Saturday, September 1, 2018

CA Counseling Ban is Dead

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CA Counseling Ban is Dead

Today, we are celebrating that the dangerous California AB 2943 bill is dead. This horrendous bill would have established a government-enforced censorship of counselors who wanted to provide and consenting adults who wanted to receive talk therapy for unwanted same-sex attractions, behavior, or gender confusion. It also tried to ban sales of printed materials and books expressing the viewpoint that unwanted same-sex attractions or gender confusion can be reduced or eliminated.

The author of the bill, assembly member Evan Low, withdrew AB 2943, today being the last day of the legislative session. Low said: "I knew this was an emotionally charged issue, so I spent the past few months traveling up and down the state meeting with a wide variety of faith leaders."
"The dangerous bill that would ban counsel and even portions of the Bible is dead," said Mat Staver, Founder, and Chairman of Liberty Counsel.

This bill could have been used to ban the Bible, which directs people to trust in Jesus Christ to help them overcome unwanted same-sex attraction or gender confusion. Even a reference to portions of Scripture could be banned if used to support or promote change. For example, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 specifically refers to "men who practice homosexuality," and then states, "such were some of you," clearly indicating that through a relationship with Jesus Christ there is hope for change in this area and every other area that conflicts with God’s design for each person.

If the bill had passed, Liberty Counsel was prepared to file a lawsuit regarding its significant constitutional violations. "Our lawsuit was ready to file. We were prepared to challenge this unconstitutional and dangerous bill if it passed. Thank God, this bill is now dead," said Staver.

Read our press release to see how this bill would have affected our clients.

This California bill ignored studies, including the Effects of Therapy on Religious Men Who Have Unwanted Same-Sex Attraction, that confirms that talk therapy is quite effective. This particular study shows the overwhelming effectiveness of people receiving counseling to reduce or eliminate their unwanted same-sex attractions, behaviors, or identity. More than two-thirds of those who participated had significant heterosexual shifts in sexual attraction, sexual identity, and behavior. They also experienced moderate-to-marked decreases in suicidality, depression, substance abuse, and increases in social functioning and self-esteem.

Read our press release for more details. 


One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust

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