Friday, April 19, 2019

The State Of The Democrat Party, Part 1 OF 2

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The State Of The Democrat Party, Part 1

by Roger Anghis

I have never written a column on a State of the Union address but the address given last night needs to be addressed as to the reaction of the Democrat Party. There has always been SOTU addresses where the party in power will have many standing ovations for their party leader, but the opposing party will remain seated. This I understand however, when points are brought out that America is, again, prosperous and regaining our rightful place as the leader of the free world, this should bring applause from both sides of the isle. But the hatred for Donald Trump is so deep that there was nothing but silence from Democrats for most of the evening. This only further confirmed that the Democrat Party is NOT for America but only for their political agenda.
Leading up to the SOTU there was a government shutdown led by Chuck Schumer not because he didn’t like the spending bill. He actually like the bill a was going to vote for it but he was more concerned about the welfare of illegals than for the American people. In an email from Allen West we see his comments on the shutdown: When Chuck Schumer and the radical left-wing political elites choose to shut down the government to defend illegal immigrants, I can only say that the State of our Union is sad.

I’m sure Chuck Schumer and his left-wing allies in the Senate gave themselves a big pat on the back for their efforts – because they don’t care about the true consequences of s government shut down.

Aside from the obvious – that it makes us look stupid and weak to foes and friends alike – their political games place politics ahead of country.

Imagine if you’re the guy sitting in a fox hole in Afghanistan and you’re told the government is shut down because some New York liberal wants more illegal immigrants in the country.

When the government shuts down, critical intelligence gathering and monitoring stops and critical support for ongoing missions is paused. In short, it’s like leaving us with our pants down.

Leaders who are patriotic, that put country ahead of politics, wouldn’t act the way Chuck Schumer does.

Senator Schumer is not the only one with that concern in the Democrat Party. My Representative from Colorado, Diane DeGette has always sided with illegals over legal American citizens. Our Former Senator Tom Udall, and, unfortunately, both current Senators, one in each party, always sides with illegals over American citizen. Representative Luis Gutierrez of Illinois spends most of his time fighting for illegals with no concern for the effects on the American worker and America in general. Senator Dick Durbin has gone one step further and become a full-time lobbyist for the illegals: While Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) says he is “focused” and working “full time” for illegal aliens, black Americans in his state of Illinois remain excessively unemployed, far above the national average.

On Monday, as Breitbart News reported, Durbin admitted that he is working around the clock, not for his underrepresented constituents in Illinois, but rather illegal aliens who have been shielded from deportation by a President Obama-created amnesty program.

“I’m focused on one thing — not that meeting — but on making sure that those who are being protected by DACA and eligible for the DREAM Act have a future in America,” Durbin said. “I am focused on that full time.”

Meanwhile, black Americans in Durbin’s home state are disproportionately unemployed, despite the unemployment rate for black Americans nationwide hitting an all-time record low under President Trump.[1]

Some of the Democrats even have hissy fits over Trump. Nancy Pelosi looked like she was chewing on a Tide pod at the SOTU last night. Democratic congressman Luis Gutierrez walked out of Donald Trump‘s State of the Union address when Republicans started chanting ‘USA, USA’.

The representative from Illinois was caught ducking out the chamber at the end of the president’s speech while others around him applauded.

He then issued a scathing response to in which he sarcastically said: ‘Whoever translated it for him from Russian did a good job.’

A spokesperson for Gutierrez, 64, however, insisted that his walk out was not a political gesture, and was based more on scheduling.[2] Representative Gutierrez said it was a timing issue. He had to get the Univison Studio to rant on President Trumps SOTU address. I believe that the USA chants had more to do with it than anything.

Then we have Pocahontas who made this comment: Senators Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey reacted to President Trump’s first State of the Union on Twitter on Tuesday night, each giving their own take on the state of the country.

In a series of tweets posted at the end of the address, Warren said she attended the address because she “wanted it burned into” her eyes.

“If there’s ever a moment when I’m too tired to keeping fighting, I just have to close my eyes & see @realDonaldTrump,@mike_pence& @pryan [Paul Ryan] applauding themselves for punching working families in the gut, & I’m back in this fight,” she wrote, tagging the Republican leaders in her tweet.[3] Wow! She sounded like she was Bravehart rallying the troops for a bloody battle.

The ignoring of our Constitution by the Democrats is disparaging to say the least. Ignoring the welfare of the American people is inexcusable. Again we see the communist supporting Louis Guetiez flaunting our laws with large groups of illegal immigrants: Rep. Luis Gutierrez issued some tough talk to La Raza event-goers in Los Angeles, telling them bluntly that they should use their voices and their votes to “punish” those who fail to support amnesty-type legislation for the illegal minor-age border crossers.

“We need to raise our voices, make ourselves citizens, sign up to vote and punish those who speak ill and criminalize children who come to our border,” Mr. Gutierrez said in Spanish at the weekend La Raza conference, Breitbart reported.

The Illinois Democrat has been one of the staunchest supporters on Capitol Hill for amnesty policy. He also said at this same event that President Obama has assured him and his fellow Congressional Hispanic Caucus members that the White House was trying to do everything it could to “stop the deportation” of illegals from this country, he said, Breitbart reported.[4] I have to ask why is this traitor still a representative?

The depths of hatred the Democrats showed was no more evident than when Trump honored the parents of parents of two girls murdered by an MS13 gang: President Trump invited Elizabeth Alvarado, Robert Mickens, Evelyn Rodriguez, and Freddy Cuevas to his State of the Union Address. They are the parents of Nisa Mickens and Kayla Cuevas, who had been close friends since elementary school, but in September 2016, the two girls were chased down and brutally murdered by MS-13.

On Tuesday night when the President honored the parents of Kayla and Nisa at the SOTU the Democrats booed.

This was a shocking display – even for today’s Democrats.[5]

Some have said that the democrats have been taken over by satan himself. They do support, excuse me, demand abortion on demand, support homosexual marriage, hate Israel for the most part, kicked God out of schools, public buildings and public places. There may be some substance to that theory.


One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


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For you see, the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.

  Coningsby: Or The New Generation And, The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings, and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments’ plans. — Benjamin Disraeli, Speech at Aylesbury, Great Britain, September 10, 1870

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