Barack Obama’s ‘Deep State’: The United Nations!How much longer are Americans going to accept the rantings of a power-hungry ex-President who already is setting up shop using American taxpayer dollars to fund his ‘Promised Land’ that we know as the United Nations? Here are 4 articles to wet your whistle to start….
Obama to Americans: You don’t deserve to be free!
Angela Merkel Behind United Nations Migration Pact!
“In our globalist existence, the authority for the US to initiate hostilities against another country comes from the UN, declared Obama and Panetta. If the executive branch can persuade or bribe the UN to give a war OK, Congress is no longer relevant.” – Paul Craig Roberts

President Barack Obama has continued the secret policy of destroying the sovereignty and wealth of the United States to the benefit of the private transnational interests who control the United Nations, the CIA, Wall Street, and the global banking system. Numerous American presidents, both Republican and Democrat, are on board with this treasonous political agenda.
Obama is not an “American” president; he is a United Nations president.
Obama’s Plans To Be President Of The Whole World
People have said it would happen — Barack Obama would not be through after his term ends in 2017. Many speculated Obama would do something to delay his exit as President of the United States. Thing is, there is a position that has domain over the whole world, and unfortunately, that job is available just as Obama is exiting his American presidency.
Serious rumors are floating around that Obama and his backers are eyeing the big prize. That’s right, you may have guessed it — the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
Ban Ki-Moon’s term concludes at the end of 2016, and all Obama would have to do is turn over the last 20 days of his presidency to Joe Biden.
***Obama’s version states specifically that it can apply during peacetime as well, and that all actions specified within the order are under Obama’s direction. ***
(I saved this from a couple of years ago, and thought it might come in handy one day!!)
Obama made good on his promise to use executive action to expand his authority and quietly signed the order called National Defense Resources Preparedness which puts our nation in a permanent state of martial law that only needs to be activated by the President, whenever he should so choose to do so.
The base of the action is the Defense Production Act of 1950 which was created due to the Korean war, however this latest power grab by the president greatly expands on the authority that was granted in that act and basically allows the government to take over and control every resource that’s available at the time of the declaration.

A frightening aspect of the latest version is that acts of aggression towards the United States homeland by outside forces is no longer required in order for implementation. Obama’s version states specifically that it can apply during peacetime as well, and that all actions specified within the order are under Obama’s direction.
The “integrated policy-making forum” for all Order policies consists of Janet Napolitano and the National Security Council.
The entire economy will come under the president’s direction once the order is implemented and he will issue regulations establishing nationwide procedures and standards of production. This will include the control of “general distribution of any material (including applicable services) to the civilian market.”
Additionally, all manufacturing will cease unless approved by the president and anything that is produced the government will be given first rights to. It will also give the administration the authority to seize private companies and facilities and modify or change the way they operate as it sees fit, which pretty much means that private business will be told what they can make, how they’re supposed to make it, and when they have to make it.
Civilian transportation of all types will also fall under its control along with food supplies, all forms of energy production, farms and farm equipment, water resources, and all healthcare resources.
Within it FEMA camps are also mentioned and given the authority to carry out emergency preparedness mandates as specified in the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief Act. The act is what created the ‘temporary housing’ facilities for people who have been displaced which we all know as FEMA camps.
Such changes to something should be enough to send chills down the backs of Americans nationwide. There’s no need for the complete takeover of the nation during times of peace under the guise of ‘national defense’ no matter which way you look at it so one has to wonder,
Many events have occurred over the last few years, all steps leading toward the complete takeover of America.

