The truth behind the rhetoric From the diary of A Patriot, Bill Sharpe

Good morning to my fellow constitutional loving

Good morning my friends
, Americans patriot constitutionalist
, Americans patriot constitutionalist
Here's my thought for today

Hello, my Christian constitutional American patriots.
Good morning friends and fellow Americans and patriots,
Greetings to my Christian friend's Patriots 3% ers, and tea party freedom fighters.

The Bar, A bar opens up in your neighborhood, and right away become a community hub for people to socialize, but this part of this tavern is by design to overthrow your community politically socially and spiritually.
It starts out innocent enough horseshoe or shooting contest, billiards, or darts some game of skill and chance, but this is all a devious plot to find out information about your family and your religion and to personally destroy you and use you for profit gain.
So your wife and you and kids are seen by the bar members walking down the street on their way to the grocery store school or church, and one of the members of this bar wants to seduce you or your wife, and/or kids, to rape the life that you've and your family have created,
So they send one of their prostitutes or a couple prostitutes to try to seduce the husband-and-wife to drive a wedge in between them to break up the family to destroy it, so they send their attractive gigolo psychological rapist to see if they can destroy the relationship of love and trust of this family, all for the sole purpose of financial-political gain of that bar. Of course, the bar will always accept new members willing to work with them so that they can exploit them for their own ambitious agenda.
So one of the spouses is lured into the bar by some devious means of game of chance, or by some tactic by one of the seducers, at that point the game has begun in destroying your family, they will use the art of seduction, black male prostitution some form of manipulation to create non-trust in your family foundation, or have some financial hardship or distress will be created by them, or by some addiction, and weakness of your soul.
It doesn't happen overnight sometimes it takes years a disgruntled spouse, some misunderstanding the breakdown of communication or financial stress but eventually they get to drive that wedge into your family, without godly intervention in your life these individuals are more than likely will be successful.
So here's how it works they the Lure you or your Spouse Or children into this bar, get you intoxicated to some point make you comfortable find out,Your weaknesses and what you're families worth, if they can sell your kids, if they can prostitute your Spouse or children off, turn you or your Spouse into a drug dealer and or addict or alcoholic whenever they must be done to acquire your assets and destroy your life, Whatever they can do, If they cannot convert you to become part of their syndicate, and this is how they make people part of their syndicate.
Now some people figure this game out early in life or they are part of this system and pretend not to be, other individuals, when they figure this out, will start to fight this bar to try to put them out of business chased them out of their community, but the bar is aware of what the resistance will be and who will have the power to be successful.
So one of the spouses wishes to become part of this bar organization for devious reasons of course, usually because they are psychopaths and have a way of finding each other just like drug addicts.
So when one of the spouses not involve who is maternal of a healthy mind tries to intervene the spouse who is intoxicated by the bar Actors gets help from them to try to hurt the spouse who is trying to stop the scam that is going to destroy their family, so the bar members gang up on that spouse.
If there is not a strong religious connection in the family this game is over that family is done it will no longer exist, the children will become part of this bars ambitious corporate greed for power and lust, and the family structure will disintegrate.
But if there is a strong religious foundation in this family and their church is strong in the community they will fight this evil entity and try to remove them from the community, the bar Corporation knows this, they also know that the people in the community may pick up arms and come upstand against the bar At some point, so the bar will be using their ploy and strategy to seduce the politicians and their families to have control over them so that they can use them for the bar and give the bar power to resist the citizens and their church.
See the bar is a branch of an Evil church, and this church is demonic evil and all things that are wrong! so When the resistance gets too strong from the people in the community and their church, the bar will call upon the power of their Demonic church to fight the other church or churches who are trying to stop this evil ideology of destruction of families.
Because the bottom line is the bar are actually agents working for an evil church, set out into the world to destroy the other churches of God, and the people that worship the true God, And they use these strategies to try to destroy the reputation of righteous churches and of the righteous God.
Now the bar and the Evil church that has set out to overthrow these communities to gain their assets, know that their scam can only go on for so long, and they must acquire all the arms or techniques or assets that can be used against them, so they have the politicians in the community write laws to bar certain liberties, rights, and freedoms from those who would stand up against them.
The bar has politicians write laws to Trespass and infringe upon people's freedoms and increase the taxation so that the people do not have the financial means to buy protection or weapons or technologies to defend themselves from the bar, the financial stress also means that the family that they wish to assault have to spend more time working and less time reading and studying, or sharing time with their family to make the family unit stronger, so every ploy by the bar is by designed to destroy the family units of the community, with the intention of overthrowing the entire nation by an evil and devious church, which uses the bar as a silent weapon within the community to destroy the community. They have even gone so far to corrupt our schools and the educational process of our children, to make them vulnerable to this seduction by evil forces.
in the early construction of the United States of America it was the churches the black robe regiment which pushed back against this Evil church of the bar, and for a short time in North America liberties and freedoms reign supreme, for 36 years until the Evil church of the bar came back with the King to overthrow that nation once again, because the King and the church are the ones who were behind the destruction of families, because with solid family structures, and with the godly people the King has no power, and that's why the bar is so important to the destruction of the community neighborhood or nation.
And this is why they are also against the true religion of God and Christianity because these people stand against all that is wrong, they stand against the bar the King and the bad church.
And this is why we have an organization called the American Bar Association, it's a corporation of all the bars working in conspiracy with their political and religious powers as agents working for this evil church to destroy our nation, and they are also affiliated with the world's other most demonic alleged religion, with the sole purpose to destroy the righteous God of Christianity.
By-Bill Sharpe
I would recommend that everybody go online and take a free course on the Constitution from Hillsdale college, I would also recommend that everybody should join a local militia group and a patriot organization.
God Bless America is an American patriotic song written by Irving Berlin in 1918 and revised by him in 1938. The later version was recorded by Kate Smith, Note: I would like you to take the 5 minutes and listen to the words of this song and remember the Generation that fought A world war so we could be free, So stand up beside Her and let's take our Country back, my Patriot Friends!

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)

and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust
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Knowledge Is Power And Information is Liberating: The FRIENDS OF LIBERTY BLOG GROUPS are non-profit blogs dedicated to bringing as much truth as possible to the readers.
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For you see, the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.
Coningsby: Or The New Generation And, The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings, and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments’ plans. — Benjamin Disraeli, Speech at Aylesbury, Great Britain, September 10, 1870
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