Tuesday, November 27, 2018


Image result for  a mind is a terrible thing to waste.

Don’t be fooled, a mind is a terrible thing to waste.

Image result for flying monkeys

[D5], Gas Lighting, Flying Monkeys and Cluster B

To understand this post, please do a Google Search on the following terms: Gas Lighting, Flying Monkeys and Cluster B psychological disorders. Read and understand those terms. Do some personal research and you can readily understand how sick people manipulate and alter your reality. If you don’t do your own homework on these terms, you cannot understand this post.

For the first time in my lifetime, the American people are finally seeing how their own government has been hijacked by criminals. On December 5th, 2018 the first glimpse into it will be made readily apparent.

“Spygate makes Watergate look like romper room.” Dan Bongino.

Everything is connected.

Everyone involved is connected.

The criminally insane which We the People call The Swamp have a pyramid and on each corner is a tenet.

Control, Power, and Money.

If any of the three are broken, the pyramid begins to fall, eventually crumbling down in a massive heap of destruction upon those who built it.

They lost control of the White House on November 6th, 2016 and therefore the military as well.

They lost control of the Department of Justice on November the 7th, 2018 with the appointment of Matthew Whitaker as Acting Attorney General.

With the loss of Control over these two aspects of executive branch government, they lost a vast amount of power.

The only way to regain it?

Destroy those who hold it.

Therefore, it should not surprise anyone that the Russian Collusion Delusion (Mass Gas-Lighting) began even before the inauguration of President Trump.

It should not surprise anyone that Congressional Democrats and even a State Government (Maryland) is challenging his temporary appointment.

But what else did they lose control of? They lost control of the message.

So, what remains. Next will be their remaining power and finally, their money will be returned to the people to which they stole it from. Look up Executive Order dated 21 December 2017.

Did anyone notice or was it just me, the desperation to gain control of the House of Representatives by the National Socialist Democrats?

They were so desperate that they openly were willing to commit vast voter fraud from one end of the country to the other.

I hate to break it to you my dear reader, but it is just as corrupted on the Republican side as it is on the Democrat side of the equation so please don’t attack the messenger, it identifies you as a Flying Monkey and nobody wants to be a Flying Monkey. #CNNISFAKENEWS

There was a reason why Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, retired.

On his way out, he allowed 47 seats for the House of Representatives to go unchallenged for the 2018 mid-term election for the left.

Not only did the left commit voter fraud, but they also had help in gaining control from the right by not running against them in 47 seats. Just another interesting fact that wasn’t reported on within the controlled media.

With all this said, you probably think I am lost on some tangent, but I am not.

My qualifier, my perceptive and critical thinking reader, is, all you have to do is look. Look with your own two eyes. Be honest with yourself at the news coverage on 9/11, the news coverage for months afterward (Gas-Lighting). Then, watch how Building 7 fell under a controlled demolition and you will quickly realize……………. that 9/11…… had to have been planned.

An orchestrated controlled event of mass manipulation (Gas-Lighting) that had real, deadly consequences.

There is no other logical explanation, none.

Have you ever noticed that these events always come with consequences that restrict the people’s rights and freedoms?

Have you ever noticed that right after a mass shooting incident that the call is for what?

Not to prosecute the perpetrator, nope.

Not to have mental health reform, nope.

The cry is always the same. Gun control and/or confiscation.

Now, why would anyone want to restrain the rights and freedoms of the people?

No one fears something that is under control.

Why do you think they spend so much time and effort keeping you inside the cage, moving the bars ever closer in?


The fear that you will eventually wake up and see them for what they truly are. Sick people with a sick agenda.

Of note, all Cluster B (narcissists, sociopaths, psychopaths) deranged sick people have a distinct common personality trait.

They are all “Control Freaks”. Interesting, huh?

So, if you think for a minute that the dark cloud of evil entrenched within the halls of our Federal Government suddenly disappears once we Drain the Swamp surrounding Spygate and the Clinton Foundation, you would be wrong.

It’s just the beginning of an eye-opening, frightening, waking up from a long National nightmare of manipulation and abuse that has occurred for decades.

A liberal application of Febreeze and nooses need to be applied on both sides of the aisle before we can truly be awake as a people, awake to the reality that we all, me included, have been psychologically manipulated and abused by profoundly sick people with an incredibly horrid agenda. A one world government with no nation states, no borders, no personal rights, all controlled by a very select sick few.

Anyway...... to get through this and at least clean out some of the Deep State Swamp we need to focus on the matters at hand.

My friends………. all roads lead to the Clinton Foundation, their donors and associates.

International in scope, corrupt to the core, lawlessness in its foundation.

Remember the first tenet of the Deep State Swamp and the National Socialist Democrat Party.

Tenet #1: “Always accuse your enemies of what you yourself are doing.” Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals.

Who actually colluded with the Russians?

To make this work, you must have willing contacts and operatives, the Flying Monkeys in and outside of government to help alter the reality and Gas Light your targets.

