What has become of "that America", where right is right and wrong is wrong; where good behavior is rewarded and bad behavior is punished?
"I Love Lucy" and "The Andy Griffith Show" represented something good and wholesome; a sense of right and wrong. Andy (Sheriff Taylor) was my hero. He always knew when to sternly enforce the law and when to grant a little grace.
We did not have any of this "Cultural and Moral Relativism" intellectual mumbo-jumbo nonsense which is really code for "get out of my way and let me do evil".
A young intern gave the married U.S. president oral sex and was rewarded with instant celebrity, millions of dollars in income and even her own television show. As for the president on the receiving end, he left with a big smile on his face, and the liberal media and his sycophants said, "Hey, "any" man given the same opportunity would have accepted the young woman's pleasuring".
The black rapper, Kanye West made an irresponsible, divisive and outrageous statement on national TV. West said federal relief for victims of hurricane Katrina was slow because "President Bush hates black people". A few days later, West received a music award and guest star appearances on several TV shows.
A more serious situation has arisen to reveal how far we have or have not strayed from the core values and sense of right and wrong of days gone by.
Popping up in states across America are "Budget Wars"; state governors attempting to take fiscal responsibility vs. selfish unions.
Scenarios similar to scenes in, "The Sopranos", are being played out across America. Governors are saying, "We are billions of dollars in the red. Our budget is unsustainable. We're bordering bankruptcy. We must cut spending. We simply do not have the money."
In response, state unions and teachers are saying, "Screw you. Pay me!"
Rather than getting into the details of these budget battles, I wish to stay focused on the moral issues embedded in the situation.
Teachers unions are protesting in the streets and giving tearful interviews to the press, despicably using our children as pawns of their selfish temper tantrums. Is this who we have become as Americans? I think not.
In the past, a surefire way for unions and Democrat politicians to get their way was to, while choking back tears, claim, "It's for the children." Any and all opposition to their requests was dead in the water.
The Tea Party Movement has spawned a new era of sophisticated well-informed voters. Taxpayers instinctively know, "Something has got to be done". States cannot continue their crazy spending. Despite media attempts to portray the union protesters in a positive light, folks ain't buyin' it.
To spite that millions still celebrate character and playing by the rules.
I know it sounds corny, but if we think we are entitled to reap the rewards of the risks and hard work of others; if we are all about self; if we do not care about our state or our country if our attitude is "Screw you. Pay me", then we will have lost the America my generation loved.
I believe such selfish thinking is in a minority. Americans overwhelmingly elected Republicans to reign in the out of control irresponsible spending. Even democrat New York governor Andrew Cuomo is attempting to reign in spending.
We must stand behind these courageous governors. Encourage them to stay strong and vigilant in their herculean task; moving us a step closer to taking back America.
Now on the Eve of July 4th, 2018 the arrogant, insanely anti-American FACEBOOK has banned the pro-America music video of beloved American patriot Lloyd Marcus.
The lyrics and music of the video, which features pictures of many American heroes, past and present, including Presidents Ronald Reagan, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Donald Trump; public figures Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., abolitionist and statesman Frederick Douglass, Supreme Court Judge Clarence Thomas, Herman Cain, who was a 2012 presidential candidate, among many others, is the kind of inspiration that renews pride in America and tugs at patriot heartstrings.
Given that Facebook is an American multinational that banks billions from the privilege of operating on American soil, makes the banning of this inspirational video, a national disgrace on the eve of Independence Day, 2018.
“Since when did reminding people of who we are as Americans and encouraging people to turn to God become political?
Facebook has gone full-blown supportive of leftist politics and anti-God. Gender has become totally politicized. Facebook offers 71 gender options which include asexual, polygender and two-spirit persons – whatever the heck that is.
“In his rejected ad by Facebook, he said, “My fellow Americans my heart goes out for our country. We have fallen away from biblical principles and values which have made America the shining city on a hill. During your July 4th Independence Day celebration, between eating burgers and hot-dogs, please gather your family to enjoy this new 4-minute music video reminding us of who we are as Americans. Happy Independence Day! Thanks and God Bless.” Lloyd Marcus
Folks, Facebook attempting to silence conservative speech is only the beginning. The American left is openly and boldly attacking Godly principles and values which have made America great – the shining city on a hill.
Trump is swiftly rolling back Obama’s 8 years of leftists’ transformation of America and it is making leftists deranged.
“As a Christian, I know Trump’s presidency is God giving us a chance to restore our great nation. I hated watching Obama tear-down the joy and dignity of being an American; instilling class envy and racial hatred among US citizens, rolling out the red carpet for illegal’s and encouraging Americans to get on welfare.
“We are better than this, we are Americans”! Please do not allow the American left to silence conservative speech.
The ‘We Are Americans’ video by Lloyd Marcus should be sung from the rooftops on July 4th, 2018.
The music video is a song, a beautiful song whose very words are a prayer.
Sing the song in every state of the union. Play it for your children. Make ‘We are Americans’ your own fervent prayer.
Celebrate life in America, celebrate God’s smile on her.
Keep the Lloyd Marcus ‘We Are Americans’ song forever in your heart.
By Janet Varney
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)
and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust
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