Measles, Masterminds & Millions Part 6
Forced vaccines, quarantines, and states frothing at the mouth to pass legislation and take away your rights – over 1 in 383,000 who contracted measles during the U.S. “measles outbreak” in 2019. Your odds of contracting measles – a virus that typically disappears in two to three weeks, in which there have only been 4 measles-related deaths over a 26-year stint – are substantially less than dying in a cataclysmic storm, or your voice being censored by social media, which is the true crisis. In ‘Measles, Masterminds & Millions’ 6-part investigative report, we’ve covered a lot of ground on the measles outbreak, cash flow, how the vaccine industry operates, and actual statistics taken straight from the CDC reports – statistics MSM doesn’t care to report on. This final report covers the recent exploitation of human beings by the vaccine industry and government.
Reminder: According to the CDC, 77 of those that had contracted the measles in 2019, were already vaccinated.
• Mandatory vaccines were forced on children in Brooklyn, NY, and if parents refused they were fined $1000
• College student were quarantined at UCLA for 21 days over one person contracting the measles
• Manufactured panic has created a swath of new vaccine bills in over 30 states
• IL, NY, and MA are trying to pass the controversial Gardasil HPV vaccine, made by Merck, to become mandatory for children
• 3-Time loser Monsanto just lost another case with a $2 billion jury verdict and 13,400 more cases to go
• College student were quarantined at UCLA for 21 days over one person contracting the measles
• Manufactured panic has created a swath of new vaccine bills in over 30 states
• IL, NY, and MA are trying to pass the controversial Gardasil HPV vaccine, made by Merck, to become mandatory for children
• 3-Time loser Monsanto just lost another case with a $2 billion jury verdict and 13,400 more cases to go
Part I: The Clintons Masterminded The Mandatory Free “Vaccines for Children” (VFC) Program in 1994
Part II: Big Discrepancies & Misrepresentations in Reporting on The Measles “Outbreak”
Part III: The Vaccine Compensation Program Has Doled Out $4.1 Billion and Obama Added More Vaccines to Government Protected List in Dec. 2016
Part IV: The Clintons, Big Pharma, and Government Taking it to The Bank
Part V: Lawsuits Against Merck, Including a Suit from Their Own Scientists on The MMR Vaccine
Part II: Big Discrepancies & Misrepresentations in Reporting on The Measles “Outbreak”
Part III: The Vaccine Compensation Program Has Doled Out $4.1 Billion and Obama Added More Vaccines to Government Protected List in Dec. 2016
Part IV: The Clintons, Big Pharma, and Government Taking it to The Bank
Part V: Lawsuits Against Merck, Including a Suit from Their Own Scientists on The MMR Vaccine
Forced Vaccines, Quarantines, and New Laws Passed Over This “Outbreak”
In February 2019, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Scott Gottlieb said that the federal government may take action if states don’t adjust lax vaccine exemption laws. In March 2019, Gottlieb stepped down, and was replaced by Acting Commissioner Norman E. “Ned” Sharpless on April 5, 2019. CNBC reported, “And his unexpected departure, just two months after denying plans to step down, fanned speculation that he was at odds with the Trump administration and forced out like so many other top officials over the last two years.” Yet Trump tweeted that Gottlieb “has done an absolutely terrific job,” adding “he and his talents will be greatly missed.” There were also reports speculating on Gottlieb’s comprehensive plan he proposed on regulating the tobacco industry. While it’s unclear as to the exact reason for his resignation, his threat to take action on vaccines at a federal level, raised some eyebrows. And, legislation is now taking place on a state level to remove people’s religious and philosophical exemptions.
On April 19, 2019 Judge Lawrence Knipel ruled to uphold mandatory measles vaccinations in Brooklyn, New York, against five parents’ who had filed a lawsuit claiming the city had overstepped its authority. A week prior, mandatory vaccinations were ordered, and if parents refused to have their children vaccinated they would be fined $1,000. If the parents were summoned to court and did not appear, they would be fined $2,000.
Measles cases began in October 2018, and according to the New York Department of Health, as of April 19ththey had recorded 359 cases of measles, most of which were in the ultra-Orthodox Jewish communities in Brooklyn.
The “outbreak” has created such a scare that state lawmakers in Wisconsin are proposing a vaccination bill that would allow trained pharmacists to give shots to younger children with a doctor’s prescription. Whereas Wisconsin currently has strict laws that only allow pharmacists to administer vaccines to children younger than six if they have formed a collaboration with a local physician, this new bill would allow them to immunize all ages without a prescription.
In an unusual twist, on April 23, 2019 the Texas Senate Committee on Health and Human Services discussed a bill that would penalize doctors who refused to see patients who chose not to vaccinate. Of course, some doctors argue this could be dangerous for other patients.