By the way, YOU are their target.

Can you identify the Flying Monkeys within elected government? Those willing to alter people’s reality of the truth? Mark Warner, Maxine Waters, Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer come immediately to mind but there are countless others.

Some willingly doing it, others are just totally bought into their own self-deluded concept of importance. But remember, to control the narrative and therefore control the people’s reality you have to be able to mass communicate/indoctrinate.

Therefore, the control of media is so important and anything outside the controlled narrative must be labeled as conspiracy theory or attacked.

Has anyone noticed that all “fact checking” internet sites are controlled by the left?

Has anyone made the connection between National Socialist Democrat control of Facebook, Twitter, Google and Youtube and the silencing of alternative news sites and channels?

Has anyone thought about the fact that 95% of broadcast television and cable news is controlled by six companies that all support the left?

That isn’t by coincidence.

Question: Why do you think the press and Congress hate President Trump for using Twitter?

Answer: They end up responding to a narrative rather than controlling it, that’s why.

They call him a liar (attack) him or question his mental stability (conspiracy theorist).

You see how the playbook works?

Ok, onward we go……….

Defying all reason, the truth and logic is thrown out the door.

The Gas Lighters send out through "leaks" to their Flying Monkeys "Breaking News" scoops that alter the reality of the truth and attack anyone who would call them out on the corruption.

Even if the leak itself is a felony.

Look over there, it isn’t us, it’s “them”.

Has anyone made the connection between Michael Horowitz’s Inspector General Report that outlined no less than fifteen FBI and DOJ personnel who had communicated directly with the press, leaking unfounded in fact stories to perpetuate the “Russian Collusion” delusion narrative?

I will ask the question again, who actually colluded with the Russians?

Think Uranium One. Think Russian Nuclear Agency. Think Russian sourced “Pee Pee” dossier. Think an FBI Director himself flying to Moscow with a Uranium sample. Think of a 500,000 dollar one-hour speech in Moscow by an ex-President of the United States.

You see, the manipulation of the people must be on a mass scale by accusing your enemy of what you yourself had been or are doing or it doesn’t work.

Therefore, when President Trump says, Fake News is the enemy of the people, he is absolutely correct. They are complicit and have been complicit in the perpetuation of lies.

Sorry Senator-Elect Mitt Romney, the American Press in its current configuration is actually the enemy of the Republic. There is little truth in it.

Think “Benghazi happened because of a Youtube video”.

You must have Flying Monkeys (Mainstream Media) that collaborate with you if mass Gas-Lighting is to be effective.

You can’t be effective in manipulating the public’s perception of the truth without “Control” of the narrative.

Think Operation Mockingbird.

CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Post, New York Times and NBC are the primaries, but ABC and CBS are not that far behind.

Think CIA Director Casey’s quote, “When everything the American People believe is a lie, we have done our job”.

Think of them as attack vectors on your target and a PSYOP tool on the public.

Then you must have complicity within law enforcement like Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein, and Lynch. There are many others. That's just within the Justice Department, think about the Intelligence Agencies and the Treasury/IRS.

Think about this for a second, how is it possible to move millions of dollars across International borders through the Clinton Foundation without somebody inside the Treasury Department looking the other way.

It is also impossible to have Top Secret Special Compartmentalized Information Special Access Program (TS SCI/SAP) intelligence on an outlaw server housed in a barn in Chappaqua New York, in a Boulder Colorado toilet and hosted on the Cloud out of New Jersey without someone committing espionage and TREASON.

Yet, no one was prosecuted.

Comey and Lynch handed out immunity like boxes of candy to their special loved ones on Valentine's day.

Tenet #2 of the Deep State Swamp, never prosecute your friends, no matter how bad it looks, no matter how incriminating the prima fascia evidence, never do it.

Have you ever noticed, the law is not equally applied when it comes to National Socialist Democrats? I digress….

They will never prosecute.

Even if the only way that no one got prosecuted is that it implicated that dirty cops and lawyers were running the peoples Federal Law Enforcement mechanisms, destroying the public trust, it doesn’t matter, Tenet #2 must never be broken, if you do, chances are you will pay with your life. Just look at all the people who have had circumspect “accidents” and “suicides” surrounding the Clinton’s.

Think Vince Foster all the way to Seth Rich.

This isn't rocket science folks. This is how it works. This is how you can run the government as a criminal organization.

Whoever recommended Rosenstein as Assistant Attorney General is definitely working on the other team.

It was Sessions.

Why did Sessions slow roll the release of documents, unredacted documents? Interesting, huh?

I think Sessions, with his decision to not prosecute Lerner and to settle out of court the IRS Tea Party cases, was playing on the Swamps Team.

I think Sessions, even with an FBI informant testifying to Congress on Uranium One, was playing on the Swamps Team.

The public record is quite incriminating.

Huber, as of this writing, still has not interviewed the FBI informant associated with Uranium One.