We have seen veterans attacked and demonized, religious groups labeled as extremists, conservatives, constitutionalists, survivalists all declared a greater threat than the terror group ISIS, our sovereignty handed over to the UN, foreign troops training on American soil, NATO vehicles brought in to the US, and more recently, military exercises geared toward “unconventional warfare,” to be practiced in America while treating “gun-friendly” states as “hostile terrorists.”
That and much more will be shown, with source links, below.
First and foremost is American sovereignty to which in September 2013 the Obama administration signed on and supported a controversial U.N. treaty on arms regulation to which Senator Jim Inhofe was quoted as saying “The administration is wasting precious time trying to sign away our laws to the global community and unelected U.N. bureaucrats.”
Under the guise of “protecting” the global community, the Obama administration is willing to sign away America’s Second Amendment rights and hand the UN the right to invade the US in order to disarm gun-owners.
The treaty covers battle tanks, armored combat vehicles, large-caliber artillery systems, combat aircraft, attack helicopters, warships, missiles and missile launchers, and small arms and light weapons.
Emphasis mine.
Along with countless eyewitness reports of encounters with foreign troops in America, it was reported in 2013 that for the “first time in history” the Obama administration “invited Chinese troops to train with our military on U.S. Soil,” just weeks after Chinese state-run media reported that China had nuclear submarines capable of widespread attacks against the US.
In August 2013, it was reported that 15,000 Russian troops were requested by the Obama administration for a “training” exercise on US soil to “assist FEMA” during emergencies and disasters. That followed May 2012 news of Russian troops carrying out “joint anti-terrorism drills in America, with Huffington Post stating it marked the “first time Russians have trained on US soil.”

It is noteworthy that both China and Russia are permanent members of the United Nations Security Council to which the Obama administration signed away America’s sovereignty to, meaning the UN could request both Chinese and Russian troops invade the US to disarm gun owners, using the “small arms and light weapons” language which is part of the UN treaty on arms regulations, shown above.
For the last five years, we have seen countless videos taken by concerned citizens of UN armored vehicles being transported across America, video after video uploaded and distributed across the Internet, with many asking if they are simply manufactured in America, but no official word where these UN armored vehicles are coming from or where they are being delivered.
One such example is shown below this article, but anyone can go to the YouTube search page and see the vast amount of proof that they are here.
In June 2014, Activist Post ran across a very disturbing UN help wanted ad, stating “These positions are in field missions of Peace Operations. The DDR Officer typically reports to the head of a work unit or to a senior official responsible for DDR operations in a field location, though this may vary depending on the mission structure. The focus of these jobs is to lead the planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of DDR programmers operations and other related activities in the country or region concerned.”
Per that report, there was no other reference to a “country or region concerned” other than the “duty station” in New York which is also the location of U.N. headquarters.
For those unaware of what DDR stands for, it is clearly stated in the UN header shown below.
There are also eyewitness reports, without images or videos, stating that they saw military vehicles flying a NATO flag as recent as March 2015. Below is an email forwarded to ANP:

Wanted to let you know what my boyfriend, his brother and I saw Sunday 3/21/15. Coming south on hwy 71 from Cleveland back to Loveland Ohio we saw going northbound on 71 approximately 45 camos. and military type vehicles. On one of them, a NATO flag was flying. The others had nothing to show what they were. Unnerved me. I thought I’d let you know.
In addition to multiple reports of encounters with a foreign military in the US, a 2013 eyewitness report, with photos, states “I recently received a report being distributed by a “Sherrie Questioning All” of Tennessee. (Full name removed at her request.) She had taken photographs of DHS armored vehicles being delivered from Kentucky to Tennessee. What makes this interesting is that the drivers were not AMERICAN military, but rather FOREIGN military troops driving these vehicles.” It continues to say “When American people spoke to these foreign drivers, they detected they were either Russian or Eastern European/Slavic in the background.”
In a recent ANP article titled “The Endgame Is Here! America Surrenders Militarily While Preparing For War Against US Citizens,” we went over how the Obama administration has purged hundreds of military commanders, weakened and dismantled out US Military while Russia, China, and others are strengthening theirs. Included in that report was a section labeled “US GOV’T PREPARES FOR WAR ON ITS OWN CITIZENS,” where we noted that while defense spending has been decreased, DHS funding has been increased, while recent actions on the part of the Obama administration and associated federal government agencies has turned US citizens into the enemy.
Via that report:
DHS has labeled “right-wing extremists” a greater threat than the terror organization titled ISIS, who behead journalists and aid workers, kill Christians across the global, burned a Jordanian pilot in a cage, then filmed it all and released the videos to the public. In 2013 it was reported that Army training material listed Evangelical Christians, Catholics, and some Jews as “religious extremists,” alongside “the Ku Klux Klan, Hamas and al-Qaeda.”

