Since Hillary Clinton lost in 2016, donations for her family’s very questionable charity are significantly down.

Clinton Foundation donations drop by almost 60 percent amid a federal investigation
All of this is happening as the Justice Department conducts its own investigation into the Clinton Foundation for improper activity.
Even President Donald Trump chimed in, hinting that the Clintons were involved in peddling political influence.
Bad Days Ahead
While Barack Obama was in office, Hillary Clinton had a gold-plated Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free card.
That day may soon be approaching with this current investigation.
The release of tax documents has both the Justice Department and the American people asking some very serious questions about the activity at the Clinton Foundation.
Either way, with Obama no longer in office and Clinton no longer involved with our government, donors clearly no longer see the need to donate to the “charity.”
And Trump is not alone in his assumption. Several high-ranking Republicans have brought their concerns to light as well.
Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) said the sudden drop in donations “raises grave concerns their operations were not above board.”
While the investigation started back in January, the Justice Department expects to hold hearings on the Clinton Foundation in early December.
And Trump is not alone in his assumption. Several high-ranking Republicans have brought their concerns to light as well.
Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) said the sudden drop in donations “raises grave concerns their operations were not above board.”
While the investigation started back in January, the Justice Department expects to hold hearings on the Clinton Foundation in early December.
Their so-called “Blue Wave” will quickly be put down, and Republicans will no doubt use this to shred Democrats once the 2020 campaign season kicks in.
We can’t wait.
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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