One of Epstein’s lawyers, in a personal statement, said prosecutors, politicians, judges and the press “all seem to have a share of Mr. Epstein’s blood on their hands.”
On Friday, a fresh list of high-profile names linked to Epstein’s alleged child-sex ring was among a cache of some 2,000 documents released as part of a separate lawsuit against British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell brought by one of Epstein’s self-identified victims.
‘Killer cop’ inmate says he heard nothing on morning of Jeffrey Epstein’s deathAn inmate in the same unit where Jeffrey Epstein hanged himself heard nothing the morning of his death — but “knows a heck of a lot about what went on,” his lawyer said in a new report.
Nicholas Tartaglione, an ex-Westchester cop who faces the death penalty in a quadruple homicide upstate, was being held a few cells away from Epstein on Aug. 10, when he was found unresponsive around 6:30 a.m.
“Nobody heard anything. It was a silent act,” his lawyer Bruce Barket told NBC News.
Tartaglione was Epstein’s cellmate at the Manhattan Correctional Center when the convicted pedophile was first found nearly unconscious on the floor of his cell with injuries to his neck in July.
The hulking former Briarcliff Manor cop told investigators that he didn’t hear anything at the time and wasn’t responsible for Epstein’s injuries, sources previously told The Post.
Tartaglione has not yet been questioned about Epstein’s suicide, Barket said.
“Nick knows a heck of a lot about what went on,” the lawyer claimed to NBC. “He was there during the first attempt and he was there when he actually killed himself — he just wasn’t in the same cell.”
Tartaglione, 51, is awaiting trial on charges he murdered four men as part of a drug deal gone bad. He is accused of burying the bodies on his Otisville property.
“Whether or not he’ll be in a position to cooperate remains unclear,” Barket said. “But he certainly has information that would be very valuable to the investigation if they want access to it.”
Screams reportedly came from Jeffrey Epstein’s cell the morning he died
Screams could be heard coming from Jeffrey Epstein’s jail cell the morning he was found dead — as corrections workers frantically tried to revive him, urging, “Breathe, Epstein, breathe!” according to a report Tuesday.
The multimillionaire pedophile’s brother, Mark, was called after Epstein hanged himself with a bedsheet early Saturday at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Lower Manhattan and is the one who identified his body, CBS reported.
Epstein, a 66-year-old former hedge-fund manager, was being held on federal sex-trafficking charges after his arrest last month.

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For you see, the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.
Coningsby: Or The New Generation And, The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings, and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments’ plans. — Benjamin Disraeli, Speech at Aylesbury, Great Britain, September 10, 1870
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