Late this week, China announced new tariffs on $75 billion worth of US goods, and President Trump angrily retaliated by announcing raises in the tariffs he’s already placed on many goods from China.
Trump also tweeted that he “hereby ordered” American companies to start looking for alternatives to China and bringing their jobs back to America.
That order brought on the usual mockery from the left (“delusions of thinking he has that power”) and fury from the right (“Presidents shouldn’t interfere with private sector business decisions.”) But I like to deal with reality, so just to be clear:
Yes, Presidents do have the power to do what Trump ordered (leftists have never acknowledged that Trump really is President, so they’re constantly accusing him of being delusional for thinking he has Presidential powers.) As law professor Glenn Reynolds of the Instapundit blog points out, this falls under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act or IEEPA. There have even been similar uses of it under Obama and Gerald Ford.
The question is not whether Trump has the power to issue that order, but is it a serious order or just a message to China that he’s willing to do whatever it takes to stare them down? It’s most likely the latter, since invoking the IEEPA would require him first to declare a national emergency based on economic threats, which he hasn’t done.
Bottom line: this is probably just a hardball negotiating tactic, which is good because we not only must renegotiate our terrible trade deals with China, but Beijing also has to learn that they need us more than we need them before they pull any more aggressive military moves anywhere from Greenland to Hong Kong. Businesses that have their manufacturing in China probably won’t consider it a binding order to immediately move their facilities elsewhere. Then again, whether Trump orders them to or not, it might be prudent to have a plan for that contingency in their back pockets anyway.
First of all, what President Trump is doing is awesome.
Secondly, it's disturbing to hear that the Republican politicians (and I'm a registered Republican) are still willing to give our economy away to other nations. For a long time, I have felt like America is being run by a two-party dictatorship: Democrats and Republicans. Can't something be done to create more parties nationally? I think if you started a Socialist party right now it would take 40% of the votes away from Democrats. If you started a party that believes more like President Trump, you could probably take 60% of the voters away from the Republican party (I will be one of them) and add a whole lot of Independents. Maybe through this new party, the voice of the people who believe in traditional American values could be heard again. Is there anyone who could make this happen? Maybe right after the next election?
I believe everything President Trump does has so far proven to be in the best interests of our country, playing "hardball with China" will be the same. He's doing a brilliant job of putting America first and I thank him for loving our country like he does. If he isn't reelected it will be devastating for the US, just a shame. I love his tweets, I think he is a passionate man, and he says what's on his mind how refreshing it is to have that brutal honesty coming out of the White House instead of the deception and treachery we've had in the past.
China has been at war with us economically for decades. They have flooded our universities, enterprises, and government research facilities with spies. They strong-arm businesses trying to do business in China to give up their intellectual property and processes to their government partners who then use it without compensating the developer. They have friends in government such as HRC and WJC who have suspiciously turned a blind eye (while getting rich) to espionage in which they gained access to the miniaturization of nuclear warheads and missile telemetry data permitting them to build MIRVs and the missiles to deliver them as well as successfully launching satellites into space. This technology which cost the American taxpayers over $50 billion
To develop - in the case of the telemetry data - was just given to them by Clinton buddy, Bernie Schwartz, a Brooklyn parking meter magnate who took over defense contractor Loral thereby gaining the info he later passed on to the Chinese. Over twenty years ago (during the Clinton years) an engineer working for the US Army confided to me that research departments within the Army were being flooded with ethnic Chinese who were first being appointed department heads who then filled the department with mandarin speaking engineers. My friend did not speak mandarin and was suspicious but afraid to speak up and be called a racist or nationalist or whatever fallback countermeasures spies use to crush their opponents. China has also, since Clinton, of course, been expanding its territories into the Philippines and Vietnamese territories by claiming the south china sea as its own.
Socialism is a failed system which can survive only by leaching parasitically off of free enterprise.
Kinda like the Clinton flunkies becoming rich by selling this country out to overseas tyrants.
And how come we hear nothing from the lame brain media about china's concentration/reeducation camps and human organ harvesting?
To develop - in the case of the telemetry data - was just given to them by Clinton buddy, Bernie Schwartz, a Brooklyn parking meter magnate who took over defense contractor Loral thereby gaining the info he later passed on to the Chinese. Over twenty years ago (during the Clinton years) an engineer working for the US Army confided to me that research departments within the Army were being flooded with ethnic Chinese who were first being appointed department heads who then filled the department with mandarin speaking engineers. My friend did not speak mandarin and was suspicious but afraid to speak up and be called a racist or nationalist or whatever fallback countermeasures spies use to crush their opponents. China has also, since Clinton, of course, been expanding its territories into the Philippines and Vietnamese territories by claiming the south china sea as its own.
Socialism is a failed system which can survive only by leaching parasitically off of free enterprise.
Kinda like the Clinton flunkies becoming rich by selling this country out to overseas tyrants.
And how come we hear nothing from the lame brain media about china's concentration/reeducation camps and human organ harvesting?
As for Donald Trump's hard line reigning in of this tyrannical country, it's about time.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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For you see, the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.
Coningsby: Or The New Generation And, The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings, and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments’ plans. — Benjamin Disraeli, Speech at Aylesbury, Great Britain, September 10, 1870
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