Perhaps one of the most disturbing, visual examples of the type of “targets” our militarized police are being trained to take out, comes from 2013 reports, where it was revealed that law enforcement agencies were using actual targets that represented the threat…. of “pregnant women,” and “children.”
Images of those “targets” are provided in the article linked above.
Which brings us to the present day, where news of the military training exercise set to take place, named “Jade Helm,” actually lists US states as hostile as our military trains in “unconventional warfare” against Americans. While the US military is pushing back hard, calling those very concerned about this type of exercise “conspiracy theorists, former military experts are calling this “unprecedented and dangerous.”
Whether it is an economic collapse, a natural disaster or any other scenario which could cause nationwide chaos, the steps outlined above been taken in a carefully orchestrated manner, incrementally as to appear as separate individual events, but which creates the perfect conditions of a UN takeover of America, nullifying the US Constitution and pulling the US into a “one world government” subject to global laws rather than American laws. Those that would stand up against that, fight for American sovereignty, have already been labeled “the enemy.”
Note – Many may see the series of actions shown above, in a different light, we don’t ask readers to connect the dots as we have, we DO ask readers to utilize their brain and their search engines, click the links above or find others, and come to their own conclusions.
This next step in Obama’s fundamental transformation is the whole world. Many Americans recognize the United Nations as an unwanted organization that is dangerous to the sovereignty of the U.S. The United Nations is a far left leaning body, which promotes climate change through “Gaia” worship, which is a pagan belief that the world is our “mother” and should be praised and worshiped.
For a citizen of the globe like Obama being President of the United States is an office too small for his lifestyle, ambitions, and ideology. Should Obama become UN Secretary-General, he could become President of the Whole World.

Think about it. I know you don’t want to think about it. But we must. Secretary-General Obama would still have a pen and a phone, could disrupt New York City traffic and travel all over the world and hear himself talk as he gives speeches about Islam’s contributions to the world, climate change, gun control, police brutality and income inequality, particularly in the country he led, while staying in the opulent hotels and eating in the swankiest restaurants. But the best part of the job is that Obama could continue to make life a living hell for Israel especially Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. — via American Spectator
According to the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Jarida, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is planning to thwart Obama’s every move toward the UN position as Secretary General. Can you blame him? Obama is a clear and present danger to Israel. Obama disposed of Netanyahu and Israel, like unwanted stepchildren.
Bibi went on to say, “Eight years during which he ignored Israel? And now he wants to be in a position that is liable to cause us hardships in the international arena.” If anything, Netanyahu is understating his case. Obama hasn’t ignored Israel. Indeed, he and members of his administration have made an example of Israel time and again. — via American Spectator
Obama seeking the Secretary General’s position seems far-fetched. Yet, there are reports coming in from many legitimate news sources that are giving credence to this story.
One “End Times” website is making assertions what this move would fit right in with Obama being the “anti-Christ.” To most of us, the thought is plain horrifying — no need to label it anything but our worst nightmare.
UN Boss Trusts Obama to Bypass Congress on “Climate” Agenda (April 2016)
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (shown) celebrated the Obama administration’s attempt to bypass Congress on imposing the controversial UN “climate” regime, an agreement to redistribute wealth and restrict energy inked by governments and dictators in Paris last year. But in the process, the UN chief inadvertently blew up Obama’s bizarre arguments for the illegal maneuver, which would cut the U.S. Senate out of the treaty-ratification process by using quack legalistic and semantic gimmicks. Ban also demanded gargantuan sums of money, described by top climate experts as a subsidy for kleptocracy. But despite the UN boss celebrating Obama’s imaginary “executive powers” to impose treaties, Congress, the courts, and the next president can still quash the whole agenda effortlessly.

