House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is the chief bogeyman with her henchman Chucky Schumer by her side, have shut down the government with their unwillingness to make a deal. So with that said and done, You have the Democratic Party to Hold responsible for the shutdown, not President Trump.
Mainstream Media Turns on Pelosi
The Washington Post’s editorial board is now pushing for Pelosi to take Trump’s deal to trade three-year DACA protection for a border wall. The Daily Caller reports:
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and congressional Democrats are losing one big voice in their opposition to President Donald Trump’s push for a border wall: The Washington Post’s editorial board.WaPo noted in a Sunday editorial reasons why Pelosi should rebuke the president’s most recent offer to temporarily extend protections for the so-called Dreamers. But the paper eventually explained that taking the deal would ultimately help those who came here through the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.“He should not be rewarded for having taken the government hostage. Any piece of a wall would reinforce his hateful, anti-immigrant rhetoric,” WaPo noted. “He’s unreliable, having made and withdrawn similar offers in the past.”WaPo’s editorial board has criticized Trump in the past for what its writers call pushing immigration policies that would “cripple the economy.” It’s taking a different approach now. Sunday’s editorial explains why young people who came to the U.S. through the Obama-era program are in peril of being deported.
Pelosi is under increased pressure now that Trump has offered something in return for a wall – will she finally yield?
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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