On Wednesday, April 24, 2019 UCLA quarantined students who couldn’t prove they had the measles vaccination. If they couldn’t prove they had both doses of the MMR vaccine, they were issued a health officer order for quarantine which mandated them to remain at their residence. They were also required to notify health officials if they developed symptoms, and avoid contact with others until their 21-day quarantine ended. By Friday they reported there were 853 staff and students that could have been exposed, with 46 people quarantined. This was their reaction over one student who contracted measles. Meanwhile, over at Cal State, they reported 875 could have been exposed, so they quarantined 183 people. At that time, there had only been 38 reported measles cases in the entire state of California, which has a population of nearly 40 million people.
On April 25, 2019 the CDC released a statement:
The World Health Organization reported this month that there has been a 300% increase in the number of measles cases worldwide compared with the first 3 months of 2018. That increase is part of a global trend seen over the past few years as other countries struggle with declining vaccination rates and may be exacerbating the situation here.
A significant factor contributing to the outbreaks in New York is misinformation in the communities about the safety of the measles/mumps/rubella vaccine. Some organizations are deliberately targeting these communities with inaccurate and misleading information about vaccines. CDC continues to encourage parents to speak to their family’s healthcare provider about the importance of vaccination. CDC also encourages local leaders to provide accurate, scientific-based information to counter misinformation.
On April 28, 2019 passengers aboard a JetBlue flight were finally given an “all clear” after a measles scare, which was caught on video and posted to twitter.
After Stoking The Panic with a Manufactured Crisis, States Began Pushing for Legislation
On May 13, 2019 Washington State Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee signed a bill that removed personal or philosophical exemptions for the MMR vaccine in school-aged children.
Perhaps most notably, was Oregon’s House Bill 3063, proposing to remove religious or philosophical exemptions. It would also exclude unvaccinated children from school and extra-curricular activities, with exception of those who have a medical reason for not being vaccinated. This ultimately would force parents to enroll their children in online education or home-school them. Due to politics, a billion-dollar bill the Democrats wished to pass, and the relentless battle parents put forth, the bill was killed, but will likely come up again in future sessions.
Parents traveled from all across the state to rally against this bill and fight for their rights and the safety of their children. Nearly 3,000 letters and emails were submitted on the legislation. Week after week, they fought like hell for their constitutional rights.
Another notable case was HB 1312 in Colorado, which died in the senate with no time left for debates, in part due to hundreds of parents giving testimony and running out the clock. The bill would have required parents to fill out a form at a state health department office instead of giving the child’s school a letter upon enrollment, stating their exemption from vaccination. A detailed account of the hearings has been documented by a doctor who attended.
Two opposing websites have both listed states that are proposing new legislation pertaining to vaccines. Vaxopedia, a website that strongly suggests anyone that questions the safety of vaccines is putting out misinformation, is an anti-vaxxer, and a conspiracy theorist, indicates 17 Bills trying to pass new vaccine laws in 2019 across 15 states. These consist of a mix of removing philosophical and religious exemptions to adding vaccine requirements for college students, and adding the HPV vaccine to the mandatory childhood vaccine schedule in Illinois, New York, and Massachusetts. With the controversy and past lawsuits over Merck’s Gardasil HPV vaccine, seeing this be added as a mandatory vaccine was a bit surprising, and parents should take note.
On the other side of the aisle, the National Vaccine Information Center, who covers vaccine data and reports, lawsuits, and legislation, with concerns over vaccine safety, indicated on February 17, 2019 that there were in fact over 100 Bills proposed in 30 states to expand, restrict or eliminate vaccine informed consent rights.
The fact of the matter is, states are working hard at removing the rights of parents to make these choices for their children, and parents need to be paying attention to legislation in their state.
What’s It Going To Take?
Should the CDC, WHO, big Pharma, and MSM be concerned about widespread information disseminating the internet about concerns over vaccines? Yes. They should be. What they call “misinformation” are people all over the world sharing their horror stories of what happened to their child upon receiving a vaccine shot, and what happened to their child months later. Hundreds of thousands of people are reporting injuries and deaths while the federal government quietly sweeps the cases under the rug with a financial settlement, compliments of taxpayers. Whistleblowers and scientists are being shut down and kept quiet. The media is using false photos and manipulating statistics to create fear, while being funded by big pharma to keep their stations rolling. The numbers being reported by the CDC themselves contradict their own reports, making the current measles situation feel much like the swine flu swindle. Meanwhile, the vaccine man – Bill Gates – is paying Harvard to come up with ways to quiet the people speaking up about vaccines on social media, and Adam Schiff has jumped on that bandwagon as well.
The media and three-letter agencies all make the claim that “this is a dangerous game people are playing.” The idea that they consider this a game at all, is preposterous. These are lives they are playing with, and people are fighting for their children’s lives and their constitutional rights. They want answers. They want the REAL research. They want to know what they are injecting into their children before it is injected, and they most certainly do not want to be forced against their will.
Perhaps it’s the multitude of lawsuits, past and present against Merck, or the millions in fines for bribing healthcare professionals to push their drugs, withholding critical safety data from the public resulting in cancer to patients, exaggerating efficacy rates, or the Medicaid fraud that has people extremely concerned about the safety of their vaccines, as well as other big pharma companies who have also been confronted with lawsuits and fines. After all, Merck isn’t the only one hiding clinical safety data on their pharmaceuticals. In 2010, GlaxoSmithKline took a $2.4 billion charge against earnings to cover legal liabilities related to Avandia. The “withholding”, “falsifying,” and “excluding” of critical data seems to be commonplace in the industry, and yet, after a slap on the wrist and a fine, they are right back at it. But don’t dare question their integrity or the safety of their products.
