The truth behind the rhetoric From the diary of A Patriot, Bill Sharpe

Good morning to my fellow constitutional loving

Good morning my friends
, Americans patriot constitutionalist
, Americans patriot constitutionalist
Here's my thought for today

Hello, my Christian constitutional American patriots.
Good morning friends and fellow Americans and patriots,
Greetings to my Christian friend's Patriots 3% ers, and tea party freedom fighters.
When you realize the conspiracy is nothing more than the mechanics of evil, everything changes!
Hello friends, going to try to articulate so that you can understand the mechanics of these criminals that we are going up against.
These people are the creators of crime mayhem and destruction not only in our country but in all Countries!
This legal warfare and this righteous battle that you gentlemen And a few others have taken upon ourselves has been going on for thousands of years, I don't know if you realize the debts of the corruption and the evil that you Have been taking on, so I am going to try to explain some of the things that they do to silence people like us who edify the ignorant and to arm them as an intellectual Army against evil!
Generally what they do when they encounter people like ourselves is they know that we know that we are trapped in a cage and fighting to get out, and they watch our actions as if we were watching an animal trying to escape from the cage.
Once we find an opening or a weak spot in that cage they will rush to repair that weak spot, Then they will cure it by changing legislation, changing the rules, or by any means that are necessary to keep the prey in the game under lock and key.
Generally what they'll do is they find someone who is extremely desperate, someone is really sick in their family and the person who cares the most cannot financially cover expenses or other reasons that make someone desperate, but usually, they use love against people as a weapon.
So they entrap someone into their selective justice system and they tell them if they go do something for them they can get charges dropped against them the desperate, so what they do is they give them information about people like us, they tell them to get intoxicated and run a car into our family, or run over one of our children, or kidnap one of our children!
They will create an act that takes president over our thought process, stopping any attempts in trying to get out of the cage, They will poison us a family member or create cancer or diabetes or heart disease in our lives or in someone we love or care about.
Look at what has happened to a lot of people around the Clintons.
Then they use the courts to draw these people in to make some unwitting accomplices in their grand schemes if their patsies should grow a conscience they have a backup plan for that.
They are entrenched in our lives in such a way that if you wrote the story no one would believe it except the victims or one of the assassins, They would be the only ones who know the truth other than the criminally insane psychopath and serial killers who are empowered.
What you/we are attempting to do is nothing different than what the founding fathers accomplish for a short period of time, a matter of fact WE are the founding fathers of the 20th century.
Don't think for one second that this correspondence has not been compromised by one or more their agents before you get a chance to read it.
I know it sounds like conspiracy theory, unfortunately, I hope you do not find out that it's not, and you take measures and steps to protect you and your families, I know that will be hard to do for you guys because you do not think like the evil or insane people, and sane people have a very difficult time understanding this criminal mentality because that's not who we are, and we do not think those things.
Jesus and his friends were the first ones who went against this regime, and I'm sure you are all men who have read the Bible and know how that turned out.
I have so much respect for you guys and what you're doing I could never in any amount of words describe my admiration for what you're trying to do, and I pray to God That we are successful and that God protects us from this evil in this world.
These people that we are up against are the cancer and destroyers of our society, and they are the most vicious predators that any human will ever come up against in our lives.
I know you're quite aware they create such stress that it causes murder-suicide among some in our society, but what you may not be aware of is that they do not have a conscience and absolutely no apathy for anyone.
You have to start thinking like a hunter and pray, start looking behind you my friends because I am quite sure without a shadow of a doubt that they are stalking us and have been for quite some time, it's just a game for them!
If you have not taken steps to protect yourself and your family you must do so now, and you must also ask yourself this important question, what is it that I have that they want?
These people stalk our naturally born true leaders from birth and try to corrupt their lives so they can use these people for their benefit, one of the purposes of DNA testing is to find those with leadership DNA or those who are related to a particular group of people who are a threat to them!
Why do you think they had their scientists Create DNA Tracking, to try to catch criminals? No, it is to protect the real criminals from being caught, by taking out their opposition at birth or before they're born!
This is probably the reason for so many abortions, remember how we trusted the judges to be fair, what if your doctor tells your wife that something is wrong with your unborn child and you should abort?
I have never had a direction or purpose in my life as I have to defeat this evil!
God is bringing us together we are his army.
Sincerely, Bill Sharpe
God Bless America is an American patriotic song written by Irving Berlin in 1918 and revised by him in 1938. The later version was recorded by Kate Smith, Note: I would Like you to take the 5 minutes and listen to the words of this Song and remember the Generation that fought A world war so we could be free, So stand up beside Her and let's take our Country back, my Patriot Friends!

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)

and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust
Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy
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