to which California’s increasing ideological dominance by the left is driving conservative dissatisfaction within the state. In this, the poll’s findings are nothing short of astounding—at least for those who haven’t been paying attention.
If even half of the conservatives ready to leave actually do, I bet Democrats will listen then. They’ll listen because, like it or no,t taxpayers are the cash cow they feed from and losing legal taxpayers in their state will certainly hit them where it hurts.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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