by Joe Esposito

The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”, I pledge my allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible, with liberty and justice for all, Amen!
by Joe Esposito
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Joe Esposito |
ENOUGH of the phony, disgusting manufactured outrage of the mainstream media. They are the ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE. It is quite true. We, the people, are ill-served by their FALERY. They have it ‘in’ for this Trump Presidency. What we have witnessed is far from fair and objective journalism. Anyone with half a brain can see through what they are doing for it is quite evident that they are not giving a fair shake to our President. When the news coverage of Trump is ninety plus percent it kind of tells you something, doesn’t it? These are cretins of the worse kind you’d have to admit.
And leading this ‘pack of wolves’ we have that whining SOB, Jim Acosta. He’s touted as CNN’s bulldog. In all ways he is loathsome, a true TRUMP HATER. Whether he wants to admit it or not he is truly disparaging of the Trump base and no doubt thinks they’re a bunch of dumb hicks. He gets pushback from them and goes into hysterics. Hey, Acosta, do your damn job instead of complaining when you get criticized for your bias. It’s very unbecoming. You are the blame for being the object of our loathing. In this mainstream media, there are so many who have an agenda. As I’ve said time and time again JOURNALISM DIED A LONG TIME ago in our beloved America.
You have to really feel terrible with what Sarah Huckabee Sanders has to go through in each daily press briefing but she manages to hold her ground. It’s an impossible task when you have to deal with the likes of a Jim Acosta and an April Ryan. Both appear to be a tad mentally unsound. Yesterday Sanders would not reject the notion that the MAINSTREAM MEDIA IS THE ENEMY. Kudos to you, Sarah, for being one of the bright lights in this Trump Presidency. It was awful to see how she was treated yesterday and in the past. Some in the media ridicule her. How long will this INSANITY last? The enemy stokes an environment of hate towards those who serve in this Administration. Did you ever in your life think that a Press Secretary would need Secret Service protection?
This is how it is in our body politic. The POLITICS OF HATE AND PERSONAL DESTRUCTION is enough to make you absolutely sick. I will say it one more time. The MEDIA IS THE ENEMY!! It distorts. It’s extremely heavy-handed. It is FAKERY!!!
Written by Joe Esposito
Behold the latest New York SLIMES editor. This POS is racist to the core. This is quite a coup for a newspaper that considers itself the ‘gold standard’ of journalism. Need I say anything more? This Sarah ‘what’s her name’ prides herself on HATE. It goes to show you the depths that this disgusting media has sunk to. This is something that I truly cannot understate. Yes, fellow patriots, if you think that things cannot get any worse with this horrific FOURTH ESTATE let me break the news to you rather gently. It will always be. These reprobates won’t stop until they drive our DON from the presidency. Of course, this ain’t gonna happen but it won’t lessen their obsession that it will be done. Our America is in the best of hands. It is, as the BOOMING ECONOMY, a country that is so well run.
The HATERS just keep on HATING. Trump’s tweets this Saturday morning show that he’ll never back down from a fight. With a stinging tweet, he basted that lowlife, Don Lemon, calling him THE DUMBEST MAN ON TELEVISION. No one can disagree with that for our President, as is always the case, is absolutely right. He is not the only one that our DON takes issue with. LeBron James and Diane Feinstein were the objects of his IRE. He was so busy with these storm of tweets. Our President was clearly on FIRE. I cannot blame him one bit for expressing the anger that he clearly does feel. The past few days the TRUMP HATERS have once again questioned his mental capacity. Are they effing kidding me. This political atmosphere just keeps getting beyond surreal.
As the TRUMP HATE continues on its collision course the Democrat Party is on one of its own. It’s becoming more and more radicalized and out of the shadows, we see Trump’s disgusting predecessor. You remember him, the man with the pen and the phone. The TYRANT would love to do battle with TEFLON DON in this year’s off-year election. We know who has the coattails to bring a Congressional victory. Do I really need to answer this question? As is always the case it all depends on voter turnout. One can make a case for each side being extremely energized. If perchance the DEMS achieve a HOUSE victory we will no doubt be very demoralized. The HATERS would be in ecstasy if that should be the outcome. Methinks a Democrat win, there will not be. I cannot believe that the electorate is that DUMB!
Written by Joe Esposito
Apparently, they have not learned their lesson from this election loss. In Congress, they apparently are determined to stay in the minority. Need proof?? Their caucus leadership is still in the hands of that brainless twit, Nancy Pelosi. George Soros will still pull the strings more than ever. It is his bidding they will continue to do as they will further move Left and off a cliff, they will surely go. It's a death wish they have and their radicalism will soon bury them. Mark my words. This will be so.
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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