Tuesday, July 23, 2019

CNN’S Attempted Attack on President Trump Spectacularly Blows up in Their Faces

Fake News CNN’S Attempted

Attack on President Trump

Spectacularly Blows up in Their Faces

First, a little background: Trump has recently told members of “The Squad,” that if they don’t like it here
, they can leave, among other things. The big kerfuffle over this is of course that President Trump is making these attacks on these particular women is being racist. That is the view of those on the Left anyway, but this view is apparently not supported by any American with even half of a brain.
CNN correspondent Randi Kaye during a segment on “Anderson Cooper 360” asked eight Dallas-area women what amounted to some loaded questions. The responses Kaye got from these women were not at all what he was expecting or wanted to hear.

The following quotes are all taken from The Blaze article on CNN’s show unless stated otherwise.

“’ How many of you don’t think what the president said is racist?’ Kaye asked the women, all of whom are Trump supporters.”
The responses of these women were pure gold:
  • “I’m a brown-skinned woman. I am a legal immigrant. I agree with [Trump].”
  • “He was saying that if they hate America so much because what we’re seeing out of them and hearing out of them — they hate America. If it’s so bad, there’s a lot of places they can go.”
  • “Actually, I think it’s a demonstration of how their ideology spills over even though they’re American now, so to speak.”
  • “They’re not acting American.”
  • “We know the president is not racist. He loves people from Hispanics to black people — all across the board.”
Despite these women forcefully defending and supporting Donald Trump, well, Kaye did not apparently get the message.

One of the women stated to Kaye:
“I’m glad the president said what he said because all they’re doing is — they’re inciting hatred and division and that’s not what our country is about. It’s not about that at all—,”
This writer could not agree more.  The four women that belong to Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’s (including AOC) so-called “Squad,” are nothing more than globalist, America hating, Leftist ideologues.  These women defend Islam and Muslims, they spout anti-Semitic barbs aimed at destabilizing American-Israeli relationships, and they go out of their way to criticize every action that President trump takes, including securing the Southern border.  They are without a doubt divisive while attempting to convince the American public that Trump is a hateful racist while they themselves are much maligned and picked on because they are women of color – what a joke.
“’ But isn’t that what the president does with some of his own comments?’ Kaye interjected. ‘His own racist comments?’
‘But he didn’t say anything about color,’ the woman shot back.”
Kaye, and by extension CNN, simply don’t get it, this, of course, applies to all of the modern-day Left.  These people simply cannot see past their insane need to attack Trump.
One of the women from Dallas went on to say that Trump dated a black woman for two years and that two of his wives were immigrants.  Trump is also widely known to have “people of color” working for him in many capacities.  Trump is not a racist except in the eyes of these imbeciles, and the American people, by and large, are not buying what CNN and the rest of the Leftist media are selling.
“‘Whoever wrote these questions up is — it’s clear that they’re very manipulative to accuse instead of extracting the truth,’ the woman said. ‘Because when you say, you know, ‘Don’t you think he’s racist?’ You’re accusing us; you’re accusing [Trump].’
‘I’m asking; I’m not accusing,’ Kaye shot back. ‘I’m asking you what you think.’
‘It’s not relevant. It has nothing to do with the real issue,’ the same woman responded. ‘Why do you keep bringing it up?’”
I think Kaye was getting desperate to get a response that supports the Left’s viewpoint that Trump is a mean, nasty, divisive racist hater.
Did. Not. Happen.
Even a recent report by Breitbart claims that a Democrat says that “The Squad” is hurting the Democrat Party.  Not a real surprise as these women continue to foolishly shoot their mouths off before counting the cost, while also attempting to, as I recently wrote, marginalize Speaker Nancy Pelosi and take over their party.  This all helps Trump in 2020, so I for one hope they keep it up.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


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For you see, the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.

  Coningsby: Or The New Generation And, The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings, and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments’ plans. — Benjamin Disraeli, Speech at Aylesbury, Great Britain, September 10, 1870

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