Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Whoopi Is Finished:Judge Jeanine Puts Goldberg In Her Place With One Final Zinger

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Whoopi Is Finished: Judge Jeanine Puts Goldberg In Her Place With One Final Zinger
 In a week where serious events took up most of the news, we had the Whoopi Goldberg/Judge Jeanine feud to add a bit of bizarre levity to the whole thing.
Pirro, as you may have heard, was invited on ABC’s “The View” only to be summarily told “goodbye” by co-host Goldberg when Pirro brought up violence committed by illegal immigrants. Because clearly, when someone gives you the phlegmatic attempt at summary dismissal that appending “goodbye” to the end of an argument entails, they’ve obviously won. If there’s anything that my years of scrutinizing public discourse has taught me, it’s that.
Or not that. In fact, the exact opposite of that. Whatever.
Things apparently got even worse backstage, where Pirro alleges Goldberg accosted her and spit in her face.
‘”I’m walking downstairs and I said something like, ‘Whoopi, I fought for victims my whole life,’ and she came at me as I was leaving and she said ‘F you’ in my face – literally spitting at me ‘F you, get the F out of this building,’” Pirro told Sean Hannity on Thursday.
“And I said to her, ‘Did you just say that?’ She said, ‘That’s what I said, get the F out of this building.’ And she was screaming at me, and I’m walking out of the building like a dog who was just kicked off.”
Goldberg, meanwhile, insists she said a “few choice words I cannot repeat,” but claims she didn’t spit at Pirro or instigate the confrontation.
Pirro had the last laugh on her Fox News show Saturday, giving some gratitude to Goldberg for the free advertisement.
“I do want to thank Whoopi and the ladies for helping to make my book No. 1 on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. So go out and get a copy if you haven’t already,” a smiling Pirro said during her show, according to the Daily Wire.
“All of you saw it, and most of you probably heard both my and Whoopi’s version of what you didn’t see after I was thrown off the set. But I’m not here to rehash old news, and in the spirit of tonight’s opening statement, I’d like to close the book on this and move on,” she said. “And I’d like you to do so, as well.”
However, before that, she did have one choice zinger directed at Goldberg: “I much preferred you in the movie ‘Ghost’ than on ‘The View.’”
There’s actually a whole lot of truth hidden in this witticism regarding Whoopi’s career choices.
Younger conservatives might not remember that Goldberg was an actress and comedian — and a fairly competent one at that, winning a deserved Academy Award for her role as a charlatan medium who suddenly realizes she has actual psychic powers in the aforementioned “Ghost” — before she became a liberal pundit of significantly reduced competency.
Last Thursday’s clash on “The View” proved that the intersection between post-Obama liberal anger and the ineffable truth of William F. Buckley’s old nostrum — “Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views” — hasn’t been a particularly good look for the left.
Indeed, the fact that there was another position on the problems that illegal immigration poses that hadn’t already been expressed on the set of “The View” by the token conservative presence of Meghan McCain was so deeply shocking to Ms. Goldberg that she literally had to shut down the interview the instant it was expressed and throw herself into backstage histrionics against the guest who expressed it. (Allegedly, cough cough.)
“The View’s” studio audience and Whoopie’s fans across the country are no doubt impressed by this all. The rest of America (more sensibly, in my view) seemed to espy in Pirro a dissenting presence from the ideological conformity disguised as debate that parades itself before viewers each morning on ABC.
And so, they bought Pirro’s book (titled “Liars, Leakers, and Liberals: The Case Against the Anti-Trump Conspiracy,” if you’re looking for a copy).
It seems the anti-imprimatur of Goldberg was a better advertisement than whatever Pirro’s publisher could have cooked up.
There are certain clubs where being blackballed should be a symbol of pride. “The View” is definitely one of them — and, as Pirro learned, getting tossed can be very profitable.
Here is the clip of the heated exchange between Judge Pirro and Whoopi Goldberg:

Stand with
Judge Jeanine

We, the American people, are sick and tired of the roadblock on justice that is Jeff Sessions.
We want someone in the AG’s office who will GET THINGS DONE.

That person is JUDGE JEANINE PIRRO. Judge Jeanine knows exactly what the President wants--and what THE AMERICAN PEOPLE NEED.

Today, we are joining forces to tell the President: OUT WITH SESSIONS, IN WITH JUDGE JEANINE!

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust

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