Thursday, September 20, 2018


Project Veritas is continuing to expose the 'deep state' at work in government against President Donald Trump and his agenda.
Project Veritas Exposes Socialists Admitting To Illegal Acts

At least two officials are implicated by the footage!

Earlier this week, Project Veritas debuted a new series of exposes, this time uncovering the ‘deep state’ at work against President Donald Trump and his agenda. The first video showed a member of the Democratic Socialists of America who worked in the State Department and showed him bragging about doing political work on the taxpayer’s dime and how he would never be punished for it.
The second video in this ongoing series from James O’Keefe and his project of undercover reporting focused on a pair of new stars. The stars: Department of Justice paralegal Allison Hrabar, along with Jessica Schubel, who served as the Chief of Staff for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. These individuals have bragged about being involved in a ‘deep throat thing,’ committing illegal acts to protect Obama admin goals and agendas, and even boasted that they “can’t like to get fired.”  What kind of people are running the federal government?
To add an interesting addendum to paralegal Hrabar’s background, she has ties to the Democratic Socialists of America and was even seen chasing after Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielson at a Washington D.C.-area restaurant.
The group she belongs to, Metro DC DSA, pushes for socialists and far-left policies in the metropolitan D.C. area.
In the recording, taken by O’Keefe’s undercover employees, Hrabar admitted that federal government employees were using their power to undermine Donald Trump, the lawfully elected President of the United States and head of the executive branch.
She admitted that there was the talk of “how we can, like, resist” from inside the Department of Justice.
Hrabar also said that a fellow member of the DSA, one employed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture was ‘slowing down’ their productivity in order to undermine President Trump’s agenda, costing the government more money in the process.
She claimed that the DSA had a member who worked with food stamps (still distributed through the DOA), who was slowing down her work, all in order to ensure that people could stay on food stamps longer, as long as “another month or two.”
Hrabar believed that this was ‘very important,’ even though it entailed using taxpayer money to cost more taxpayer money for people who no longer qualified to receive food stamps, for whatever reason.
The paralegal suggested that she was also using government time and money (and even possibly property) to further her leftist DSA activism.
The video showed a meeting with Cliff Green, another member of the socialist group, who talked about how the DOJ employee used Lexis Nexis to find home addresses for them to protest at.
Green said that “she uses Lexis Nexis” and a couple of other pieces of software to find the people who run various companies.
The report got worse still, however, when Natarajan Subramanian, an auditor for the Government Accountability Office, and a fellow Metro DC DSA member, told an undercover Project Veritas journalist that Hrabar used Lexis Nexis at her work computer.
Subramanian also said that doing so was the kind of thing that people got fired for, so it needed to be kept secret.
Lexis Nexis is a powerful database that can contain everything from contact information to transcripts and documentation from court cases. It also costs thousands of dollars to receive a license for access.
The DOJ paralegal recounted how the socialist group tracked down a DC lobbyist, Jeremy Wiley, and ran his license plate. She also said that due to her position, she “can’t like get fired.”
Schubel, on the other hand, talked about how her friends at the HHS gave her information, via the mail, before it was officially released.
This is, of course, illegal, and Schubel, who worked for the federal government during the Barack Obama administration, is likely fully aware of that.
She repeatedly answered that it was illegal and that it was kind of like deepthroat, the leaker who provided information on the Nixon investigation to the press.
Once again, O’Keefe provided yet more documentation of leftist members of the government (or in Schubel’s case, employees and former employees) working to undermine the Donald Trump administration and its lawful orders and policies.
In this case, the undercover footage suggested that at least one person was using access to Lexis Nexis and other government resources to help an extreme leftist organization to target and harass individuals.
Another former employee, in collaboration with current employees, was on footage bragging about leaking information from a government agency, sending it through the United States Postal Service, and using it for unknown ends.
These people seem to be happily, boastfully, undermining the will of the American people. They should be investigated and prosecuted.


One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


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Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy


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