Huck: When Libs Shout at Me, I Tell Them 1 Quick Story That Always Shuts Them upThe latest Trump administration official to discover that dining outside of the house or apartment is a perilous gambit nowadays is Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
He didn’t get harassed during the meal, for whatever reason, but the restaurant at which he ate was forced to shut down its social media accounts after a visit to a El Tiempo Cantina restaurant in Houston ended with a photograph, according to Fox News.
The picture, which featured Sessions and the son of owner Rolando Laurenzo, eventually brought the restaurant death threats and social media account closure. Laurenzo would even later issue an apology.
I found the outrage kind of amazing since Sessions’ refusal to get involved in any matter concerning Russia is what’s keeping the Robert Mueller deep-sea fishing cruise operational well into the election season. That’s as good a proof as any that the rage here is mostly blind. But whatever — it’s not like anyone who harassed Trump officials in restaurants across the fruited plain actually knew any of their policy positions in depth.
So the whole incident probably shouldn’t surprise Sessions, as should it surprise any Trump administration official. Not a single Republican should be allowed to eat a meal in peace, according to folks like Maxine Waters and her compatriots. At least Sessions got to finish his meal.
As most readers remember, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders wasn’t as lucky. Sanders was hounded from a restaurant in Virginia earlier this summer, and her father, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee made no secret of being pretty angry about it.
But being Mike Huckabee, he also has one simple solution for these sorts of incidents, which he shared on this weekend’s “Fox & Friends.”
“IT’S ABSURD.” -@GovMikeHuckabee reacts after Houston restaurant faces backlash for posting a photo with AG Jeff Sessions
“I don’t think the left even understands the irony of what they’re doing,” Huckabee said. “They say they’re against fascism but they’re practicing a form of fascism by trying to shut down a viewpoint that they don’t agree with.”
“And not just shut down a viewpoint, but shut down anyone who has a commercial enterprise in which they do what they are supposed to do, which is be in business.”
“Maybe we ought to start putting a letter in the window of restaurants — ‘R’ or ‘L’, right or left — and then maybe just have one that says ‘A,’ all, everybody can come here.
“I think that what has to happen is that restaurants and businesses and people need to start pushing back on this very vocal but very un-American minority who thinks that it’s their responsibility to shut down people’s businesses because they don’t like who went into that business in a public place.
“This is really outrageous.”
Asked whether he had been asked to leave places, Huckabee said yes, but just because “they didn’t like what I ordered.”
However, aside from that joke, he said he handles “it a little bit differently.”
“When someone comes up to me in a public place and they get in my face and they tell me I’m the biggest idiot they’ve ever seen, and I’m horrible, and they go through the whole litany of things.
“I just look at them, I let them finish, I smile at them and I say, ‘You know, funny you should say that — my wife says that same thing to me almost every day.”
Huckabee 1, trolls 0.
As someone who spent some time in D.C., I can tell you that there are designated Republican and Democrat bars. This, I suppose, might not be the worst thing — I didn’t meet a whole lot of people who went to these establishments to simply nurse a Yuengling for an hour or so and then take the Metro back to their apartment.
An alcohol-fuled atmosphere led to a lot of, ahem, vociferous disagreements if there was an interloper — but this policy was completely voluntary and I didn’t see bouncers ejecting liberals or conservatives on sight.
When it comes to restaurants, this is significantly different. It’s essentially saying that you don’t have to serve who you don’t want to because you don’t agree with their political views. That’s going to lead to a country like the one that Huckabee described — and God help us all if that’s where we end up.
The restaurant owner who had to apologize for serving Jeff Sessions could tell us how much he liked it.
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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