Photo by Frosty Wooldridge
(Take a step into the future into unlimited expression and passion.)
They understand the inequities, discriminations, and biases. Some let their beginnings define them while others take action to change them. Let’s face it; we all make comparisons.
I am reminded of a sewing circle of old Catholic women. All carried great pride in their sons.
The first mother said, “I am so proud of my son. He became a priest so when his parishioners address him, they say “Father.”
The second mother proudly spoke up, “My son became a bishop so when his flock addresses him, they say “Your grace.”
The third mother bragged, “My son became a cardinal, so when his parishioners address him, they say, “Your Eminence.” (“High nobility”)
The fourth mother straightened her frock while squaring her shoulders, “Well, my son is 6’2” and a Personal Trainer. When he walks into a room, the women gasp, “My God!”
No matter what your “station” or “status” in life, in America, you can rise from the ashes of your youth to become president of the United States. That’s been proven time and again.
What propels such success by individuals? First of all, make a positive assumption and understanding that “life” supports you. The energies of life and the universe get behind you and assist you in flourishing your well-being. Once you understand that fact, you may utilize the powers of living to engage your ultimate triumphs.
What does that mean as far as the application?
No matter your origins whether rich, poor or in-between, you must change your thoughts toward the positive. That, in turn, changes your words to evolving concepts. As you pick up speed with a mindset and word-set change, you re-arrange the energy of your mind toward fulfillment.
Understand that “good” works in your life. Feel gratitude for your opportunities. Stand for excellence in all you say and do. Open to the healing energy of living. Meditate daily. Accept that you move forward in perfect harmony with living.
While many religions preach wickedness and evil, in the 21st century you enjoy the ability to learn, grow and evolve. Seek the golden thread of truth of the oneness, infinite and divine in you. Remember that thought creates the form in your life. The way you think becomes the way you live.
How to proceed toward success and happiness
While many see limitations in their lives, and that becomes a habit, you must engage the “high watch” in your mind. Disengage from the “old stories” of defeat and frustration. “My parents didn’t do this or that…I got beat up…I failed because the teacher disliked me….”
Guide your thoughts until they become positive all the time. You maintain total control of your life’s ship and you captain it toward your destination.
Empower your new story by changing your old vision to a new vision. What do you really want to do with your life? What job would give you joy and energy? Create it; live it; realize it. You grow into the hero of your life by your thoughts and actions.
Realize an invisible world of energy moves through you, for you and with you. It thrives with the attitudes and actions of your mind. Tune out negative “old thinking” and move toward greater abundance in your mind, health, work, and achievements.
What hero inspires you? Read about his or her trials and tribulations. How did that hero succeed? What gave them the power to triumph? Do you want to find love? Read Marianne Williamson’s A Return to Love.
Want to live a dynamic daily life? Read Dan Millman’s book: No Ordinary Moments.
Want to live a life of adventure? Read and activate the five concepts and six practices in How to Live a Life of Adventure by Frosty Wooldridge.
Take these ideas and apply them to your daily life. You will find that an invisible world of caring propels you to your ultimate happiness.
Newest book: Old Men Bicycling Across America: A Journey Beyond Old Age, Baby boomers love this book! Available on Amazon or ph. 1 888 519 5121
Living Your Spectacular Life by Frosty Wooldridge. You want to live a spectacular life? Follow his 12 concepts and practices for a whale of a ride through life! He shows dozens of men and women who live spectacular lives by their choices. Amazon or ph. 1 888 519 5121
FB page: How to Live A Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust
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For you see, the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.
Coningsby: Or The New Generation And, The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings, and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments’ plans. — Benjamin Disraeli, Speech at Aylesbury, Great Britain, September 10, 1870
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