So, who was colluding with the Russians again?

They accused President Trump of "Russian Collusion", yet they sold 20% of the people's Uranium to Russia for 145 million dollars. Remember primary Tenet #1.

They accused the Tea Party and other organizations of 501.C3 charity violations while covering up the Clinton Global Initiative and Clinton Foundations International Charity Fraud, Racketeering, Wire Fraud, Extortion, Pay for Play and Graft. Tenet #1 again.

But wait, is there a pattern? All Cluster B criminals have them.

Yes, there is.

They justified using the governments national and international intelligence assets to perform political espionage using a fake "Russian Dossier" just as they used the IRS and Lois Lerner among others inside the IRS and the FBI to rig the 2012 election by destroying the Tea Party movement.

They even sent 1.25 million personal tax returns of Tea Party members to the FBI and DOJ Attorneys to deny the people their Constitutional Rights of Assembly and attempt to build tax fraud cases against them.

Another little-known fact, Cluster B sick people always use the law to destroy their targets. All of them do it.

It becomes a lot easier when you have a loyal, cooperative Cluster B’s inside the Justice System.

That way they can bring the full force of the government in action and also cover for those who enabled them to reach their positions of power.

Therefore………the “Special Counsel” was created.

It should not shock or surprise anyone that the wide net of the Deep State Federal Law Enforcement agencies headed by Comey, Mueller, Holder, and Lynch, had a specifically designed hole in it to let the Clintons and their donors to operate the largest International Charity Fraud, Money Laundering and Pay for Play RICO organization in the history of mankind.

Yes, that is how it works, you attack your enemies and reward your friends.

Using the apparatus of the Federal Government to do it.

Now, Huber is testifying to Congress in an open hearing on the 5th of December [D5] on his Clinton Foundation investigation.

Now there is mayhem within the installed corruption inside Washington DC.

Can you now understand and see how the installed shadow government and Deep State Swamp works?

Can you now understand why President Trump had to clean out the FBI and DOJ?

How can you prosecute people for public corruption, money laundering, charity fraud, election fraud, etc, etc, etc, etc….. when the very ones who would be tasked to investigate and prosecute are the ones who have been enabling and/or conducting those very things.

The criminally compromised don’t prosecute themselves, folks, that’s not how it works.

The Obama Administration infested the DOJ and FBI and other agencies with criminals.

But there were holdovers from previous administrations dating all the way back to Bush 1 with Stephan Halper.

These Deep State Criminal Psychopath’s of the Swamp, who used their unelected positions of trust to attempt to cover for their crimes using every available cooperating government agency possible tried to stop a person from being elected (illegal 702 NSA database searches).

They used every cooperating Foreign Government possible (GCHQ) and others to dig up dirt on the Trump Campaign and Trump Administration.

They even published transcribed telephone conversations between the President and Heads of State.

They used a complicit and controlled Mainstream Media to feed lies and Gas-Light.

When you think about it, for eight years we were screaming for Justice under the Obama Administration.

Fast and Furious, Associated Press Wire Tapping, IRS Gate, Benghazi and the Youtube Video, Hillary Clintons Espionage and Email Scandal, etc, etc, etc.

Why did we think that the installed corrupt officials would jump at the chance at cleaning all that up with the election of President Trump?

We were naïve.

A fumigation had to take place first.

There is a reason we have seen so many firings, demotions, and resignations within the FBI and DOJ.

Almost a clean sweep with more to come.

An outsider had to be brought in.

Welcome aboard the Trump Train Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker.

December 5th, 2018 is the beginning of something that will shake the foundations.

The Clinton Foundation and all those who have enabled it.

December 5th, 2018 is the beginning of the restoration of the rule of law.

December 5th, 2018 will be a date that begins a revelation about our government and the shadow government that was installed to operate it as an International RICO organization.

All roads lead to the Clinton Foundation.

Read two books in the following order. Clinton Cash by Peter Sweitzer and Spygate by Dan Bongino.

Everything is connected.

Everyone involved are sick people.

If you have read this far, welcome to being Red-Pilled. Our government has been hijacked by criminals and they use MSM as the psychological operation to control the public’s perception so no one can realize what is truly going on.

Think frog in an ever-warming pot, before you know it the country you knew….. poof is gone.

We have one last chance to get it back and that began with the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States on November the 6th, 2016.

Phase three starts on December the 5th, 2018.

Phase three starts with the restoration of the rule of law in America.

Phase three starts with equal justice under the law.

Phase three starts with the people understanding that they have been lied to.

Thank President Trump for fighting the fight.

It is a fight that We the People have to lend our backs and minds into winning with him.

Folks, it is much bigger than we think.

Hint: Did you know that the Clinton Foundation is only authorized by the IRS to operate in Arkansas?

[D5], Gas Lighting, Flying Monkeys and Cluster B

Don’t be fooled, a mind is a terrible thing to waste.


One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy


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