Along with praising Obama, Ban celebrated the efforts of brutal Communist Chinese dictator Xi Jinping, who partnered with Obama to forge the UN “climate” agreement. In essence, the pseudo-treaty, set to be formally signed at UN headquarters on “Earth Day” next week, purports to bind humanity to a UN-run climate regime that will get progressively more draconian, while redistributing trillions of dollars in Western taxpayer wealth to Third World governments and dictators. The UN scheme also calls for strict government limits on economic activity, especially in the West, under the guise of regulating carbon dioxide. The crucial gas, exhaled by humans, required by plants, and known to scientists as the gas of life, is ludicrously described by the UN and Obama as “pollution.”
Iran Instructs U.S. to Bypass Congress on Deal, Go to U.N. (March 2015)
Iranian foreign minister says U.N. should approve nuclear agreement
The Iranian government is urging the United States to go straight to the United Nations to finalize any agreement reached in the coming weeks regarding Tehran’s contested nuclear program without seeking congressional approval.
Javad Zarif, Iran’s foreign minister, and top negotiator suggested in a recent interview that the U.N. Security Council should be responsible for approving any agreement reached between Western powers and Tehran over its nuclear program, a proposal that the Obama administration entertained on Thursday.
The State Department argues that a nonbinding agreement with Iran—one that would not be subject to congressional oversight or approval—could be more enforceable due to the removal of opposition by a majority of Republican lawmakers to a deal.
Iran’s backing of a U.N.-approved deal came just days before State Department officials expressed reserved openness to the idea and revealed that they are currently working on a plan with other Security Council members to ease sanctions on Tehran.
Zarif first raised the idea of subjecting a deal to U.N. approval in a recent interview with an Iranian magazine conducted in Persian.
Once the countries strike an agreement, it should be “approved and confirmed” by the Security Council under Chapter 7 of the U.N.’s charter, according to Zarif.
A “resolution under chapter 7 of the U.N. charter is an international and binding treaty for all the member states,” Zarif said, according to an independent translation of his remarks in the interview.
Under these terms, “any deal is binding for the current U.S. government and for the future U.S. governments,” Zarif said.
These comments are particularly noteworthy given the Obama administration’s insistence in recent days that it is pursuing a “nonbinding” deal, which means that Congress would be cut out of the approval process and that neither country would be legally responsible for upholding the arrangement.
Zarif went on to claim that he and the United States are working on a deal that would lift all U.N. Security Council resolutions against Iran’s nuclear program. When asked about sanctions related to Iran’s missile programs, Zarif claimed that these would be lifted as well under any final deal.
When asked about the prospect of going to the U.N. with any final nuclear deal, Jen Psaki, the State Department’s spokeswoman, said this that idea is being floated in talks with Iran.
“Obviously, we know that that’s their objective… and certainly part of the discussion,” Psaki said in response to questions at the department’s daily briefing on Thursday.
Psaki went on to hint that he United States is seeking a nonbinding deal in order to keep Congress out of the debate in the near term.
“Obviously, if we’re at the point where there’s an agreement and there are sanctions that are rolled back, then that’s a role that they would play,” she said.”
She added: “But there is a long history, a long precedent for these type of international—government-to-government international agreements” that are inked without congressional say.”
A nonbinding framework would also give the Obama administration greater flexibility to re-impose sanctions on Iran should it violate the deal, Psaki claimed.
“The overriding reason to prefer a nonbinding international arrangement to a treaty is the need to preserve the greatest possible flexibility to re-impose sanctions if we believe Iran is not meeting its commitments under a joint comprehensive plan of action,” she said. “And we believe that the success of this arrangement will depend not on whether it’s legally binding or not, but rather on the extensive verification measures we are seeking to put in place, and Iran’s understanding that we have the capacity to re-impose and ramp up our sanctions if Iran does not meet its commitments.”
Reuters reported Thursday that the United States and other major powers are working on a Security Council resolution to lift economic sanctions on Iran.

“Iran and the administration both know that the deal they are forging is not acceptable to the U.S. Congress and probably to the next administration,” said Saeed Ghasseminejad, an Iranian dissident and associate fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD). “As a result, both Iran and the administration are trying to come up with creative ways to bypass the Congress and checkmates the future presidents.”
“The latest creative solution Iran came up with is to seal the deal by a U.N. Security Council resolution,” he said. “This is another sign that the deal we are talking about is a bad deal for the West and a good deal for the Islamic regime in Iran.”
Republican senators have already begun expressing opposition to any U.N.-approved agreement.
“The United Nations has no authority whatsoever to bind the United States of America,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) told the Daily Beast. “If President Obama attempts to end-run the Constitution by enlisting the United Nations to enforce an Iran deal that sets the stage for Iran to acquire nuclear weapons, it would be both profoundly dangerous to the national security of the United States and our allies, and also patently unconstitutional.”
Pro-Israel groups are also beginning to speak out against the plan as well.
“Of course the Iranians want to go to the U.N.,” said Omri Ceren, press director for the Israel Project (TIP). “They get to leverage every dictator and despot who sits there—and who wants to do business with a terror regime—against the United States Senate.”
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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