If the government and manufacturers were to come clean and reveal the undoctored scientific research on vaccines, it would be catastrophic. The country would never recover. Why? Because everyone has had vaccines in their lifetime. Imagine a countrywide class action lawsuit against the government, who is fully liable for these manufacturers? They could never let that cat out of the bag. Instead, they would have to declare that they are doing away with specific vaccines and convince people that they are no longer needed because the diseases have been eliminated. This may prove to become an acceptable outcome for now.
Take a look at Monsanto – 3-time loser, with the most recent being a $2 billion jury verdict, and they are still facing another 13,400 lawsuits over their cancer-causing, glyphosate-injected Roundup weed killer, which is still on shelves across America. Federal Judge Vince Chhabria, who is overseeing hundreds of lawsuits against Monsanto, had this to say:
Monsanto does not particularly care whether its product is in fact giving people cancer, focusing instead on manipulating public opinion and undermining anyone who raises genuine and legitimate concerns.
INDEED! And this is exactly what has been taking place in the vaccine industry for years! Now imagine if the lawsuits against vaccine injuries and deaths were front and center in public court rooms rather than behind closed doors? Envision all of the parents of children with autism, paralysis, and other tragic outcomes. It would be a game changer and the vaccine industry would plunder faster than Bill Gates knew what hit him in the ass. The vaccine compensation program has paid out $4.1 billion for injury and death claims since 1988, and we are not allowed to question the safety of vaccines. Why? It’s a mega industry, lining a lot of pockets, and it’s going to be a $60 billion dollar industry by 2020.
On April 26, 2019 President Trump was asked by a reporter about the measles. Trump’s response was, “they have to get the shot. The vaccinations are so important.” This was a shocking response to people across the country, as Trump has always stated his concerns about too many vaccines being injected into infants too quickly. According to Robert F. Kennedy Jr., he said that the Trump administration had turned its back on him after Trump told him that he wanted Kennedy to head up a vaccine safety commission.
Kennedy has long been advocating against vaccines and believes that every maker of the 72 vaccines recommended for children in the U.S. has falsified science and that too many institutions accept the safety of vaccines on faith. The list of vaccines is quite extensive and over-the-top.
What kind of cognitive dissonance does it require for a Democrat? All the Democrats know these companies are corrupt, that they are greedy, that they are homicidal, that they are ruthless. Yeah, but they are telling the truth on vaccines.
What’s interesting, is the “anti-vaxxer” narrative that is being spun across the globe simultaneously while using it to catapult their legislative agenda to remove all rights from parents when it comes to their children being vaccinated. This is very similar to the gun control strategy of using every event to push their agenda. Coincidentally, there has been a 300% increase in measles cases since spring of 2018, making it an opportune time for multiple countries to push this agenda, which is precisely what we are witnessing. Some might suggest this was orchestrated, while others would insist that those folks suggesting it are conspiracy theorists.
Asking people to have faith and trust in big pharma, the CDC, WHO, MSM and the FDA is a BIG ASK after everything that’s been witnessed over the past several years. It’s an even bigger ask for those with children suffering, that aren’t being heard. While state governments and the MSM like to purport, “no one is being forced to get vaccines,” most people would beg to differ. When they remove your exemptions and remove your child from school, that forces a parent to have to home-school. Because most parents are living paycheck-to-paycheck, it’s just not possible. Additionally, mandatory vaccines for measles were forced on children in Brooklyn, NY, and if parents refused, they were fined $1000. Is this what the future holds?
In the end, it’s up to us. Government is not going to make changes until they are “forced” to. This requires targeted focus in individual states, standing up for their rights, not backing down, and being absolutely relentless. This also requires letters, phone calls, social media campaigns, and non-stop targeting of the Trump administration to create the vaccine safety committee, run thorough investigations, and tackle this head-on. The people need to build their own stage and remain front and center on this issue, because they are adding vaccines by the year, increasing the mandatory vaccines children get, which is already off the charts, and forcing them on healthcare providers and potentially college students as well. It is only going to get worse if people do not take a hard stand.
Of course, that also requires waking and shaking every parent you know to the truth. Aside from ample proof in this 6-part investigative report packed full of well over 100 statistics pulled straight from the source, there are congressional hearings, whistleblower testimony, the documentary Vaxxed, studies from respected scientists, hundreds of thousands of reports in the VAERS database, and most importantly – millions of parents as first-hand witnesses to the majority of the victims – children. Many adults have been effected by the flu vaccine as well. Don’t stop fighting and never give up – the children are the future.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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Coningsby: Or The New Generation And, The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings, and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments’ plans. — Benjamin Disraeli, Speech at Aylesbury, Great Britain, September 10, 1870
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