Hillary Clinton "Mentor" Saul Alinsky Explored in Two New Films
One of the films, "The Enemies Within," also explores Clinton's relationship with her controversial aide, Huma Abedin (Video).
With Hillary Clinton heading into the final stretch of her campaign for president, a couple of new movies are exploring her alleged mentor: Saul Alinsky.
At Wellesley College in 1969, Clinton, whose name was Hillary Rodham back then, wrote a 92-page thesis on Alinsky, the left-wing community organizer best known as the author of Rules for Radicals.
“If the ideals Alinsky espouses were actualized, the result would be a social revolution,” Clinton writes in her thesis, available online.
But Alinsky’s ideas are dangerous, according to two new movies headed for DVD and streaming online. Rules for Radicals, after all, in part is dedicated to “Lucifer,” according to the films.
In his dedication, Alinsky describes Lucifer, also known as Satan, as “the first radical known to man, who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom.”
One of the movies is called The Enemies Within, and it primarily makes the case that government officials, including Clinton and Senators Al Franken, Nancy Pelosi and Bernie Sanders, have ties to radicals — including communists and those who sympathize with Islamic terror.
“Like many young Americans, Hillary Rodham entered college as a staunch conservative. She left a raving socialist,” says narrator Trevor Loudon. “Part of this transformation can be blamed squarely on her political mentor: Chicago Marxist radical, Saul Alinsky.”
Representatives for Clinton's presidential campaign did not respond to a request for comment, but her supporters would no doubt take issue not only with Loudon's portrayal of the candidate as a "raving socialist" but also that she even considered Alinsky her mentor.
Alinsky died in 1972. Ralph Benko, president of The Alinsky Center, said the reference to Lucifer in Rules for Radicals was meant to be "provocative." Benko, a self-described conservative, said Alinsky was no Communist or Marxist and the films portraying him as such border on libel.
In Enemies Within, Loudon also tries to make his case that Clinton and Alinsky shared a mentor-mentee relationship by showing quick snippets of a letter she mailed to him in 1971, asking him about Rules for Radicals, which was published that same year, and telling him how she misses "our biennial conversations." That letter is also online.
Enemies Within is based on Loudon's book, The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists, and Progressives in the U.S. Congress. Media Matters for America, a progressive watchdog group, has called Loudon "a dour New Zealander who has found steady work peddling stories of a modern-day Red Scare."
Enemies Within also contains a lengthy segment on Clinton's aide, Huma Abedin, and interviews a former CIA officer claiming Abedin's family has ties to Islamic terrorists. A clip is below.
Loudon earned a reputation among conservatives for his work on Van Jones when he was President Obama's "green jobs czar." After allegedly exposing Jones' history as a leftist radical, a storyline amplified by Glenn Beck, Jones resigned his White House position in 2009.
The $300,000 straight-to-DVD documentary was released this week. It was directed by Judd Saul, who previously directed Unfair: Exposing the IRS, a documentary about IRS abuses.
The other film, A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing, is strictly about Alinsky. Scenes tying Hillary Clinton to him were actually removed to make it less partisan, according to director-producer Stephen Payne.
"We wanted the focus to be on the moral and the spiritual, not the political,” he said. “Alinsky was clearly a mentor to Hillary Clinton but our focus was on him not her."
The $250,000 movie aired on EWTN, a Catholic TV network and is for sale at AlinskyFilm.com.
The two Alinsky films join a chorus of movies that can be tied to the presidential election pitting Democratic nominee Clinton against Republican nominee Donald Trump. The highest-profile among them are Michael Moore in TrumpLand and Dinesh D’Souza’s Hillary’s America, which opened in July and brought in $13 million at the box office.
The two new films are not the only time a movie has delved into Alinsky or his relationship with Hillary Clinton. Two years ago in his second film, America: Imagine a World Without Her, D'Souza re-created Clinton's first meeting with Alinsky.
See a 6-minute clip of Enemies Within below, and see the clip of Alinsky meeting Clinton for the first time in the movie, America: Imagine a World Without Her, here.
Alinsky said Benko, "was an ideological agnostic pioneer of community organizing who worked most intimately with officials of the Catholic church. These films, while well produced, are sloppily researched or negligently presented. As far as Alinsky goes they are merely crude, clumsy, propaganda."
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