Michael Cohen Plea Deal
The Progressive-Left, who populate the corrupt Deep State think they’ve cornered President Donald J. Trump in time for Nov. 6 Midterm Elections with a twofer.
Michael Dean Cohen an American attorney who worked as a lawyer for Donald Trump from 2006 until the termination of his employment in May 2018, a month after a federal investigation began. The investigation led to him pleading guilty in August 2018 to multiple counts of campaign finance violations, tax fraud, and bank fraud. In his statement before the court, Cohen said he violated campaign finance laws “in coordination with and at the direction of a candidate for federal office,” meaning Trump, "for the principal purpose of influencing the election” for president in 2016.
Despite the drama of today’s screaming headlines, they completely miss the point that their timing is all off. That Trump dispatched his then lawyer Michael Cohen to pay off two women accusing him of affairs BEFORE beginning his election campaign is perfectly legit. Citing himself as a theoretical candidate for election and wanting to shut down attention-grabbing accusers before getting into the race as Trump did. Mark Levin said, “I hope this makes sense to you because you’re getting a ton of propaganda”.
Cohen says he violated the law at the direction of ‘candidate Trump’. But it was no surprise because it was only a matter of time before Cohen, who admitted that he taped Trump during lawyer-client meetings, would be claiming guilt and making himself the star witness for the Robert Mueller III special counsel, who has been scouring the landscape for a star witness for the past 18 months.
Tonight’s big party time for the progressive-left and their running dog complicit media, who think they are dancing on President Donald Trump’s grave.
Even street theatre went into effect the moment Cohen was leaving the courthouse after pleading guilty to federal charges with protesters chanting: “Lock him Up!” in a kind of get even tactic for the “Lock her up!” Hillary chant.
But dancing on graves while the ‘dearly departed’ is still up and running is a useless past time stemming from badly-placed bravado.
President Trump tweeted that Cohen had made up stories in order to get a deal.
The president denies there was any collusion with Russia to get him elected.
"If anyone is looking for a good lawyer, I would strongly suggest that you don't retain the services of Michael Cohen!" he tweeted.
Cohen's lawyer Lanny Davis says his client has knowledge of whether Donald Trump knew in advance about the computer hacking which undermined his opponent, Hillary Clinton.
The 63 million and still counting people who voted for Trump as president will vote for him again in 2020, first knocking out a promised blue wave with a red one in coming November midterms.
They have a clear edge over deranged Dems who prove day by day that they can’t accept the reality that they not only lost the 2016 presidential election but have not been able to come up with the right policies to turn back the red tide.
Meanwhile, all turncoat Michael Cohen managed to do today was to drive Omarosa off the front page.
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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