What did Richard Nixon think of Ronald Reagan?
You have to remember that Nixon really did tell it as he saw the situation in the tapes, which is why no US president is probably going to use recorded materials in our lifetimes like Nixon did. Most people pretend to all except their occasional real deal thoughts. (Meaning we wear masks and cover our thoughts from the outside people.)
Yet, to answer the question after that disclaimer, Nixon on Tape: Reagan Was "Shallow" and of "Limited Mental Capacity" has it pretty plainly. Compared to Nixon, there was some truth to what he said. However, it was cheap. RMN also said of George Bush (Sr., later president) that he was a nice guy, but there is nothing upstairs. This indicates to me that Nixon thought Reagan about twice the mental capacity of Bush.**
Mind you, Reagan was one of the rare presidents of recent times who actually routinely wrote his own speeches. Nixon wrote almost all of his important speeches and was much better than Reagan though. Also, Reagan was something of a lightweight in foreign policy. He was good enough in the Reagan/Bobby Kennedy 1967 debate, but that was almost certainly in large part due to a teleprompter (LBJ pioneered that novelty, and Obama is another lost without it or notes). Reagan did have uncanny larger picture views and goals for foreign policy as far back as the early 1960’s, yet was not a details person by any stretch.
Sheesh, Don Rickles types of statements. No wonder so many distanced themselves from Nixon after the tapes were released. I dimly recall Senator Kennedy suppressed some things that were said in the Nixon tapes about him, his brothers, etc. Kennedy also destroyed some of his own brother’s tapes in a Boston vault very soon afterwards. Not that there were that many and mostly about Marilyn Monroe and some other love interests, but even Teddy blushed according to the source, aide Richard Burke I think.
Reagan made a phone call to Nixon in April 1973, which is of friendly interest to the discussion.
Nixon in turn apparently said Nixon on Reagan: He's Not Pleasant to Be Around
Bush to Nixon at the time of Watergate Bush 41, Reagan Consoled Nixon During Watergate Scandal . As I recall, Nixon claimed that Barbara Bush was the brains of the couple. Nixon was highly impressed by her, while Nancy Reagan got the label of something like a bitch on wheels (impressive but with a hard edge).
Take this with a grain of salt. In 1964, Nixon wrote a two-page letter praising Bush and telling him that his abilities are such on the very top of the political pinnacle. He may have been just talking up the man, but really for a Southern state such as Texas, George Bush was doing good and gave Ralph Yarborough - Wikipedia a better run than Goldwater in the state.
Nixon may have been thinking of George in relation to the top executive positions when taping this quip, changed his mind, or other issue. The same goes for Reagan in the taped (?)conversation. Reagan certainly had his blind spots, we all do, yet was an able man. As a child, he could read a newspaper at the age of 5 years old and was known as one of the most dutiful actors in Hollywood in his time, for example learning his lines quickly and flawlessly. He also laid out the outline for all his major speeches — though Nixon actually wrote more of him than Ronald or any other modern president.
And what did Reagan think of Nixon? That varied over time. When he was a strong Democrat, supporting Helen Douglas opposite Nixon for the US Senate seat, for example: “Pray as I am praying for the health and long life of Eisenhower because the thought of Nixon in the White House is almost as bad as that of ‘Uncle Joe.’ Let me as a Californian tell you that Nixon is a hand-picked errand boy with a pleasing facade and naught but emptiness behind. He has been subsidized by a small clique of oil and real estate pirates, he is less than honest and he is an ambitious opportunist completely undeserving of the high honor paid him. “ This was said to be about December 1952, just before the ticket assumed inauguration.
(Source pg. 292 Dutch, Edmund Morris, if this is to be believed. While the officially sanctioned biographer of Reagan, he shot it up over the 15 years or so of research, peppering with fictionalized accounts, even inserting himself inside the storyline. Reagan was hospitalized by the time of publication, and certainly not able to refute.)
By 1960, Reagan had transmogrified (how?) and Nixon told his team “Use him as speaker whenever possible. He used to be a liberal!” Reagan dutifully gave 200 platform appearances, by one calculation, for Nixon during that campaign. Ronald wrote Dick about Kennedy “He leaves little doubt that his idea of the challenging new world is one in which the Federal Govt. will grow bigger & do more & of course spend more…I am convinced that America is economically conservative and for that reason, I think that someone should force the Democrats to publish the retail price for this new wave of public service they promise.” Pg. 316 Ibid
In 1962 he finally registered as a Republican and at the last minute, he endorsed Nixon. “Can you possibly believe that a man like Dwight David Eisenhower … whose love of country is beyond question, could have been closely associated with Richard Nixon, as he was for eight years, and now recommending for high office, as he is doing, if he did not believe him worthy to serve?” pg 326 Ibid
More later. Keep in mind that Morris elaborated on his sources to include rough guesses, and indeed at times a fictitious narrative to what he thought happened (as a liberal and not hot about Reagan, despite being specifically asked by Reagan to do a biography on him, as the Teddy Roosevelt biography was pretty good and factual).
Ronald Reagan Jokes About the Soviets
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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