Big-money media/entertainment has given us a swarming world full of real, empty people who have ‘experienced’ most of ‘life’ only by internalizing endless fantasies fed them in sitcoms, dramas, and commercials. Today’s leftist leaders are selfish monsters who see this spellbound crowd as only a raw resource to be exploited, mined and kept in numbing and compliant conformity. Liberal media/entertainment has groomed these snowflakes to buy and vote for anything that is in the trend they’ve built, politically correct just as mother TV has instructed. And that brings us to the apex enabler of all big league exploiters - socialism.
So MANY of these hypnotized clones have swallowed the lie that socialism is a legitimate answer to this dog-eat-dog world’s problems. But it is in fact just the vehicle that allows the most sophisticated selfish oligarchs to put an inescapable yoke of bondage on the dogs and innocents who aren’t as ambitious or cunning as those who intend to dominate them. Ask any Venezuelan.
Tucker Carlson, God be with him, is an example target of the programmed hostility I’m speaking of. A pack of those dogs were sent to ‘protest’ on his lawn recently, threatening him with stupid chants and violent behavior. The unprecedented recent gush of threats against the lives and safety of conservative people by evil, oligarch exploiters like Hillary Clinton, Maxine Waters, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, and others have been repeatedly broadcast to the mindless dogs now fully programmed (and often paid) to receive and carry out such orders. They congregated at Mr. Carlson’s private residence because the violence promoted in the flowing rhetoric of those bigmouthed exploiters has spawned events designed to intimidate a free speaking Tucker Carlson and send a strong warning to others who would dare to follow his example.

Just like past socialist exploiters who had their own hypnotized mobs of obedient, mindless wolves (the ‘Brownshirts,’ ‘Red Guard’, ‘‘Bolsheviks’, ‘Mensheviks’, and others (history repeats itself with what works), the left in conjunction with today’s left’s propagandizing partners, liberal media/entertainment, are now distracting, destroying and ripping off a completely unwary America. And they will get away with it because the paperless connections and contracts drawn between evil socialist leaders and their compliant hordes have all been achieved by years of untraceable suggestion through TV’s subtle influence on wide-eyed and completely vulnerable children left to the communal ‘village’ that Hillary insisted should raise them. And just like the victims in Nazi Germany and other socialist regimes, the mob does not consider the outcome of its actions - where they will ultimately become the victims of the violence and limitations on freedom that they currently espouse. Their own willful ignorance will turn on them in successive generations of anarchists.

Admit it or not, the fix is in, and our worst hour to date is upon us. Gangs of choreographed mongrels roam through our ‘store’ taking what they will while every sort of distraction - from bogus ‘Russian collusion’ and Stormy Daniels, to transsexual toddlers and mass shootings - keeps fearful Americans hiding in locked houses, their eyes glued to captivating monitors with bovine abandon. Its lulling message is designed to keep us distracted until it’s too late. Precious people who God made to be creative, genius works of art all sit comfortably and uselessly in recliners. And that is where and why the House was lost, November 9, 2018: too many of the dogs went to the polls as they had been instructed. And too many of the silent majority contented themselves in remaining personally satisfied and silent. When I hear the words, “... In the land of the free ... and the home of the brave!”, I feel sad because we are gradually freely relinquishing our right to own those words.

Contemporary hell is about to break loose in our land. It is the social, spiritual disintegration our founders tearfully prayed would never happen. A demonic army of these tv-mesmerized dogs is about to be unleashed on what’s left of our mortally wounded America . And they will not be daunted or halted. And they will not be reasoned with because, as you may have personally discovered, they are incapable of and untouched by reason. We are surrounded by dogs that look like humans. They have been trained by the one-eyed babysitter that currently empowers leftist professional politicians now out to destroy Donald Trump and anything else that stands between them and total domination.
We at one time had a chance to say ‘NO!’ to all of this, back before so many of us began to exchange our lives and freedoms for the bondage of a lie that Satan disguised as a party. The only possible hope for our nation and our lives to find real restoration and revival is admitting to our fatal error and crying out to the God who made us and gave his Son for our redemption. The very real devil won’t stop until he is stopped. Only God can give us the vision, strength, and stamina to make that happen. God is waiting for us to DECIDE to stand up and stand for what is right - for us, for our fellow citizens, and for our trusting progeny.
By Janet Varney And Janet Varney's America
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust
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