Nothing will be done all the powerful Democrats are owned by the Clinton's to include Obama. Sad but the Congress can't do anything for the American people because of the continued distractions by the "Squad" who along with the Democrats want only to impeach Trump. Who will the Democrats have killed next!
Take A Look At Who Appointed The Judges In Both The Epstein And NXIVM CasesEveryone’s still theorizing on what really might have happened to sickening billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein in light of his “suicide,” with many folks coming down on the side of this being some sort of conspiracy involving the powerful individuals the man was prepared to dish dirt on.
The prevailing theory is that Epstein was murdered to prevent him from turning stool pigeon and ratting out these rich, powerful clients who frequented his sex slave business. Unfortunately, at this point, we may never really know what happened or what he knew, which is the real tragedy of this whole thing.
However, an interesting tidbit that’s now come to the surface is that the judges that were involved in Epstein’s case and the NXIVM sex cult case were appointed by former President Bill Clinton, who just happens to have some pretty deep ties to both groups.
Here’s more from DC Clothesline:
If you don’t visit VOAT on a regular basis, you probably should.This was posted yesterday by a member nicknamed “CLIPTO”…I have uploaded a video (Part 1 YouTube & Part 2 YouTube) on my YouTube channel and uploaded a supplementary diagram to archive.org in order to make the information in this post more concise and easier to consume.PrefaceBill Clinton appointed Judge Richard M. Berman and Judge Nicholas G. Garaufis to district courts in NY, where they are now presiding over the Epstein and NXIVM trials, respectively. This information is out in the open and in and of itself, would appear to constitute major conflicts of interest regarding two eerily similar and politically stunning sex trafficking cases.During the course of my research, I began to realize that Lynn Forester de Rothschild’s relationship with Clintons, along with several different people tied to both judges, creates the appearance of additional conflicts of interest. Because of this, I have arranged the post according to Lady Rothschild’s relationships with each party.Lynn Forester de Rothschild1. Connection to Ghislaine MaxwellShe owns a Manhattan property close to Epstein’s and back in 2015, the UK’s Sunday Times reported that:Ms Maxwell, 53, was photographed [this] weekend outside her home in New York where she moved after the death of her father, the disgraced newspaper mogul Robert Maxwell, in 1991.The Manhattan property, which is close to Epstein’s mansion, is owned by Lynn Forester de Rothschild, wife of the British financier Sir Evelyn Robert de Rothschild.Ghislaine is also a former member of the Clinton Global Initiative according to a 2007 members list.2. Connection to Jeffrey EpsteinHer husband, Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, appears in Epstein’s little black bookon page 48.Epstein was arrested at Teterboro Airport. According to Wikipedia, Rothschild’s father was “president and owner of the General Aviation Aircraft Services, now Meridian, in Teterboro, New Jersey.” It is likely that he would have spent a lot of time working out of Teterboro Airport, although the page source on that has already been 404’d.In addition to Madame Maxwell, Epstein’s brother, Mark, was also a member of the Clinton Global Initiative in 2007.According to Harper’s Bazaar, Lynn’s first job after law school was with the firm Simpson Thacher & Bartlett. According to Wikipedia’s list of notable alumni, Cy Vance worked there as well, albeit long before Ghislaine. I only mention this because the name Cy Vance ended up ringing a bell, but I couldn’t remember why. I did a quick search and realized that Vance’s son, Cy Vance, Jr., was not only in the NY Post this week for subpoenaing a Trump organization over the whole Stormy Daniels hush-money fiasco, but he also made the New York Times 3 weeks ago because it was his office who attempted to get Epstein’s sex offender status lowered in New York!4. Connection to Judge Richard M. Berman (Judge for the Epstein Trial)Long before she married into the Rothschild family, she volunteered on the U.S. Senate campaign of Daniel Patrick Moynihan. According to Politico:In between studies at Pomona College, a private liberal arts school in Claremont, Calif., and Columbia Law School, she began a long association with Democratic politics, volunteering for the U.S. Senate campaign of Daniel Patrick Moynihan.If Lynn was born in 1954, then she would be 18 years old (entering college) in 1972. If she spent 4 years at Pomona College, that would bring us to 1976. Moynihan was elected in 1976, so it would reasonable to believe that Lynn volunteered on Moynihan’s very first campaign for Senate. In 1977, Moynihan was a co-chair, along with Jacob K. Javits, of the New York State Alliance to Save Energy. Javits’s executive assistant at the time, Richard M. Berman, was appointed as the executive director of this alliance.While it seems likely that this appointment was more influenced by Javits, it is quite a coincidence that out of all the judges that could have presided over the Epstein trial, it was Judge Richard M. Berman who was selected. And on top of that, out of all the courthouses this trial could have taken place in, it is currently taking place in the Daniel Patrick Moynihan Courthouse!At this point, I am sure many of you will want to dig deeper into Judge Richard M. Berman. If you would like a head start, see this video I made a few days ago to accompany this Voat post. With the help of a fellow Voat user, I came very close to being able to connect Judge Berman to notorious California pedophile, Harry Baker.5. Connection to Judge Nicholas G. Garaufis (Judge for the NXIVM Trial)According to her Wikipedia, Rothschild sits on the Board of Bronfman E.L. Rothschild LP. There is no citation for this, but a former CEO confirms both her and Matthew Bronfman as members of the board of directors in an interview with RIABiz.com:RIABiz: Is this a new position for the company? If yes, why is the position being created now?Simon: Marilyn’s position is a new one for the company. We have been anxious to grow our presence in New York. Not only does Bronfman Rothschild have a current office in New York, but several of our board members are based there as well, including Matthew Bronfman, Eli Goldstein and Lynn Forester de Rothschild.The Bronfmans, particularly Sara, Clare, and their father, Edgar, were the principal funders of the NXIVM sex cult that is currently being prosecuted in New York. The three of them also appear on the Clinton Global Initiative members list for 2007.Presiding over the NXIVM trial is Judge Nicholas G. Garaufis, who, like Judge Berman, was appointed to that judgeship by Bill Clinton. Unlike Judge Berman, Garaufis actually served in the Clinton Administration as Chief Counsel to the Federal Aviation Administration!Before he was a part of the Clinton Administration, Garaufis was the assistant Attorney General under Louis J. Lefkowitz. I have been working to see if Louis J. Lefkowitz is related to Jay Lefkowitz, one of the lawyers who negotiated the now infamous plea deal with the office of Alexander Acosta. Apparently, Louis J. Lefkowitz has a brother named Leo Lefkowitz and Jay Lefkowitz has an uncle named Leonard Lefkowitz according to his father’s (Jerome Lefkowitz) obituary. I’m Just not 100% sure that they are one-in-the-same. Any information establishing the two as the same person would be greatly appreciated.
PARTS 1 & 2

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Coningsby: Or The New Generation And, The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings, and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments’ plans. — Benjamin Disraeli, Speech at Aylesbury, Great Britain, September 10, 1870
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