It may well be that Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein’s Friday press conference was the final straw.
Republicans Reportedly Ready To Impeach Rosenstein; Here’s What We Know…
With Attorney General Jeff Sessions still missing in action and derelict in his duties, the political hack Rosenstein has been running the show at the Justice Department which has stonewalled every attempt by Congress to get to the bottom of Operation Get Trump.
Rosenstein’s arrogant attitude was on full display when he appeared before the House Judiciary Committee last month where he smirked and dodged questions like a man who understands that he is immune to oversight and above the law.
He has reportedly threatened members of Congress, their staffers and has refused to reign in the Deep State’s hitman Robert Mueller whose ever-expanding investigation may never end.
Rosenstein also just went to the unprecedented lengths of interfering in the confirmation process of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh when he called for a small army of federal prosecutors to investigate the federal circuit judge. It’s yet another blatant example of how politicized that the Justice Department became under the eight-year reign of Barack Obama.
On Friday, Rosenstein decided to grab the news cycle when President Trump was overseas. It was a breach in decorum that in saner times would have resulted in bipartisan condemnation instead of the slavering praise that was lavished on a guy who is so crooked that he has to screw his pants on in the mornings.
But that shameless violation of protocol designed to undermine Trump’s meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin could prove to be Rosenstein’s undoing because according to reports, Republicans have had all that they are going to take and are readying a push to impeach the bastard.
Via Politico “House conservatives prep push to impeach Rosenstein”:
House conservatives are preparing a new push to oust Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, according to three conservative Capitol Hill sources — putting the finishing touches on an impeachment filing even as Rosenstein announced the indictment of 12 Russian intelligence officers for interfering in the 2016 election.
House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows, in fact, had the impeachment document on the floor of the House at the very moment that Rosenstein spoke to reporters and TV cameras Friday.
Conservative sources say they could file the impeachment document as soon as Monday, as Meadows and Freedom Caucus founder Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) look to build Republican support in the House. One source cautioned, however, that the timing was still fluid.
“It has not been filed today,” was all Meadows spokesman Ben Williamson would say. Williamson declined to rule out whether Meadows intended to file the document next week.
Republicans could also try to hold Rosenstein in contempt of Congress if they want to go a step before impeachment.
Any attempt to impeach would all but certainly result in mass rent-a-mobs taking to the streets in what has become an almost weekly occasion now that it has become clear that the political left no longer has any use for the legitimate political process and refuses to honor the results of elections.
Whether the GOP has to stones to actually go through with it remains to be seen.
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
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