Feds Refuse to Unseal Documents on FBI Deep State Raid of Clinton Foundation Whistleblower that Implicate Mueller
On the morning of November 19th, sixteen FBI agents raided the Maryland home of a DOJ whistleblower who was in possession of Clinton Foundation and Uranium One documents. The whistleblower came across the devastating documents while he was working for an FBI contractor, according to the whistleblower’s lawyer. (Note: This order was likely in the works before Jeff Sessions was fired.)
The Daily Caller exclusively reported that the whistleblower, Dennis Nathan Cain, had given these documents to Inspector General Horowitz and both the House and Senate Intel Committees.
Over a dozen FBI agents rifled through Dennis Nathan Cain’s home for over six hours even though he had already given the documents to the proper investigative channels, according to his lawyer.
The documents reveal then-FBI Director Robert Mueller failed to investigate criminal misconduct by Rosatam, the Russian nuclear firm that purchased 20% of the US’s Uranium.
In December the DOJ pushed back on requests to explain its reasons for raiding the Dennis Nathan Cain’s home.
And now a federal court refuses to unseal the documents to the public on why it was necessary for the DOJ to raid the home of a Clinton Foundation whistleblower.
Are you starting to understand that we have a two-tiered legal system in America today?
** There is a DOJ-FBI and media complex that protects Democrats and destroys and hides any record of Democrat wrongdoing.
** There is a DOJ that arrests and jails Republicans and Trump supporters and threatens and destroys anyone associated with the Trump movement.
The Daily Caller News Foundation reported:
A federal court refused to unseal government documents that permitted the FBI to raid the home of a reportedly recognized whistleblower who, according to his lawyer, delivered documents pertaining to the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One to a presidentially appointed watchdog.The U.S. District Court of Maryland’s Chief Magistrate Judge Beth P. Gesner, a Clinton appointee, also sealed her justification for keeping the documents secret in a single-page Dec. 20 order.On Nov. 15, federal Magistrate Judge Stephanie Gallagher authorized the raid on Dennis Cain’s Union Bridge, Maryland, home. She sealed the government documents justifying it.
Source: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Here
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