Wednesday, October 17, 2018


Janet Varney

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All but completely ignored in the aftermath of Christine Blasely Ford’s ALMOST victory in the character assassination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh—the trap door she used to go after him has been left wide open awaiting its next victim.

With Kavanaugh now safely sworn into the Supreme Court as a Justice and the Democrats lining up to impeach him, the public at large is still caught up in he-said-she-said full throttle while too few seem to notice that a gaping wound has been left on America with no one coming forward to try to cauterize it.

The gaping wound left behind by Blasely-Ford makes it possible for unproven allegations of sexual assault to continue to ruin lives, families, and careers.  It makes a mockery of the law of the land by hijacking Due Process to boot.

While Christine Blasely Ford goes on to live happily ever after, with three-quarters of a million dollars in Go Fund Me cash and, according to the media narrative, heroine worship in her California neighborhood, the trap door she left behind lies in wait.
In the blood sport called Politics, the treachery of quicksand is replacing what was once safe footing.  Accusers no longer have to prove allegations; they only have to talk about them and can count on finding safe cover under meaningless slogans such as ‘Believe Women’.

High school girls and Hollywood starlets, among others, now know that hard evidence and proof are no longer needed to take down any male perceived as the enemy left vulnerable for blackmail and potential financial gain.

If Kindergarten age males can be accused of leaving glue dry on their arms for later stripping off and eating, how long before the childhood game of ‘Spin the Bottle’ will be used to ruin futures?

On Oct.5, 2018 the United Nations Special Rapporteur on violence against women was presented to the 73rd UN General Assembly (UNGA).

“The report decries the lack of attention that violence against women in politics has received until recently. Drawing on Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) data and other studies, the Special Rapporteur suggests that such violence is widespread and systematic.

 “The Special Rapporteur cites data from the 2016 IPU study in which 55 women parliamentarians from 39 countries across five regions were surveyed.

The study found that 82 percent of the women had experienced some form of psychological violence; 44 percent had received threats of death, rape, beatings or abduction; and 65 percent had been subjected to sexist remarks. Of the 42 parliaments covered by its survey, the IPU found that only 28 percent had a procedure for settling complaints.

“On 16 October during its 139th Assembly, the IPU will publish a new, more extensive, report on violence against women in parliaments in Europe in partnership with the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. This is the first in a series of IPU regional studies designed to build a global picture of sexism, harassment, and violence against women in parliaments.”

Where are the taxpayer-paid reports on violence against women in all walks of life?

Are women in parliaments more deserving of protection than average women?
Was the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe emboldened by what Blasely Ford came “that close” to getting away with in America?

Why is it that #MeToo—which should be retitled #MEFIRST!—places the safety of women parliamentarian politicians over the women of the masses, who often have little or no recourse to protection against sexual harassment?

The world has been caught up in the Big Lie ever since ex-British spy Christopher Steele remains scot-free after writing his largely debunked ‘Golden Shower’ dirty dossier.

Steele went on the lam after stashing his two pet cats with his neighbor after he was outed as the disgraced dossier author.

Last week, he was honored as No. 38 in Vanity Fair’s 2018 Top 100 New Establishment List.
Robert Mueller III, incidentally, is Number One on Vanity Fair’s list.

How did we ever reach the stage where authors of salacious dossiers with uncorroborated accusations make the honor roll?

Aren’t we forgetting that Robert Mueller IIIs Special Counsel used the Steele dirty dossier as the basis for the investigation into Trump-Russia collusion after the almost two-year-old 2016 presidential election?

Meanwhile, the FBI of the day seems to have investigated the wrong person in the Kavanaugh sexual assault allegations.

The FBI owes America a thorough investigation of Christine Blasely Ford because it could be the only way to shut the trap door she left open for the next victim to fall through.

Did Ford commit perjury during her testimony?  Should her unproven allegations against Kavanaugh be filed under political public mischief?

Has Christine Blasely Ford forged a path for unhinged Democrats to double down on unsubstantiated sexual assault allegations if the dream of their Blue Wave becomes a Midterm election nightmare?

Even the Resistance’s got nothing on the inherent dangers in Blasely Ford’s wide open trap door.

The Deep State Swamp is growing like the world’s biggest sinkhole swallowing up huge tracts of land all the way over to Europe.

For the protection of the law of the land in America, #Close.Christine.Blasey.Ford’s.Open.Trap.Door. NOW.

By Janet Varney And Janet Varney's America

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust

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