Anti-Trump FBI Agent Peter Strzok Fired
FBI Deputy Director David Bowdich overruled the bureau’s Office of Professional Responsibility, which said Strzok should be suspended for 60 days and demoted.Peter Strzok has been fired from the FBI for violating bureau policies, according to The New York Times. Strzok has come under heavy fire from just about all directions in recent months for sending countless text messages smearing President Donald Trump and making controversial comments that implied he could take action to prevent Trump from taking office. However, he also allegedly sent classified information to a personal email account.
Aitan Goelman, Strzok’s attorney, released a statement on Monday indicating that FBI Deputy Director David Bowdich overruled the bureau’s Office of Professional Responsibility, who suggested Strzok only be suspended for 60 days and demoted a second time. Strzok’s actions were so heinous that the FBI’s No.2 overruled regular process and axed the anti-Trump agent marred in controversy.
“The decision to fire Special Agent Strzok is not only a departure from typical bureau practice, but also contradicts Director Wray’s testimony to Congress and his assurances that the F.B.I. intended to follow its regular process in this and all personnel matters,” Goelman said in his statement.
As reported by Conservative Daily Post, Strzok served as the No. 2 counterintelligence analyst at the FBI before being demoted last year and fired from Special Counsel Robert Mueller‘s team after an internal probe found that he had sent hundreds of anti-Trump text messages to Lisa Page, a former lawyer at the FBI lawyer with whom he was having an affair.
Page abruptly resigned earlier this month amid the numerous allegations against her.
The IG’s report, which was released earlier this month, also revealed that Strzok told Page on Nov. 8, 2016, that he (and others) would never let Trump become president. Some theorists have speculated that Strzok was really a CIA agent, given his father’s activity, but those allegations have not been proven.
“He’s not ever going to become president, right? Right?!’ Page wrote to Strzok.
Strzok responded: “No. No, he’s not. We’ll stop it.”
CDP has also reported extensively on Strzok’s bias and extreme hatred for Trump. In the text messages between Strzok and Page, which were handed over to Congress earlier this year, the former No. 2 at the bureau spoke about an “insurance policy” in the case that Trump won the election and mentioned a “secret society” to unseat a duly elected president.
As many would argue, it was more than obvious that Strzok was extremely biased against Trump, which top bureau officials determined was apparent in his work.
He sent and received countless text messages disparaging the president while he was leading the Clinton email investigation during the 2016 election — when she was running against Trump.
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