Saturday, December 1, 2018

Rush Limbaugh Goes Off On Criminal Deep State:They Give Us Poisoned Politics And Call It Justice

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Rush Limbaugh Goes Off On Criminal Deep State: They Give Us Poisoned Politics And Call It Justice 
On Thursday as President Trump boarded Air Force One to fly to Argentina for critical trade meetings with China, the Mueller-Obama Deep State announced process charges against Donald Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen.

This is not the first time the deep state dropped a bomb on President Trump before critical meetings with foreign leaders.

Rush Limbaugh went off on the criminal antics and poisoned politics of the Mueller witch hunt.
Via Hannity:

Here is the transcript from the Rush Limbaugh website:
RUSH: Now, if you think I’m a little bit histrionic, I am. This stuff… I cannot tell you how this aggravates me. This is the criminal justice system. This is what we have all been raised and led to believe is where justice happens, where reality trumps any other attempt. We’ve all been led to believe that the Justice Department is above and beyond corruption, and we have come to find out that’s not the case whatsoever by virtue of the fact that this investigation itself has no basis in fact anywhere.
It should not have happened, and people’s lives are being ruined as a result of this. We’re watching what the people with power in the Washington establishment are able to do with our government, how they are able to subvert and ignore the United States constitution and how they are more than willing to do that to protect their fiefdoms of power, to deny the expressed will of the American people in a duly constituted and legal presidential election.
All of this is about undoing what the American people voted for — and, in the process, ruining anybody and their families and their careers who had anything to do with it, including Brett Kavanaugh, anybody Trump would nominate, Trump and his family. These all-mighty, powerful people couldn’t stop Donald Trump at the ballot box. They couldn’t stop him on the campaign trail. The brilliant Hillary Clinton — who was supposed to win in an eight- to 10-point landslide — couldn’t stop Donald Trump giving it her best shot.
Her brilliant husband, Bill Clinton, and the smarter-than-anybody-ever-born Barack Obama could not stop Donald Trump, damn it, and so this effort was undertaken to stop Donald Trump. And with all due respect to anybody out there in the legal community and the Justice Department, this is the most bogus bastardization of justice that I can remember seeing or that I know about in my lifetime. You know, there’s some people saying, “Well, there’s an investigation. We must follow it through.
“Well, there is a special counsel. We must follow it through. Well, the special counsel was appointed by a duly constituted deputy AG and we must…” No! Why? If the whole thing is bogus and fraudulent from the get-go, why do we treat it as in any way legitimate? “Well, because there are decent people in the Department of Justice, Rush, and they are working here trying to uphold the…” No, they’re not! None of that’s happening here!
This is a concerted effort to use the Department of Justice — Obama’s people at the FBI and so forth — to undermine the will of the American people as expressed in the presidential election of 2016! But if that’s not enough, in addition to undermining the express will of the people, we’re gonna destroy the lives and careers of as many people who screwed us by winning as we can. That’s what the Department of Justice appears to have become, to me. At least the people running it. To me, it’s not coincidental, and it all happens, and it all starts under the administration one Barack Hussein O.

Source: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Here

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


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