TELL ME where you see ONE Democrat willing to work with our President?
TELL ME where you see ONE RINO willing to work with our President?
TELL ME that NO double standard exists between the elite corrupt LEFT and the REST of us?
TELL ME where you see justice being dully served for the traitors within the FBI, the Obama administration, and the Clinton cartel?
TELL ME that MSM does not create FAKE NEWS stories to purposefully COVER UP the REAL crimes of TREASON & SEDITION committed by the Deep State?
TELL ME how Hollywood, Retail, Food & Music Industry liberals are allowed to threaten the President, his family or members of his staff without consequence?
TELL ME how an open borders policy that allows illegal immigrants who have NO intention of assimilating to our culture, to come here for the purpose of draining the host nation; those illegal immigrants including - terrorists, criminals, drug cartel lords, MS-13 gang members, rapists, murderers, AND invaders promoting a sick ideology that goes completely against our Constitution and is incompatible with our way of life... tell me how THAT open border policy would make America SAFE?
TELL ME how we have come to this point in time where people have become so dumbed-down to the things that really matter; how they have no respect for others, refuse to accept responsibility, avoid accountability, and feel entitled to things they are too lazy to make an effort to earn themselves?
TELL ME how it is acceptable and OK to offend ANYONE just as long as you don’t offend a Muslim?
TELL ME how it is wrong to separate a child from its criminal parent, BUT perfectly ok to MURDER a human child growing in the womb of its own mother?
TELL ME that the Democrat party is not part of a globalist agenda promoting socialism & communism, attempting to take control of the United States and destroy America as we know it?
Knowing all of this... TELL ME how war is NOT inevitable WHEN the Enemy completely surrounds us, is unwilling to work with us at EVERY level, operates with weapons of LIES, HATRED, VIOLENCE, PROPAGANDA & BIGOTRY, and REFUSES to follow the Rule of LAW our forefathers gave their lives for in order that WE could live as FREE People?
PLEASE TELL ME that I am NOT alone in my feelings of contempt for those who want to destroy us?
Prayers and words are NOT going to save us. The time for ACTION is coming. I do not wish for war, but if war comes to America, I pledge that I shall FIGHT to defend her. And with God’s help, may the fires of HELL destroy ALL of our Enemies, and may we continue to live in FREEDOM. God Bless America!
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust
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