The Miami Herald published an extensive report on Democrat donor and Clinton confidante Jeffrey Epstein’s child sex.

Former FBI Director Robert Mueller
Robert Mueller’s FBI Gave Orgy Island Billionaire Epstein Easy Go — Today Details Were Released on His Widespread Child Sex AbuseOn Wednesday The Miami Herald published an extensive report on Democrat donor and Clinton confidante Jeffrey Epstein’s child sex.
Epstein abused dozens, if not hundreds, of teen girls.
It is well documented that former President Bill Clinton flew on convicted child sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s private jet.
And Robert Mueller was FBI director when Epstein was given a lenient 13-month jail stint for his years of child sex abuse.

Above: Jeffrey Epstein
In June 2016 TGP reported that Bill Clinton visited the infamous Orgy Island (as reported by ZeroHedge) –
If you can name it — it has likely taken place this the lavish private island off the coast of Puerto Rico which boasts a beautifully landscaped plush luxury estate complete with its own helipad, privy only to certain members of the global elite.Owned by Jeffery Epstein, a wealthy American financier and convicted sex offender, Little St. James Island appears to be somewhat of a gathering place and is a well desired hangout among key figureheads, actors and royalty to the likes of former U.S. President Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey and even Prince Andrew.However, the people attending the lavish residence are likely do not go there to discuss “cutting edge scientific and medical research” as the Epstein VI Foundation would like you to believe, but rather go there to experience full-on sexual encounters with underage girls as young as fourteen.That’s right, just like a scene out of the Hollywood blockbuster film Eyes Wide Shut, starring Tom Cruise, from wild parties to prostitution, orgies and even underage sex, Little St. James reportedly has it all and is seemingly a gathering point frequented by prominent jet-setters, and it is all being exposed. The cat is out of the bag so to speak…Back in 2005 police conducted an 11-month-long undercover investigation on Jeffery Epstein and his estate after the mother of a 14-year-old girl went to police after suspecting her daughter was paid $300 for at least one sexual act on the island in which she was ordered to strip, leaving on just her panties while giving Epstein a massage.Although police found tons of photos of young women on the island and even interviewed eyewitnesses, Epstein was hit with a mere slap on the wrist after “pleading to a single charge of prostitution.” Epstein later served 13-months of his 18-month service in jail.In 2008 Epstein was hit again, this time with a $50 million civil suit after another victim, a woman, made a filing in a federal court claiming that she was “recruited” by Epstein to give him a “massage” but was essentially forced into having sexual intercourse with him for $200, which was payable upon completion.Additionally it is important to point out that Bill Clinton has been mentioned by the press often over the years — and not just for his controversial relationship with Monica Lewinsky, but rather his friendship with Jeffery Epstein.In fact, flight records indicate that ol’ Billy-boy would frequent the island paradise around the 2002 and 2005 era, while Hillary, Bill’s wife, was a Senator in New York.Nothing to see here, folks. Move along.
Now we find out that corrupt Mueller from the phony Russia – Trump hoax, was the Head of the FBI at the time Epstein’s case was prosecuted.
It looks like Mueller was even involved in the case. The Epstein case was run out of DC:
Five months after the plea deal was reached, FBI agents still haven’t interviewed all the victims/witnesses. FBI agents haven’t even seen all the physical evidence.
More support on Mueller corruption – his FBI never interviewed all the victims.
Mueller’s FBI required Epstein to provide information to the FBI –
Now there are questions whether Epstein was an informant for the FBI –
Corrupt Mueller destroyed the FBI with years of corruption. This man in no way should be leading an investigation into anything on behalf of this great country.
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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