Sunday, September 23, 2018


Janet Varney

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57 Things that are done by President Trump to MAGA

1 President Trump passed the greatest tax plan to help the middle class in America's history. President Trump raised all social security checks by 2%. There hasn't been any increase since Bush.

2. Deported almost 10,000 illegal extremely violent Criminal aliens back over the border.

3. Took us out of TPP

4. Illegal immigration is down 78+% ( the lowest in 17 years)

5. Consumer confidence index highest since 2000 at 125.6

6. Mortgage applications for new homes have risen to a 7-year high

7. Gave our brave military men and women a 2.4% raise.

8. Has begun building border wall.....ILLEGAL aliens cost America an estimated 99 billion dollars per. Year. It will only cost a measly 14 billion dollar one-time fee to built that critical wall. A very LOW estimate of 6 Americans are killed by illegal aliens EVERYDAY.

9. Pulled out of the lopsided Paris Accord

10. Approved Keystone Pipeline

11. Got NATO allies to boost spending by 4.3%

12. Allowing VA to terminate bad employees

13. Allowing private healthcare choices for veterans

14. More than 2 million jobs created. millions more guaranteed from returning overseas manufacturers.

15. Median household income at a 7-year high

16. Stock market at an all-time high. Hard working Americans 401K's have skyrocketed.

17. President Trump appointed Niel Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.

18. $89 billion saved (so far) in regulation rollbacks

19. Rollback of regulations boosts coal mining

20. MOAB for ISIS president Trump and his generals have decimated Isis. Isis still exists but a small fraction of what it was before he entered the office.

21. Travel ban reinstated

22. Issued executive order protecting religious freedom

23. Jump-started NASA

24. $600 million cut from UN peacekeeping budget

25. Targeting of MS13 gangs

26. Has built our (Obama depleted) military exponentially into the most powerful in our history. America first. Protect our citizens.

27. Signed 41 bills to date

28. Created a commission on child trafficking

29. Created a commission on voter fraud

30. Created a commission on opioids addiction. Mid October 2017, Trump declares State of Emergency on opiates.

31. Giving power to states to drug test unemployment recipients

32. Has made America's employment the highest in 17 years.
Black unemployment the lowest in HISTORY. (2017). Hispanic now the lowest in history too.

33. Historic Black College University initiative

34. Women In Entrepreneurship Act

35. Created an office to aid victims of illegal immigrant crime

36. Reversed Dodd-Frank

37. Repealed DOT ruling which would have taken power away from local governments for infrastructure planning

38. Issued order to stop crimes against law enforcement

39. Wants DACA program fixed.

40. Stopped companies from moving out of America. Passed the highest middle-class tax reduction Anarchist history. The butthurt Democrats have not given one vote for anything, they refuse to help the American people. They would do anything and resist Trump, self-centered politicians, the hell with America.

41. Promoting business to create American jobs

42. Encouraging country to once again 'buy American’ and ‘hire American’

43. Cutting two regulations for every one created

44. Review of all trade agreements to make sure they put ‘America First’

45. Created apprentice program

46. Highest manufacturing surge in three years

47. $78 billion promised reinvestment from major businesses like Exxon, Bayer, Apple, SoftBank, Toyota, 

48. Denied FBI a new building

49. $700 million saved (so far) with F-35 renegotiation

50. Saved $22 million (so far) through reduction of White House payroll

51. Department of Treasury reports a $182-billion surplus for April 2017 (2nd largest in history)

52. Negotiated the release of 6 U.S. humanitarian workers held captive in Egypt

53. Donald Trump has been taking on the crooked, crooked, crooked, media he's done a great job exposing all of their lies. the Crooked media on 10-10-17 was given an historically low rating of 12%. Unthinkable, a total disgrace. Many of these lying media people belong in prison. We are sick of fake news.

54. Signed an executive order to promote energy

55 but not to mention he also got North Korea to the bargaining table and stop bombings also gotten three captures released but no money like Obummer did

56 has gotten three hostages out of North Korea have gotten remains 55 of them from North Korea

57 has brought back Mexico and now Canada to the NAFTA table

By Janet Varney

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


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