Can a lying rat ever tell the truth?
Michael Cohen and the Democrats are trying to bring down President Trump the same way:
House Democrats and the mainstream media were clearly very eager for us to believe Michael Cohen’s testimony before the House Oversight committee this week.

The lying rat says he’s telling the truth

The Numbers Are In: Here’s How Many People Found Cohen’s Testimony Reliable
House Democrats and the mainstream media were clearly very eager for us to believe Michael Cohen’s testimony before the House Oversight committee this week.
But according to a poll published Friday, a lot of people weren’t buying it.
Only 37% of survey respondents found Cohen’s testimony to be credible.

The poll was conducted by The Hill-HarrisX between February 28 and March 1 and suggested that Cohen’s testimony was unlikely to make a big political impact on President Trump.
Amazingly, though, the percentage of those finding Cohen’s testimony credible was somehow still higher than those who did not find him credible, 25%, but the rest of respondents, 39%, said they had not yet formed an opinion on his testimony.
Democrats believed Cohen at a rate of 58% while only 15% of Republicans found his testimony credible.
Meanwhile, 35% of independent respondents found Cohen’s testimony credible, while 18% of independents still did not. While the rest, almost half, said they were unsure.
More male respondents than female were certain of their opinion on Cohen’s credibility. 42% of male respondents found Cohen’s testimony credible, 31% said it was not, and 27% were unsure.
Of female respondents, however, only 32% of female respondents believe Cohen was credible, 19% said he was not, and 49% were unsure.
Cohen, a man convicted of lying to Congress, told Congress that Trump was a con man who only cared about winning.
Oh, and he also said that Trump never cared about winning the 2016, election.
He also accused Trump of using a “secret code” to tell him to break the law, by claiming to know when Trump wanted him to do something without Trump ever having to say so.
He contradicted himself in several other statements, as well as statements he’s made in the past, from having been, or not been, to Prague, having wanted to serve in the White House, and how much of a racist Trump is.

Hi Folks,'
Rev J here. Can you guess who the father of all liars is? Yep, satan that's who. Here we have a convicted liar on his way to jail for lying and also a revocation of his license to practice law for guess what? LYING under oath. Are we Americans that stupid to believe that this convicted liar all of a sudden turned over new leaf? I think not folks. He is looking for a reward for his past offenses, like a shorter jail time, or no jail time and probation. By the way if President Trump is guilty of any crime, in paying off anybody to settle a civil suit with his own money, then let's open the congressional books, that secret sex assault slush fund funded by taxpayer dollars, to see to whom the congressional slush funds provided money to, to make their complainants go away with taxpayer dollars, for their sexual misdeeds. Here's how it's supposed to work for all Americans citizens from the top to the bottom. Either everybody counts or nobody counts.
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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For you see, the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.
Coningsby: Or The New Generation And, The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings, and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments’ plans. — Benjamin Disraeli, Speech at Aylesbury, Great Britain, September 10, 1870
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