Monday, July 29, 2019

America’s Current Political War

What Have Democrats Really Accomplished?

So what have Democrats accomplished in the past two years?
What have they done to benefit the poor, the middle class, and American business interests?
Nothing! However, people keep voting them into office.
Why do Democrats insist on destroying their own historic culture at the expense of foreign immigrant invasions?
Thousands of people still cross the border illegally. Thousands of people are sick and families are crunched into holding locations at the expense of the American taxpayer.
Is this efficient governing?
No. It is political war against the president and the American people.
Is funding for abortion on demand a virtuous practice which will build up our society?
Aren’t the after-effects of abortion damaging to the woman who had the abortion?
What are the psychological factors on her and on the people that surround her in life?
Abortion extends its immorality to the periphery of society.
Parents, citizens, Trump supporters, Republicans, and advocates of free speech need to demand change, and change themselves in order to shelter children from these immoral venues of so called entertainment.
All of us need to be sheltered from the political war declared by the Democrats on President Trump and on the millions who voted for him instead of Crooked Hillary.
Protest, protest, and protest some more.

America’s Current Political War
 The progressive radical, and left wing Democratic Party has gone “stone cold crazy” according to President Trump, and for certain, according to the citizens who voted for him in 2016.
Headed by Nancy Pelosi and Jerrold Nadler, a political offensive has been initiated by the House of Representatives as a second major battle in the political war against the Executive Branch of government. The first major battle being the Mueller Investigation. This attack is unprecedented in U.S. history.
Political War is defined as the “use of political means to compel an opponent to do one’s will, based on hostile intent.” (Paul A Smith)
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler furnished a spate of document requests to the president and his associates as the administration adapts to the actuality of a Democratic-controlled House of Representatives.

According to CBS News:
“Nadler revealed his committee has requested documents from 81 entities and individuals, from the White House to Donald Trump Jr. and Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg. Nadler is probing allegations of obstruction of justice and public corruption. The document request is the largest issued since Democrats took control of the lower chamber in January, and all the subpoena powers that come with it.”

Presidential Harassment

The president calls this “presidential harassment.” President Trump has hardened his view on cooperating with Congress by stating he may not provide anything to Congress citing as an example of how the Obama Administration did the same.
These actions by the House of Representatives are an all out political war against the president, driven by unprecedented hatred, and an unwillingness of Democrats to accept the results of the 2016 election.
The specter of Hillary Clinton still looms in the minds of the Democratic Party and liberals across the country.
Not since the years before the bloody Civil War (1861-1865) has there been such animosity between Democrats and Republicans. The continued fury over President Trump’s leadership continues to cause a national divide where many people are fearful of publicly showing support for the president.
One major obstacle for Democrats is the president’s call for a National Emergency at the southern border of the country.
The New York Times recently reported, “The number of migrant families crossing the southwest border has once again broken records, with unauthorized entries nearly double what they were a year ago, suggesting that the Trump administration’s aggressive policies have not discouraged new migration to the United States.”
This why a wall is needed.
“More than 76,000 migrants crossed the border without authorization in February, an 11-year high and a strong sign that stepped-up prosecutions, new controls on asylum and harsher detention policies have not reversed what remains a powerful lure for thousands of families fleeing violence and poverty.”

The Costs Of Political War And Investigations

How can American citizens stand down when their federal government is wasting millions of dollars on spurious investigations against the president?
The Mueller Investigation has cost taxpayers about 27 million dollars. It lasted for two years.
The investigations have inhibited the president and his administration from carrying out their agenda, especially, in foreign relations.
As the president is berated at home by the hateful Democrats and the resentful mainstream media, the president’s currency and respect falls in many countries including our allies.
The spiteful scheduling of the Cohen testimony before the House Oversight and Reform Committee, as President Trump met with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, was another unprecedented move by congressional leaders in the United States.
The failed meeting between Trump and Kim Jong Un may well have been caused by these actions of the House of Representatives.
Undermining the president like this may have already caused danger to South Korea, Japan, and the United States. But the Democrats do not care.
They promised to investigate the president no matter what Mueller uncovers. The spiteful rhetoric is unending.

How Can America Survive Political War?


“The preservation of liberty depends upon the intellectual and moral character of the people. As long as knowledge and virtue are diffused generally among the body of a nation, it is impossible they should be enslaved….Ambition is one of the ungovernable passions of the human heart. The love of power is insatiable and uncontrollable. There is danger from all men….”
 – John Adams
One of the intellectual stars of the Second Continental Congress and of the committee to write a declaration of independence, Delegate John Adams strongly believed that intellectual power in human beings through education in history, government, and political philosophy was a definite ingredient for the survival of a republican form of government where liberty is essential.
The ideal of virtue was also emphasized by Mr. Adams. Virtue means moral excellence, righteousness and goodness.
These principles were advocated by citizens in the new American Republic during 1776 through the time of the writing of the US Constitution in 1787.
Americans today need a guide for survival for a Republican government.
Do members of Congress ever look back to review and research what the founding fathers wrote, said, or argued while forming our own government?
Do they ever look back to review their own tradition of religious principles embedded in American culture which wove the moral fabric of the nation together?
As time goes on the study of history and government seems to die off even among politicians and leaders in government.
According to John Adams, and as we will see Abraham Lincoln, moral virtue is the key for changing course in America.

Grievances Against The Democratic Party

Where is there virtue in the Democratic Party or among individual Democrats in Congress?
Is it morally righteous or virtuous to pass legislation for outright birth abortions, to oppose securing your own country’s border, to denigrate your president day after day, to support planned parenthood which deals in human body parts reminiscent of stories of Frankenstein, to continue the practice of identity politics, to besmirch, batter and smear Biblical principles, to demand violations of the Second Amendment through gun control confiscation, to use political correctness propaganda to scare people from using their freedom of speech, and to destroy the United States from within?

“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”
 – Abraham Lincoln

The Leaders Of UnVirtuous Morality

Why do Americans like Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Jerrold Nadler, Adam Schiff, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib want to disparage the virtues of American society?
Why do we allow people, who refuse to assimilate like millions of other European and Asian immigrants have, to come to the United States to unleash their unvirtuous morality in the country?
Political war has been declared by the Speaker of the House.
Continue Reading:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Here

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust

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For you see, the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.

  Coningsby: Or The New Generation And, The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings, and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments’ plans. — Benjamin Disraeli, Speech at Aylesbury, Great Britain, September 10, 1870

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