FBI Rob Rosenstein NOW desperately trying to weasel out with inconsequential results that are only designed to muddy the Already putrid stinking sludge that is THE Washington DC POLITICAL SEWER BELOW the SWAMP that has been for decades the Global swamp infested by creatures the like of Bill & Hillary Clinton; Barry Soetoro aka Barrack Hussein Obama; Biden; Comey; Brennan; Clapper; Lynch; Holder; Zuckerberg; Orr; Rosenstein; McCabe; Strzok; Paige; Coke Bros.; the Round Table; Chamber of Commerce; Microsoft; Apple; Sotomayor, Ginsberg; McCain; Warner; Warren; Cummings; Booker; Menendez; Cohen; Cuomo; Jackson Lee; Flowers; Schumer; Gillibrand; Waters; Pelosi; Yes even, Session, Ryan & McConnell!.
The endless list of names reads like a Who's Who in the DC POWER CIRCLES and Comprised of industrialists, Lame Street Fake Media, Politicians and one underlying GLOBAL spiderweb that connects Soros to this stinking convoluted collusion with his money!. Unfortunately, it goes much much further back in time; back to the Rothschilds in the 1600's who started this Global Domination BS!.
Don't believe me!. GOOGLE it, but be aware of the Fact that even GOOGLE is a GLOBALIST PLAYER of the highest order. Even censoring and firing its own conservative employees. GOOGLE will hide conservative facts on page 5 or even lower to make determined research more difficult. The Sad State of Affairs our President had to deal with when he took Office!. To his credit, he has already done more to undo previous administrations snafus and outright Anarchistic actions going back decades in a mere 18 months in Office.
Case in Point; has brought American Hostages/Prisoners back from Rogue North Korea and stopped Ballistic Missile testing. CRUISE MISSILES weapons of mass destruction violators in Syria and Dropped a MOAB on the Al Keida and the Taliban in Afghanistan. In short; put the ENTIRE WORLD ON NOTICE that there is a NEW SHERIFF in Town . . .tells it like IT IS and takes few prisoners. I am 100% behind my President to Hell and back. I have his back as he has mine and will back him if need be with my Life. These are not idle comments. I have proven otherwise with action, not idle words. So help me God!.
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust
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