Janet Varney

Elitist scribes at the Washington Post must think that they’re all living rent-free in President Donald Trump’s up-for-grabs head.
They think they know what the president’s going to do even before the president knows what he’s going to do.
That’s how it generally works in Rush Limbaugh’s “drive-by” media world
“In private, President Donald Trump spent much of the past week brooding, like he often does. He has been anxious about the Russia investigation’s widening fallout, with his former campaign chairman now standing trial. And he has fretted that he is failing to accrue enough political credit for what he claims as triumphs.” Said the Washington Post (Wapo).
Living rent free in Trump’s head and refusing to get out for non-payment of rent, Wapo warriors know for a fact that he spent “much of the past week—in private—“BROODING”.
Doesn’t the president know that only the progressive left can spend time—BROODING—in private?
One can almost imagine the salivary drooling of the Wapo reporters between sips of their newsroom Caramel Mocha Lattes. ‘Just a few more scandals, a little more leaking, and we got him!’
‘Down with Trump! ‘Down with all his supporters! ‘Chase teens sporting MAGA caps down the nearest alley, and rough ‘em up if you manage to catch them!’
‘Turn up the screeching volume, ‘Celebrate the ascending violence in Portland, Oregon where projectiles, including bottles and rocks, were thrown at police by chanting cowards, some hiding their identities behind face masks.
‘Where’s Hillary, where’s Comey, where’s the latest stripper with another ‘when Donald Trump’ sexually harassed me’ story?’
Yet in public, Trump is a man roaring. The president, more than ever, is channeling his internal frustration and fear into a ravenous maw of grievance and invective. He is churning out false statements with greater frequency and attacking his perceived enemies with intensifying fury. A fresh broadside came on Twitter at 11:37 p.m. Friday, mocking basketball superstar LeBron James and calling CNN’s Don Lemon “the dumbest man on television.” (WaPost)
Well, if the shoe fits…
According to the know-it-all WaPo:
“This is the new, uneasy reality for Trump at an especially precarious moment of his presidency, with the Republican Party struggling to keep control of Congress, where a Democratic takeover brings with it the specter of impeachment, and special counsel Robert Mueller’s grip seeming to tighten on the president and his circle.”
A “new uneasy reality? There’s nothing new about it. All of the above and so much more have been going on for almost 18 consecutive months.
“Trump, who has decamped to his New Jersey golf estate for an 11-day working vacation, is at a critical juncture in the Russia investigation as he decides in coming days whether to sit for an interview with Mueller or defy investigators and risk being issued a subpoena.” (WaPo)
While big, brave ‘journalists’ are holding sob sessions because Trump makes them fear for their very lives; while Jim Acosta holds cucumber slices up to the bags under his swollen eyes, the enemy, who’s been Enemy Numero Uno ever since women went on the Big March one day after his inauguration, is holding at 50% in popularity polls.
The Obama sycophants are still waiting for their reluctant ‘resistance’ leader to come out of his closet and own up to the anarchy he’s been fomenting.
Maxine Waters, under investigation herself for giving election money to her daughter, is waiting to (borrowed from the over-used description to be found in comment sections), “carve him a new one.”
The Democrats, both the admitted Social Democrat ones, and ones masquerading as ‘progressives’ are now bragging that they will win not just the Senate but the House:
“Democrats are working very hard,” she (Waters) said. “We have a lot of enthusiasm. We have good candidates. We have raised an awful lot of money, and I think we’re in a good position not only to take back the House, but I believe even possibly the Senate. Of course, if we do that, look out, president. You’re in trouble.”
Celebrating a victory before votes are counted is a move reminiscent of the weeping talking heads in the early morning hours of November 9 when they had to admit Hillary Clinton lost and Donald Trump was now America’s Commander in Chief.
Mainstream and social media who have convinced themselves that the consequences of elections come not from their talking heads and reporters, but from voters, keep right on whistling as they go past the graveyard.
They keep warning us that Trump will lead the U.S. into disaster, that the rest of the world will hate the U.S. when Obama already failed abysmally when trying that one on.
They keep hyping the protests, disturbing the peace of mind of average citizens by calling for a 2nd American Revolution.
Meanwhile, the Revolution will only happen if authorities don’t find the way to stop Obama from bringing anarchy crashing down on America’s head.
But cop-hating, hate spewing Antifa will never pull it off.
Real soldiers in trenches can tell you that soldiers never come supplied with bottled water and face masks.
All wars go so much further than chants.
Stop trying to live rent-free in the president’s head, MSM, stop with the cartoons of Trump’s severed head activists posing as comedians trot out.
The gig is up.
Fight for your country and not your ego and moment in the sun.
America is waiting.
By Janet Varney
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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