Tuesday, September 18, 2018


Collins said it's puzzling that Kavanaugh's accuser won't testify about accusations.
Collins Says Kavanaugh Accuser’s Claims Are ‘Puzzling’, Then Bizarrely Hints At ‘Trial’
Collins said it's puzzling that Kavanaugh's accuser won't respond to inquiries from the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, said on Tuesday that she finds it puzzling that the woman who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her nearly four decades ago is refusing to testify before the Senate, The Daily Caller reports.

Many agree, and are asking why won’t she testify? Does she not want to be put under oath to discuss her accusations against Kavanaugh?

Collins, who is often a swing-vote and a thorn to the GOP, said on Tuesday that she would support putting Kavanaugh through a trial-type questioning, a sign baffling to many given there’s no evidence whatsoever that the allegations are credible or can be corroborated. She also said that he’d be ‘disqualified’ if he lied.

On Tuesday morning, reporters asked Collins for her opinion on the recent allegations and whether it will have an impact on her vote. Collins said she finds it suspicious the woman has only just come forward after largely remaining silent since the early 1980s.

“That’s very puzzling to me. I have said from the beginning that these are very serious allegations and she deserves to be heard. She’s now being given an opportunity to come before the Senate Judiciary Committee and to answer questions and I really hope that she doesn’t pass up that opportunity,” Collins said.

“It’s not unheard of to have counsel do the questioning,” she added. “Ford will be represented by counsel. And I think it’s important that we hear from both Professor Ford and Judge Kavanaugh under oath in a public hearing

Late last week, a report was published detailing the accusations made by Christine Blasey Ford, who alleges that she attended a party in the early 1980s. She claims Kavanaugh was also at the party, and that he pinned her down on a bed and groped her while she was wearing a bathing suit. Ford also said she believed Kavanaugh could “inadvertently kill” her.

Soon after the report, Kavanaugh released a statement vehemently denying the accusations, saying he vaguely remembers Ford and the party. He has also stated that he wants to testify before the Senate as soon as possible to answer questions about Ford’s out-of-the-blue accusations.

“I have never done anything like what the accuser describes — to her or to anyone,” Kavanaugh said.

While Kavanaugh is practically begging to testify publicly and defend his name against the accusations, Ford has refused to accept any invitation to testify before the publi

Adding more fuel to fire, and perhaps encouraging more of a circus, Collins tweeted on Tuesday that she is writing a letter recommending that the counsel for Ford be able to question Kavanaugh.

I'm writing to the Chairman & RM of Judiciary Cmte respectfully recommending that at Monday’s hearing, counsel for Prof. Ford be allocated time to question Judge Kavanaugh & counsel for the Judge be granted equal time to question Prof. Ford, followed by questions from Senators.

In what world is any of this normal or acceptable? Liberals have weaponized the #MeToo movement, where a woman can accuse a man of something from nearly 40 years ago, and then he’s being portrayed as some sort of sexual deviant but the leftist media.

Kavanaugh is ready to testify, yet swing-voter Collins is trying to encourage a circus and allow him to be smeared by the Senate and Ford’s counsel, assuming she actually shows up.

Ford has also admitted to only vaguely remembering the party and specific details about what she claims happened, yet the mainstream media and Democrats are already demanding Kavanaugh be disqualified.

Many people agree that guilty before innocent is apparently the Democrat’s new motto… unless it’s Keith Ellison.

Kavanaugh stands ready to testify. Will Ford dare show her face and provide a shred of evidence to support her claims?

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


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