Thursday, December 27, 2018


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Susan Rice Accuses Trump Of TREASON…Then She’s Found Guilty Of Far Worse

Former National Security Advisor Susan Rice once again accused President Trump of treason. She really throws that word around loosely and perhaps she should take a long look in the mirror. She is guilty of much, much, much more than Trump could ever be found complicit on. Trump is not guilty of treason, but Rice most assuredly is and we’ve all known it for a long time now.

Rice wrote an op-ed in The New York Times (next up is The Washington Post) declaring that Trump “does more to undermine American national security than any foreign adversary.” Really? We have a massive enemy-from-within problem here in the United States and Rice was in the top ranks of it. We have far more to fear from those such as Rice, Clinton, and Obama than we have of President Trump.

More dangerous than the Islamic terrorists who carried out the Benghazi attack, about which she lied to the world, blaming a YouTube video; more dangerous than the so-called “Islamic state,” which she let take root after her boss, President Barack Obama, called them the “J.V. team”; more dangerous than Vladimir Putin’s Russia, which took over Crimea on her watch; more dangerous than Iran, with which she and her boss concluded a failed nuclear deal.
Rice wrote that Trump’s decision to withdraw from Syria — a conflict that the Obama administration allowed to drag on even after dictator Bashar al-Assad crossed Obama’s “red line” and gassed his own people — represented “[c]utting and running,” and she said that the departure of Secretary of Defense left the administration unstable (emphasis added):
The president couldn’t care less about facts, intelligence, military analysis or the national interest. He refuses to take seriously the views of his advisers, announces decisions on impulse and disregards the consequences of his actions. In abandoning the role of a responsible commander in chief, Mr. Trump today does more to undermine American national security than any foreign adversary. Yet no Republican in Congress is willing to do more than bleat or tweet concerns.
Against this backdrop, Mr. Mattis’s resignation is even more worrisome. Even though his record was mixed, he provided desperately needed reassurance to our allies, an unabashed if private counterweight to the president’s worse instincts, and experience and stature too great for Mr. Bolton to ignore. His departure will leave the administration all but devoid of wise, principled leadership and the guts to check a president who consistently places politics and self-interest above national security.
I think Rice has Syria confused with Libya where she ordered our boys and girls home instead of fighting terrorists. Benghazi anyone? Between Obama and Clinton as well, we had a cut and run strategy down pat. Pay off the mullahs and the terrorists and show our backside as we run from conflict. Obama was described by his own former defense secretary, Robert Gates, as making national security decisions with “a total focus on politics,” being erratic and disorganized, and abusing his advisers. That’s not a leader, that’s a power-hungry politico at play.

Rice admitted last year to “unmasking” the names of members of President Trump’s transition team in surveillance reports after previously denying it. The “unmasked” name of Michael Flynn was illegally leaked to the media. And yet crickets when it comes to her having committed treason and just plain ole breaking the law whenever it struck her fancy. Have a gander at this op-ed. It’s much better than CATS and makes just about as much sense.
Rice is a corruptocrat right down to her bones. She has no room to point fingers whatsoever and she should keep her nose out of military doings because all her instincts are good for is to get others captured and/or killed. Her crimes are far and away worse than what she imagines Trump has done and once again she’s got that wrong as well.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


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