“Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
by John Adams

That it would take less than the blink of an eye for witnesses being sworn in for testimony to silently say to themselves:” So help me God” seems to have gone right over the Democrats’ bedeviled heads.
Just like the phrase “In God We Trust”, the phrase “So Help Me God” is hardwired into the souls of Christians and has been for centuries.
Many words (if not most) spouted by politicians are empty and meaningless, often amounting to so much drivel while words in tribute to the Creator are eternal.
In league with a devil to whom many seem to have sold their souls, Democrats are not courageous enough to replace “So help me God” with “the only allegiance we will allow sworn is allegiance to the devil”, but that, in effect, is what they’re trying to do.
Now running rampant over the halls of power and relishing every moment of it, it should be remembered that the Democrats by number only control ONE HALF OF ONE-THIRD of the power that the Republicans complained so bitterly about when they had it.
There to remind us are the words of former Republican House Speaker John Boehner:
“Over the last four years, the speaker has reminded his own members who wanted bolder action that he faced limits on what he could do because he only controlled “one half of one-third of the government.”
Why is it that when the Republicans were in control they bitterly complained about ruptures while the Democrats now in control are in self-created raptures?
That’s because both parties are home to crass politicians, many of whom with only their self-interest at heart.
“A key committee in the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives has proposed removing ‘so help you God’ from the oath taken in front of the panel.
“The House Committee on Natural Resources are pushing for the shakeup in a new rules package expected to be approved this week, according to Fox News.
“The change would mean witnesses only have to recite: ’ I do solemnly swear that the testimony I am about to give will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.’
“The House Committee on Natural Resources, chaired by Raul Grijalva, proposed removing ‘so you help you God’ from the oath taken in front of the panel.
“Previously, those giving evidence would have to utter the words ‘so help me God’ - but now Democrats propose putting ‘under the penalty of law’ in its place.”
Funny how the entire oath never seemed to work when taken by failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton or former FBI boss James Comey, proof positive that not everyone swearing to tell the truth always tells the truth.
Nor do the Democrats want the masses to be able to tell the gender of the one testifying under oath:
“The committee has also proposed removing the phrase ‘his or her’ throughout the oath and instead using ‘their’.
“It’s also seeking to swap ‘Chairman’ to ‘Chair’ to make the word gender-neutral.
“The full committee will vote on the changes this week, and modifications will come into effect immediately if approved.”
“Republican Conference Chairwoman Liz Cheney said the Democrats have ‘become the party of Karl Marx’.
“Republican Conference Chairwoman Liz Cheney told Fox News: ‘It is incredible, but not surprising, that the Democrats would try to remove God from committee proceedings in one of their first acts in the majority.

“‘They really have become the party of Karl Marx.’”
Truth is, the Democrats, by and large, were already sworn to the party of Karl Marx before they were sworn into public office, Ms. Cheney.
And the reality is that removing the words “So help me God” from the oath will mean little for political pooh-bahs who have recited them all along without ever meaning them.
The anti-American, Fundamental Transformation of
By Janet Varney And Janet Varney's America
NOTE: Without God, we have no Constitution and no United States Of America so now you known who the Evil Democrats represent.
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust
Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy
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