Yeah. He’s a real fighter.
In fact, he’s such a fighter that he voted for a much broader, all-encompassing, repeal back in 2015 - when it didn’t matter.
Now we can see, for the umpteenth time, exactly who and what John McCain really is. He’s a turncoat, an opportunist, and a promise-peddling glory hound. He’s a man who’s never met a camera he didn’t like, and who will trash his alleged principles at the drop of a hat - if it furthers his own greater glories and protects his seemingly endless career.
Statist Democrats, who once upon a time wanted McCain’s scalp because he was the worst of the Keating Five, are praising him as a hero.
I’m also seeing a lot of “you can’t be too hard on the guy, he has cancer” comments. Sorry, but no. I’ve known lots of people with cancer I’m sorry that Senator McCain has health issues. I genuinely am. However, that’s a separate matter. Poor health doesn’t grant you a free pass when you urinate on the Constitution, your constituents, and 8 years of political promises.
As I said, I’ve known a lot of people who’ve been hit by the “Big C.” Turning your back on your friends, allies, and principles is NOT one of the symptoms. In fact, I’d argue that sickness has a tendency to reveal the truth of a person. Who you “really are” emerges when you’re facing catastrophic loss.
For John McCain, that means a vote to protect failed, anti-constitutional, legislation that he’s been railing against for the better part of a decade. I suspect it also means he’s a guy who took this last opportunity to put a bullet in the agenda of the “wacko birds,” his conservative detractors, and a President he despises.
Integrity be damned. John McCain has taken his revenge.
Lest you think I’m over-selling the scope of the “honorable Senator’s” betrayal, you’ll find more of his scathing, and apparently completely fraudulent, ObamaCare opinions in recent weeks.
Sen. John McCain, once again lit into President Donald Trump for his joint press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin Monday, calling the appearance “one of the most disgraceful performances by an American president in memory.”
“The damage inflicted by President Trump’s naiveté, egotism, false equivalence, and sympathy for autocrats is difficult to calculate,” the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee said in a statement. "But it is clear that the summit in Helsinki was a tragic mistake.
So it is no surprise that President Donald Trump couldn’t manage to say a single nice thing about Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) at an event on Monday where he signed a defense bill named for the former prisoner of war.
Trump went to Fort Drum in New York to sign the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act but did not mention the senator at all in his speech.
McCain became one of Trump’s favorite targets on the presidential campaign trail in 2015 when Trump told supporters he “liked people who weren’t captured.” Trump continually attacked McCain’s status as a war hero.
Trump has been critical of McCain since long before the beginning of his political career, it turns out. A newly unearthed interview of Trump from a “60 Minutes” segment with Dan Rather in 1999 showed Trump making almost the exact same remarks about McCain’s war record.
“He was captured,” Trump said in the 1999 interview. “Does being captured make you a hero? I don’t know. I’m not sure.”
According to John McCain, we are worse off this year than we ever were with Barack Obama, a claim that once again confirms that McCain is not a conservative but rather a puppet of the globalist elite.
McCain’s vote against a Republican push to repeal the Affordable Care Act last year proves that he is a turncoat globalist shill.
By Janet Varney
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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