Friday, January 18, 2019


The making of a Patriot:

by Patrick Kocher 2002

Submitted by PL Sturgis


Daily Bits of The Making of a Patriot by Patrick Kocher: Part1

1) Introduction: How I met Carris Kocher:

2) True Patriots:

3) Patriots Get Involved:

4) The Home Schooled Patriot:

5) Taught to Love America:

6) The Apathetic Public:


7) The Compromisers:

8) Fighting the System:

9) Looking Ahead: 

10) Thankful for Patriotic Parents: 

11) Now it’s our Turn: 
12) Iron Curtain of America:

7) The Compromisers:
As we moved into our teenage years we began to raise deeper questions about the standards we had been raised with. for some reason, we found that most people expected us to reject them. When we began to reach the same conclusion our parents had reached the plot began to thicken. they thought surely, we had been brainwashed. It was impossible for teenagers to agree with their parents! The warnings became more urgent! We needed to live the good life; to be open-minded; go with the flow; success was within reach if we would just compromise a little.
8) Fighting the System:
Now that I am an adult with a family of my own many of the more hostile warnings have ceased. Most people have simply written us off, just as they did our parents, as paranoid fundamentalists and now progressive holdovers from the 18th century. but many well-meaning friends still worry about our future---- “You can’t fight the system!” they say...or... “Think about your family!” Of course, when I think about my family I think ahead just as my parents taught me. I think far enough ahead to be concerned with what my son may face if we fail to take a stand today.
9) Looking Ahead:
We need to be looking far enough ahead to see that if we give up a few God-given rights today we will have none tomorrow. We must look far enough ahead to see past the present threats to the greater danger of the future, just as the patriots who founded our country looked past the risks of war with the greatest military power on earth to see the slavery they would impose on their grandchildren by inaction. True patriots today are called to look beyond their job security; their wealth; even their own lives; and consider the way in which our posterity will be affected by our decision or indecision now.
10) Thankful for Patriotic Parents:
A dear friend once asked me if I thought I had grown up too fast. I had to stop and think because the truth is I had often felt that way. But now, looking back, I can see the urgency and I thank God from the bottom of my heart for parents who followed God’s leading rather than the status quo. None of us have turned to drugs or alcohol in spite of our parents utter disregard of psychological modern wisparent's raising children. Our parents have taken a lot of criticism. Some accused them of sheltering us too much. Some said they were not strict enough. Some even accused them of denying us a proper education! Many believed we would be psychologically damaged by having to face such momentous issues at such an early age. But in spite of all the worry and fear they recognized that they could rely on God to guide them in the right direction. Time has proven them right.
11) Now it’s our Turn:
Now it’s our turn to pass these same values, principles, and convictions on to our children. Society has not improved since our parents decided to home school us. If anything, it has degenerated further than they could have anticipated back then. We are called to guard our own children against the humanistic and socialistic mindset cultivated by our public education system and guide them through the moral fog that is created by our post modern culture. We live in a society which values creativity above experience! A society where opinions are judged by originality rather than correctness; a society where the very idea of “right verses wrong” is reviewed as “absolutist” and narrow minded. Will we be successful in setting an example, both morally and politically, to show them that life does have meaning above and beyond the pleasure of comforts of the moment? With God’s help I believe we can. Let’s do it! -------- Patrick Kocher.
12) Pearl’s Poem: The Iron Curtain of America:
Although it is invisible we know the curtain’s there. One Nation Indivisible has somehow ceased to care. One Nation that is Under God...His presence unrevealed. Too blinded by the Path they trod to let their wounds be healed. Neither do they weep nor mourn. They can not blush for shame! They murder citizens unborn. “ABORTED” is their name. They live within a flowered world....the devil’s deep disguise....and sleep on...with the flag unfurled. The curtain’s closed their eyes. Yes, it is invisible...but still, the curtain’s there. One Nation Indivisible has somehow ceased to care!

End of Series

The Liberals and Democrats totally refuse to follow this Important Document as well as the Bill of Rights.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust

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